Visiting Researchers in UH Laboratories
Persons 18 years of age and above, not affiliated with the University will be allowed to visit, volunteer in, access, participate and/or conduct academic research at the University of Houston (UH) under the direction or mentorship of a UH Sponsor.
Refer to EHS Policy Governing Visiting Researchers in UH Laboratories.
UH Sponsor who is hosting a Visiting Researcher at UH laboratories as part of an educational research experience (not under UH employment and not a UH student) must complete the following prior to engaging the Visiting Researcher in laboratory research activities:
- Submit the Visiting Researcher Application Form, obtain EHS written recommendations*, Department Chair/College Dean approval
- Obtain signed Release and Indemnification Agreement* “Consent Form” from the Visiting Researcher
- My UHID or PeopleSoft ID # from Department Business Office
*EHS will provide the UH Release and Indemnification Agreement form after initial review of application.