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Courses: Music (MUSI)College: Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Any TCCN equivalents are indicated in square brackets [ ].
MUSI 1100: Marching Band
Cr. 1. (1-5). Prerequisite: admission by audition. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 1101: Concert Band
Cr. 1. (1-5). Prerequisite: admission by audition. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 1102: Wind Ensemble
Cr. 1. (1-5). Prerequisite: admission by audition. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 1103: Cougar Brass
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: admission by audition. Does not fulfill the
requirements for large ensemble for music majors. May be repeated for
MUSI 1110: Jazz Orchestra
Cr. 1. (1-4). Prerequisite: admission by audition. May be repeated for
credit but no more than four semesters may be used to satisfy the
requirements for large ensemble music majors.
MUSI 1120: University Chorus
Cr. 1. (1-2). Prerequisite: admission by audition. No student will be
allowed to enroll in more than two choral organizations in any one
semester. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 1121: Concert Chorale
Cr. 1. (1-4). Prerequisite: admission by audition. No student will be
allowed to enroll in more than two choral organizations in any one
semester. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 1140: Orchestra
Cr. 1. (1-5). Prerequisite: admission by audition. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 1160: Group Piano I
Cr. 1 per semester. (1-1). Prerequisite: admission as music major.
Introduction to piano playing for music majors without previous
keyboard training.
MUSI 1161: Group Piano II
Cr. 1 per semester. (1-1). Prerequisite: admission as music major.
Introduction to piano playing for music majors without previous
keyboard training.
MUSI 1170: Aural Skills I
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: credit for or enrollment in MUSI 1310. Introduction to solfege, melodic and harmonic dictation. Aural skills exercises in diatonic materials, simple meters.
MUSI 1171: Aural Skills II
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisites: MUSI 1170 and credit for or enrollment in MUSI 1311. Continuation of MUSI 1170, through modal mixture and diatonic sevenths; compound meter; decorative chromaticism; alto clef.
MUSI 1200: Class Voice
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Class studies in vocal methods and materials. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 1220: Class Piano I
Cr. 2 per semester. (2-0). Prerequisite for MUSI 1221; MUSI 1220
or consent of instructor. Essentials of piano playing for students
without previous instruction. Open to all students except music majors.
May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 1221: Class Piano II
Cr. 2 per semester. (2-0). Prerequisite for MUSI 1221; MUSI 1220
or consent of instructor. Essentials of piano playing for students
without previous instruction. Open to all students except music majors.
May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 1300: Fundamentals of Music
Cr. 3. (3-0). Primarily for nonmusic majors. Does not require any
musical background. Does not fulfill any degree requirement for music
major. An introduction to music through a study of its melodic,
rhythmic, and harmonic elements.
MUSI 1301: Rudiments of Theory
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: Music majors only or consent of instructor. A non-degree applicable preparatory music theory course including a study of its melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic elements of music.
MUSI 1310: Theory I
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: passing grade on the Theory Entrance Exam.
Review of musical rudiments; harmony and voice-leading through
submediant and mediant chords; figured bass; cadences and phrase
structure; basic analysis; elementary composition.
MUSI 1311: Theory II
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 1310.
Harmony and voice-leading through modal mixture, secondary dominants
and modulation; periodic structures; further analysis and composition.
MUSI 2101: Vocal Diction
Cr. 1. (1-1). Study of pronunciation of texts in vocal music. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 2160: Group Piano III
Cr. 1 per semester. (1-1). Prerequisite: MUSI 1161
or by advanced placement. Development of the ability to use the piano
in a functional way for analysis, accompanying, and arranging.
MUSI 2161: Group Piano IV
Cr. 1 per semester. (1-1). Prerequisite: MUSI 1161
or by advanced placement. Development of the ability to use the piano
in a functional way for analysis, accompanying, and arranging.
MUSI 2170: Aural Skills III
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisites: MUSI 1171 and passing grade on Aural Skills Proficiency Exam I; credit for or concurrent enrollment in MUSI 2210. Tenor clef; secondary dominants; elementary modulation; more advanced rhythmic problems, including borrowed divisions.
MUSI 2171: Aural Skills IV
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisites: MUSI 2170 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in MUSI 2214.
Advanced chromaticism; remote modulation; quintuple meters;
introduction to twentieth century materials, including modes and
MUSI 2188: Collaborative Keyboard
Cr. 1. (1-0). Techniques for developing skills in sight reading,
keyboard harmony, rhythmic training, and accompanying. May be repeated
for a maximum of four semester hours.
MUSI 2210: Theory III
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisites: MATH 1310, MUSI 1311,
and passing grade on Theory Proficiency Exam II. Harmony and
voice-leading through linear chords, the Neapolitan and augmented
sixths, advanced modulation, ninth chords; binary form; more advanced
modulation and composition
MUSI 2214: Techniques of Music Since 1900 (formerly MUSI 3210)
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisites: MATH 1310; MUSI 2210
and passing grade on Theory Proficiency Exam III. Study of
compositional practices of the twentieth century and later, through
analysis and composition exercises.
MUSI 2302: Listening to Jazz
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Introduction to jazz listening and jazz history through the study of specific works in historical and cultural contexts.
MUSI 2320: Computers and Technology for Musicians
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: music major or minor. Introduction to the
use of computers and related technology for musicians, including
notation, music theory, composition, presentation, and general
integrated software applications.
MUSI 2361: Music and Culture
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: MUSI 1311 and ENGL 1304. An introduction to the traditional musics of selected cultures.
MUSI 2362: History of Music I
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 2361. Survey of western classical music from the Middle Ages through the Baroque period.
MUSI 3100: Woodwinds
1 per semester. (1-1). May not serve as an advanced music elective.
Class studies in woodwind instruments primarily for music education -
instrumental majors.
MUSI 3101: Woodwinds
1 per semester. (1-1). May not serve as an advanced music elective.
Class studies in woodwind instruments primarily for music education -
instrumental majors.
MUSI 3102: Brasses
1 per semester. (1-1). May not serve as an advanced music elective.
Class studies in brass instruments primarily for music education -
instrumental majors.
MUSI 3103: Brasses
1 per semester. (1-1). May not serve as an advanced music elective.
Class studies in brass instruments primarily for music education -
instrumental majors.
MUSI 3104: Strings
1 per semester. (1-1). Prerequisite: approval of the School of Music.
May not serve as an advanced music elective for music majors.
MUSI 3105: Strings
1 per semester. (1-1). Prerequisite: approval of the School of Music.
May not serve as an advanced music elective for music majors.
MUSI 3106: Percussion
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: approval of the School of Music. May not serve as an advanced music elective for music majors.
MUSI 3107: Basic Vocal Techniques
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May not be used as
an advanced music elective. Class studies in vocal methods and
materials for music certification. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 3108: Piano for Choral Directors
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: pass piano proficiency exam or consent of
instructor. May not be used as an advanced music elective. Develop
piano skills for the choral ensemble including accompanying,
transposition, and score reading and reduction.
MUSI 3110: Jazz Improvisation
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 3160: Advanced Sight Reading for Keyboard Players
Cr. 1. (1-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 1311. Advanced techniques in reading
MUSI 3215: Introduction to Large Forms
Cr. 2. (2-1). Prerequisites: MUSI 2214 and passing grade on Theory Proficiency Exam IV and Aural Skills
Proficiency Exam II. Introduction to the study of larger musical forms
of the eighteenth through twentieth centuries; introduction to the
analysis of contrapuntal textures.
MUSI 3216: Analysis (formerly MUSI 4211)
Cr. 2. (2-1). Prerequisite: MUSI 2214. Analysis of selected musical literature.
MUSI 3261: Keyboard Harmony
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 1311. Theory at the keyboard, harmonization, improvisation, figured bass, and keyboard techniques.
MUSI 3300: Listening to Music Masterworks
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. An introduction to the masterworks of Western music from Gregorian chant to the present.
MUSI 3301: Listening to World Music
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. An introduction to the folk and traditional musics of selected world cultures.
MUSI 3303: Popular Music of the Americas Since 1840
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Historical survey of popular music styles from the U.S., Mexico, the Caribbean, and Latin America from 1840 to the present.
MUSI 3363: History of Music II
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 2362. Survey of western classical music from the Classical period through Wagner.
MUSI 3364: History of Music III
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3363. Survey of western classical music from Wagner to the present.
MUSI 3399:MUSI 4399: Senior Honors Thesis
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0). Prerequisite: approval of the director of the School of Music. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 4100: Chamber Music
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: enrollment for wind, string, or percussion
instrument or piano. May not serve as advanced music elective for music
majors. May be repeated for credit beyond degree requirements with
approval of director of the School of Music. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 4102: Acting for Opera
Cr. 1. (1-2). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Basics of acting in
a solo situation with the added dimension of music. Topics include
physical awareness, improvisation, focus, gesture, dramatic and musical
analysis, and style of presentation in auditions and concerts. Lecture,
presentations, critiques, and in-class exercises.
MUSI 4103: Collegium Musicum
Cr. 1. (1-2). Prerequisites: admission by audition only; approval of student's applied instructor and/or area coordinator. An ensemble specializing in historical performances of early music. May count as chamber music credit with approvals. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 4104: New Music Ensemble
Cr. 1. (1-2). Prerequisites: admission by audition only; approval of student's applied instructor and/or area coordinator. May count as chamber music with approvals. May not serve as advanced music elective or advanced music history/literature elective. May be repeated for a maximum of four semester hours.
MUSI 4105: Vocal Chamber Ensemble
Cr. 1. (1-2). Prerequisite: admission by audition or consent of
instructor. Does not fulfill the requirements for large ensemble for
majors. May not serve as an advanced music elective or advanced
history/literature elective for music majors. May be repeated for
MUSI 4110: Chamber Music - Strings
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in applied
instruction in strings. May not serve as advanced music elective for
music majors. May be repeated for credit beyond degree requirements
with approval of the director of the School of Music.
MUSI 4112: Chamber Music - Woodwinds
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in applied
instruction in winds. May not serve as advanced music elective for
music majors. May be repeated for credit beyond degree requirements
with approval of the director of the School of Music.
MUSI 4114: Chamber Music - Brass
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in applied
instruction in brass. May not serve as advanced music elective for
music majors. May be repeated for credit beyond degree requirements
with approval of the director of the School of Music.
MUSI 4118: Saxophone Ensemble
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in applied saxophone.
May not serve as advanced music elective for music majors. May be
repeated for credit beyond degree requirements with approval of the
director of the School of Music.
MUSI 4120: Percussion Ensemble
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in applied
percussion. May not serve as advanced music elective for music majors.
May be repeated for credit beyond degree requirements with approval of
the director of the School of Music.
MUSI 4122: Electronic Composition
Cr. 1. (1-1). Prerequisite: composition majors studying at the 3000-level or by consent of Composition Area Coordinator. Basic composition techniques in electronic music; an historic overview and study of significant works of electronic music.
MUSI 4197: Selected Topics in Music
Cr. 2 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. (2-0).
Prerequisites: MUSI 3300 or 3364 and consent of instructor. May be
repeated with approval of director of the School of Music.
MUSI 4198: Independent Study
Cr. 1 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite:
approval of director of the School of Music. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 4220: Choral Conducting I
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisites: MUSI 2214 and 2171.
Fundamental aspects of gesture in choral conducting, particularly
physiology, preparation, the proper execution of beat patterns, cuing,
and releases. Introduces rudimentary score marking and score study.
MUSI 4221: Choral Conducting II
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 4220. Builds on skills acquired in MUSI 4220
and examines the execution of dynamics and character in the conducting
gesture. Continues the discussion of comprehensive score study.
MUSI 4230: Instrumental Conducting I
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisites: MUSI 2211and 2214.
Fundamental aspects of gesture in instrumental conducting, hierarchical
listening, ensemble sound production and pitch, collective breathing
techniques, basic score study, and rehearsal planning and pacing.
MUSI 4231: Instrumental Conducting II
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 4230. Builds on skills acquired in MUSI 4230
with greater emphasis on score study, and the rehearsal techniques and
diagnostic skills necessary for developing successful instrumental
MUSI 4250: Performance Pedagogy
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisite: junior standing in applied music (MUSA).
MUSI 4297: Selected Topics in Music
Cr. 2 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. (2-0). Prerequisites: MUSI 3300 or 3364 and consent of instructor. May be repeated with approval of director of the School of Music.
MUSI 4298: Independent Study
Cr. 2 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite:
approval of director of the School of Music. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 4301: Modal Counterpoint
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3215 or consent of instructor. Contrapuntal techniques prior to the eighteenth century.
MUSI 4302: Eighteenth Century Counterpoint
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3215 or consent of instructor. Contrapuntal techniques of the eighteenth century.
MUSI 4303: Style Analysis
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3215
or consent of instructor. The study of various styles of music through
analysis of scores from various periods of music history.
MUSI 4304: Chromatic Harmony
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3215 or consent of instructor. Analyses and written exercises of extended tonal and early nontonal music.
MUSI 4312: Orchestration
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: MUSI 2214
and junior standing in composition, or consent of instructor.
Instruments of the orchestra, including ranges, transpositions, and
characteristics; basics of scoring for small and large instrumental
MUSI 4340: Elementary and Middle School Instrumental Administration
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUED 3320. Recruiting methods, materials and organization applicable to the beginning band/orchestra program; wind instrument instruction and student accountability. May not be used as
an advanced music elective.
MUSI 4342: Music for Children
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304.
Elements, representative master composer compositions, and song
literature for children. May not serve as an advanced elective for
music majors.
MUSI 4343: Materials for Children's Choirs Grades 4-12
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: MUSI 4221, MUED 3320, and EPSY 3300. May not be used as an advanced music elective. Performance practices, vocal techniques, and music literature.
MUSI 4344: High School Instrumental Administration and Marching Band Techniques
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: MUED 3320, MUSI 4231, and MUSI 4340. Performance practices, instrumental techniques, and music literature. May not be used as an advanced music elective.
MUSI 4357: Music in the Seventeenth Century
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Genres and styles of music from Monteverdi though Buxtehude and their relationship to the culture that produced it.
MUSI 4358: Music of Bach and Handel
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Life, times, and selected musical works by the two most famous composers from the late Baroque: G. F. Handel and J. S. Bach.
MUSI 4360: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and the Classical Style
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Music of the late eighteenth century with emphasis on the Viennese school of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.
MUSI 4361: Music of the Romantic Period I (1800 - 1848)
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Biographical, critical, cultural, and theoretical contexts for early romantic music by composers such as Schubert, Rossini, Berlioz, and Chopin, extending from Beethoven's middle period (ca. 1803) to the revolutions of 1848-9.
MUSI 4363: Music of the Romantic Period II (1848 - 1914)
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Biographical, critical, cultural, and theoretical contexts for late romantic music by composers such as Wagner, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, and Mahler, extending from the revolutions of 1848-9 through 1910.
MUSI 4364: Music in the Twentieth Century I
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. First semester covers the years 1900 - 1945.
MUSI 4365: Music in the Twentieth Century II
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Second semester continues to the present.
MUSI 4366: Music in the United States
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3300 or 3364 or consent of instructor.
A social, historical, and stylistic survey of American music from the
Pilgrims to the present, including popular music in all periods.
MUSI 4380: Opera Literature
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Survey of opera literature from its Baroque era beginnings through the present day.
MUSI 4382: Symphonic Music
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. The birth of the orchestra and a survey of its repertoire from the eighteenth century to the present.
MUSI 4384: Vocal Literature
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Comprehensive survey of vocal literature from the Renaissance through the twentieth century.
MUSI 4386: Choral Literature
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Choral literature, including sources, editions, stylistic considerations, and appropriate performance practices from each of the major periods of music history.
MUSI 4388: Piano Literature
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MUSI 3364. Examination of piano literature from the 17th century to the 20th century.
MUSI 4397: Selected Topics in Music
Cr. 3 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. (3-0).
Prerequisites: MUSI 3300 or 3364 and consent of instructor. May be
repeated with approval of director of the School of Music.
MUSI 4398: Independent Study
Cr. 3 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite:
approval of director of the School of Music. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 4498: Independent Study
Cr. 4 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite:
approval of director of the School of Music. May be repeated for credit.
MUSI 4598: Independent Study
Cr. 5 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite:
approval of director of the School of Music. May be repeated for credit.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: April 11, 2013