Courses: Air Force Science (AFSC)College: Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Any TCCN equivalents are indicated in square brackets [ ].
AFSC 1201: Foundations of the USAF I
Cr. 2 per semester. (1-1). Overall roles and missions of the USAF;
career fields available. Emphasis on military customs and courtesies,
appearance standards, core values, written and personal communication.
Introduction to American military history.
AFSC 1202: Foundations of the USAF II
Cr. 2 per semester. (1-1). Overall roles and missions of the USAF;
career fields available. Emphasis on military customs and courtesies,
appearance standards, core values, written and personal communication.
Introduction to American military history.
AFSC 2201: Evolution of Air Power I
Cr. 2 per semester. (1-1). Key historical events and milestones in the
development of air power as a primary instrument of United States
national security. Core values and competencies of leaders in the
United States Air Force. Tenets of leadership and ethics.
AFSC 2202: Evolution of Air Power II
Cr. 2 per semester. (1-1). Key historical events and milestones in the
development of air power as a primary instrument of United States
national security. Core values and competencies of leaders in the
United States Air Force. Tenets of leadership and ethics.
AFSC 3301: Air Force Leadership Studies I
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-1). Leadership, management fundamentals,
professional knowledge, Air Force personnel and evaluation systems, and
leadership ethics. Case studies of Air Force leadership and management
AFSC 3302: Air Force Leadership Studies II
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-1). Leadership, management fundamentals,
professional knowledge, Air Force personnel and evaluation systems, and
leadership ethics. Case studies of Air Force leadership and management
AFSC 3801: Field Training
Cr. 8. Prerequisite: AFSC 2202
or consent of department chair. No military obligation is associated
with this course. Four week off-campus field training practicum.
Introduces student to Air Force leadership. Places student in demanding
and stressful leadership situations.
AFSC 4301: National Security Affairs I
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-1). Evolution of the role of national security
in a democratic society with emphasis on policy formation, competing
values, and organizations. Civilian control of the military; roles of
the services; functions of the Air Force Commands.
AFSC 4302: National Security Affairs II
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-1). Evolution of the role of national security
in a democratic society with emphasis on policy formation, competing
values, and organizations. Civilian control of the military; roles of
the services; functions of the Air Force Commands.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: July 27, 2011