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Courses: Art (ART)College: Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Any TCCN equivalents are indicated in square brackets [ ].
ART 1301: Fundamentals of Drawing
[TCCN—ARTS 1316]
Cr. 3. (0-6). The use of graphic media to explore fundamental visual relationships.
ART 1304: Fundamentals of Painting
Cr. 3. (0-6). An introduction to the basic perceptual and technical problems involved in various painting media.
ART 1310: Fundamentals of Printmaking
Cr. 3. (0-6). Fine art printing through basic techniques of relief printing, etching, and lithography.
ART 1320: 3-Dimensional Design Principles and Theory I
3. (0-6). Language and application of 3-dimensional design in the
context of visual processing. Emphasis on concept, form/space
relationships, problem solving, and cultivation of integrated thinking
ART 1330: Fundamentals of Graphic Communications
3. (0-6). Principles of design and
problem solving skills through basic form, structure and compositional
ART 1350: Fundamentals of Ceramics
Cr. 3. (0-6). Ceramic design and basic forming and firing techniques.
ART 1360: Fundamentals of Sculpture
Cr. 3. (0-6). Sculptural media, processes, and concepts.
ART 1371: Fundamentals of Photography/Digital Media
Cr. 3. (0-6). Basic perceptual and technical issues of lens-generated imagery.
ART 1372: Fundamentals of Video Art
Cr. 3. (0-6). Exploration of basic technical and perceptual aspects of video in a fine art context.
ART 1382: Fundamentals of Computer Tools in the Arts
Cr. 3. (0-6). Digital image acquisition, manipulation, an output using various software programs.
ART 1383: Introduction to New Media Art
Cr. 3. (0-6). Strategies and form in nontraditional media.
ART 1397: Selected topics in Fundamental Studio Art
Cr. 3. (0-6). May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ART 2396: Selected Topics in Introductory Art
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1303 or equivalent. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ART 2398: Independent Study
3. Prerequisite: a minimum of twelve semester hours of foundation
program studio courses, or approval of the chair. May be repeated for a
maximum of six semester hours.
ART 3300: Intermediate Drawing
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses (1000-level), including ART 1301,
or equivalent. Organizational and technical considerations of
composition in various disciplines of drawing. May be repeated for
credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3301: Life Drawing
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses (1000-level), including ART 1301,
or equivalent. Drawing of the human figure employing studies of the life model in various
media.May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3303: Color
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses (1000-level) or consent of instructor. Examination and application of the
various systems, theories, and considerations for the uses of color in
visual expression. May be repeated for credit with consent of
ART 3304: Intermediate Painting
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses (1000-level), including ART 1304,
or equivalent. Organizational and technical considerations of
composition in various disciplines of painting. May be repeated for
credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3306: Watercolor
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses (1000-level). Investigation of technical processes and
aesthetic considerations of the watercolor medium. May be repeated for
credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3309: Junior Painting Major
3 per course (0-6 each), concurrent enrollment in ART 3309, 3310, and 3311 required. Prerequisites:
completion of premajor courses and approval of major faculty. Advanced
work in drawing: analytical and conceptual projects; emphasis on the
development of individually creative modes. Concentrated work in the
major disciplines; oriented to the discovery of problem-solving
strategies to serve personal and pictorial goals. ART 3309, 3310, and 3311 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3310: Junior Painting Major
3 per course (0-6 each), concurrent enrollment in ART 3309, 3310, and 3311 required. Prerequisites:
completion of premajor courses and approval of major faculty. Advanced
work in drawing: analytical and conceptual projects; emphasis on the
development of individually creative modes. Concentrated work in the
major disciplines; oriented to the discovery of problem-solving
strategies to serve personal and pictorial goals. ART 3309, 3310, and 3311 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3311: Junior Painting Major
3 per course (0-6 each), concurrent enrollment in ART 3309, 3310, and 3311 required. Prerequisites:
completion of premajor courses and approval of major faculty. Advanced
work in drawing: analytical and conceptual projects; emphasis on the
development of individually creative modes. Concentrated work in the
major disciplines; oriented to the discovery of problem-solving
strategies to serve personal and pictorial goals. ART 3309, 3310, and 3311 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3312: Intaglio
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses, or equivalent. Fine art printing in intaglio, including etching,
drypoint, aquatint, photo, and experimental techniques. May be repeated
for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3313: Silkscreen
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses (1000-level), or equivalent. Fine art printing in silkscreen. May
be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3314: Lithography
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses, or equivalent. Fine art printing in stone and metal plate lithography. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3315: Monoprint/Monotype Printmaking
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses or equivalent. Techniques to create one-of-a-kind fine
art prints. May be repeated for credit with the consent of the
ART 3316: Relief Printmaking
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses or equivalent. Fine art printing in woodcut, linocut,
and experimental relief techniques. May be repeated for credit with
consent of instructor.
ART 3317: Photo-Based Printmaking
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses or equivalent. Photo-mechanical printing techniques
including photo-polymer intaglio and relief, photo-lithography, and
polyester plate lithography. May be repeated for credit with consent of
ART 3318: Book Arts
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses or equivalent. Techniques and conceptual considerations
for the production of artist's books. May be repeated for credit with
consent of instructor.
ART 3320: 3-Dimensional Design Principles and Theory II
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses (1000-level) to include ART 1320. Continuation of ART 1320
with emphasis on ideation, design development, complex relationships,
and media interfaces. May be repeated for credit with consent of
ART 3321: Perspective Drawing
3. (0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses or equivalent. Perspective drawing of spaces, products,
and objects. Exploration of line weight, hierarchy, texture, and value
to emphasize form. May be repeated for credit with consent of
ART 3328: Rendering and Sketching
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: ART 3321
or equivalent. Advanced perspective drawing incorporating value and
color to emphasize form. Exploration of several color media
combinations of linear and aerial perspective. May be repeated for
credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3330: Intermediate Graphic Communications
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses (1000-level), including ART 1330, or consent of instructor. Message and meaning in imagery, through media exploration, image stylization, visualizing skills, and basic
typography. May be repeated for credit with consent of
ART 3331: Graphic Design Software
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in ART 3330. Software applications on Macintosh platform
used by graphic designers to include photo imagery, vector graphics,
and typography. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3332: Illustration
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses (1000-level) or consent of instructor. Investigation of the technical and
compositional practices common to the field of contemporary
illustration. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3334: Design Principles
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses (1000-level), including ART 1330,
or consent of instructor. Examination of design methodologies and their use to communicate meaning through images, symbols and signs within structured visual space. May be repeated for credit with instructor consent.
ART 3335: Junior Graphic Communications Major
3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 3335, 3336, and 3337 required.
Prerequisites: completion of premajor courses and review of portfolio
and approval by major faculty. Graphic design with emphasis on
typography, design history and computer, software and technical
processes used in design. May be repeated for credit with instructor
consent. ART 3335, 3336, and 3337 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3336: Junior Graphic Communications Major
3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 3335, 3336, and 3337 required.
Prerequisites: completion of premajor courses and review of portfolio
and approval by major faculty. Graphic design with emphasis on
typography, design history and computer, software and technical
processes used in design. May be repeated for credit with instructor
consent. ART 3335, 3336, and 3337 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3337: Junior Graphic Communications Major
3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 3335, 3336, and 3337 required.
Prerequisites: completion of premajor courses and review of portfolio
and approval by major faculty. Graphic design with emphasis on
typography, design history and computer, software and technical
processes used in design. May be repeated for credit with instructor
consent. ART 3335, 3336, and 3337 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3338: Typography for Graphic Design
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses (1000-level) or consent of instructor. Studies in
typography for graphic design. May be repeated for credit with consent
of instructor.
ART 3350: Intermediate Ceramics
3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 1350 and nine semester hours in foundation program studio courses, or consent of instructor. Processes in designing with clay: hand, wheel, and mold forming: applied decoration; glaze mixing; and firing techniques. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3353: Glaze and Clay Formulations
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: ART 3350 or consent instructor. Exploration of glaze technology and clay composition for expressive purposes. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3358: Clay Processes
3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 1350 and nine semester hours in foundation program studio courses or consent of instructor. Examination of sculptural form through the use of a variety of glazed and unglazed elements. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3360: Intermediate Sculpture
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 1360
and nine semester hours in foundation program studio courses or consent of instructor. Exploration of conceptual
process of sculpture. Creation of objects incorporating light, sound,
and movement.May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3361: Sculptural Processes
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 1360
and nine semester hours in foundation program studio courses
or consent of instructor. Various sculptural processes: may
include casting, metal fabrication, and wood sculpture techniques. May
be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3362: Advanced Sculpture
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: ART 3360
or consent of instructor. Advanced conceptual and expressive problems
in a variety of sculptural media. May be repeated for credit with
consent of instructor.
ART 3363: Advanced Sculpture
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation studio program courses or consent of instructor. Creation and exploration of artworks that are performative or live presentations. May be repeated for credit.
ART 3364: Plastics Fabrication
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 1360 and nine semester hours in foundation program studio courses or consent of instructor. Exploration of plastics as a medium for sculpture, including mold making, vacuum forming, and casting. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3365: Junior Sculpture Major
3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 3365, 3366, and 3367 required.
Prerequisites: completion of premajor courses and approval of major
faculty. Investigation of sculptural problems related to various media.
Sculpture studio emphasizes individual problem solution and expression. ART 3365, 3366, and 3367 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3366: Junior Sculpture Major
3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 3365, 3366, and 3367 required.
Prerequisites: completion of premajor courses and approval of major
faculty. Investigation of sculptural problems related to various media.
Sculpture studio emphasizes individual problem solution and expression. ART 3365, 3366, and 3367 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3367: Junior Sculpture Major
3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 3365, 3366, and 3367 required.
Prerequisites: completion of premajor courses and approval of major
faculty. Investigation of sculptural problems related to various media.
Sculpture studio emphasizes individual problem solution and expression. ART 3365, 3366, and 3367 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3370: Traditional Photography
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in fundamental studio courses to include ART 1371. Exploration of black and white chemcial photographic techniques. May be repeated for credit with instructor consent.
ART 3371: Photography/Digital Media Portfolio Development
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in fundamental studio courses to include ART 1371 plus ART 3374, or consent of instructor. Advanced conceptual and technical skills culminating in portfolio creation for major concentration review. May be repeated for credit with major faculty consent.
ART 3372: Intermediate Video Art
(0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in fundamental studio
courses to include ART 1371 and 1372. Technical skills in video recording and editing, and development of creative means of expression in this time-based media art form. May be repeated for credit with major faculty consent.
ART 3374: Computer Imaging
3. (0-6). Prerequisites: Twelve semester hours in fundamental studio
courses. Development of digital photography skills including scanning, layering and printing, and creative use of computer imaging through collage and other techniques. May be repeated for credit with major faculty consent.
ART 3375: Junior Photography/Digital Media Major
3. (0-6). Prerequisites: concurrent enrollment in ART 3375, 3376, and 3377 completion of pre-major courses and portfolio review, and approval by major faculty. Chemical and digital photography, single and multiple imagery, Web art and video art. May be repeated for credit with faculty permission. ART 3375, 3376, and 3377 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3376: Junior Photography/Digital Media Major
(0-6). Prerequisites: concurrent enrollment in ART 3375, 3376, and 3377
completion of pre-major courses and portfolio review, and approval by
major faculty. Chemical and digital photography, single and multiple
imagery, Web art and video art. May be repeated for credit with faculty
permission. ART 3375, 3376, and 3377 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3377: Junior Photography/Digital Media Major
(0-6). Prerequisites: concurrent enrollment in ART 3375, 3376, and 3377
completion of pre-major courses and portfolio review, and approval by
major faculty. Chemical and digital photography, single and multiple
imagery, Web art and video art. May be repeated for credit with faculty
permission. ART 3375, 3376, and 3377 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 3380: Intermedia Seminar
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses or equivalent and ENGL 1304.
Readings and discussions in new strategies of artistic production
within the context of recent technological, scientific, cultural, and
political developments.
ART 3381: Intermedia Laboratory
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve hours in foundation program studio courses, to include ART 1383 or consent of instructor. Interdisciplinary arts laboratory that fuses emergent media, computer science, performance, music, and digital art,
with emphasis on research, practice, and theory. May be repeated for
credit with consent of instructor.
ART 3395: Selected Topics in Design
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses or consent of instructor. Will be identified by a
specific title each time it is offered. May be repeated for credit when
topics vary.
ART 3396: Selected Topics in Studio Practice
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses or consent of
instructor. Will be identified by a specific title each time it is offered. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ART 3397: Selected Topics in Fine Arts
3. (0-9). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses (1000 level). May be repeated for credit with consent of
ART 3399-4399: Senior Honors Thesis
Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
ART 4198: Independent Study
1. (0-1). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours of foundation program
studio courses and consent of instructor and director. Independent
study. May be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours.
ART 4298: Independent Study
2. (0-2). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours of foundation program
studio courses and consent of instructor and director. Independent
study. May be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours.
ART 4300: Senior Painting Major I
Cr. 3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4300, 4301, and 4302 required. Prerequisites: ART 3309-3310-3311 and review of portfolio by major faculty. ART 4300-4301-4302 must be completed prior to ART 4303-4304-4305.
Development of analytical, conceptual, and critical skills through
intensive studio work, critical studies, faculty mentoring, critiques,
and visiting artists. ART 4300, 4301, and 4302 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4301: Senior Painting Major I
Cr. 3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4300, 4301, and 4302 required. Prerequisites: ART 3309-3310-3311 and review of portfolio by major faculty. ART 4300-4301-4302 must be completed prior to ART 4303-4304-4305.
Development of analytical, conceptual, and critical skills through
intensive studio work, critical studies, faculty mentoring, critiques,
and visiting artists. ART 4300, 4301, and 4302 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4302: Senior Painting Major I
Cr. 3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4300, 4301, and 4302 required. Prerequisites: ART 3309-3310-3311 and review of portfolio by major faculty. ART 4300-4301-4302 must be completed prior to ART 4303-4304-4305.
Development of analytical, conceptual, and critical skills through
intensive studio work, critical studies, faculty mentoring, critiques,
and visiting artists. ART 4300, 4301, and 4302 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4303: Senior Painting Major II
Cr. 3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4303, 4304, 4305 required. Prerequisites: ART 4300-4301-4302
and review of portfolio by major faculty. Continued concentrated studio
immersion emphasizing conceptual and critical skills to develop a
unique, cohesive, pertinent, and timely body of work. Ongoing critical
studies, faculty mentoring, critiques, and visiting artists. ART 4303, 4304, and 4305 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4304: Senior Painting Major II
Cr. 3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4303, 4304, 4305 required. Prerequisites: ART 4300-4301-4302
and review of portfolio by major faculty. Continued concentrated studio
immersion emphasizing conceptual and critical skills to develop a
unique, cohesive, pertinent, and timely body of work. Ongoing critical
studies, faculty mentoring, critiques, and visiting artists. ART 4303, 4304, and 4305 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4305: Senior Painting Major II
Cr. 3 per course. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4303, 4304, 4305 required. Prerequisites: ART 4300-4301-4302
and review of portfolio by major faculty. Continued concentrated studio
immersion emphasizing conceptual and critical skills to develop a
unique, cohesive, pertinent, and timely body of work. Ongoing critical
studies, faculty mentoring, critiques, and visiting artists. ART 4303, 4304, and 4305 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4306: Advanced Drawing
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisite:ART 3300
or equivalent. Nonconventional media with an emphasis on drawing as a
conceptual and expressive tool. May be repeated for credit with consent
of instructor.
ART 4307: Painting for Majors
3. (0-6). Prerequisite: acceptance into a Painting Major
concentration. Advanced conceptual and expressive
problems in the various disciplines of painting. May be repeated for
credit with consent of instructor.
ART 4330: Senior Graphic Communications Major I
Cr. 3. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4330, 4331, and 4332 required. Prerequisites: ART 3335-3336-3337 and review of portfolio by major faculty. Senior graphic communications major courses 4330-4331-4332 and ART 4333-4334-4335
must be taken in consecutive semesters. Advanced studies in graphic
design, including semantics, design theory and issues, critical
thinking, complex problem solving, and concept development skills. ART 4330, 4331, and 4332 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4331: Senior Graphic Communications Major I
Cr. 3. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4330, 4331, and 4332 required. Prerequisites: ART 3335-3336-3337 and review of portfolio by major faculty. Senior graphic communications major courses 4330-4331-4332 and ART 4333-4334-4335
must be taken in consecutive semesters. Advanced studies in graphic
design, including semantics, design theory and issues, critical
thinking, complex problem solving, and concept development skills. ART 4330, 4331, and 4332 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4332: Senior Graphic Communications Major I
Cr. 3. (0-6 each). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4330, 4331, and 4332 required. Prerequisites: ART 3335-3336-3337 and review of portfolio by major faculty. Senior graphic communications major courses 4330-4331-4332 and ART 4333-4334-4335
must be taken in consecutive semesters. Advanced studies in graphic
design, including semantics, design theory and issues, critical
thinking, complex problem solving, and concept development skills. ART 4330, 4331, and 4332 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4333: Senior Graphic Communications Major II
Cr. 3. (0-6). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4333, 4334, and 4335 required. Prerequisites: ART 4330-4331-4332
must be completed in preceding semester and review of portfolio by
major faculty. Continued advanced studies in graphic design, with a
further emphasis on professional applications, portfolio development
and documentation. Senior students are responsible for the organization
and presentation of their work in the annual Graphic Communications
Senior Exhibit. ART 4333, 4334, and 4335 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4334: Senior Graphic Communications Major II
Cr. 3. (0-6). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4333, 4334, and 4335 required. Prerequisites: ART 4330-4331-4332
must be completed in preceding semester and review of portfolio by
major faculty. Continued advanced studies in graphic design, with a
further emphasis on professional applications, portfolio development
and documentation. Senior students are responsible for the organization
and presentation of their work in the annual Graphic Communications
Senior Exhibit. ART 4333, 4334, and 4335 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4335: Senior Graphic Communications Major II
Cr. 3. (0-6). Concurrent enrollment in ART 4333, 4334, and 4335 required. Prerequisites: ART 4330-4331-4332
must be completed in preceding semester and review of portfolio by
major faculty. Continued advanced studies in graphic design, with a
further emphasis on professional applications, portfolio development
and documentation. Senior students are responsible for the organization
and presentation of their work in the annual Graphic Communications
Senior Exhibit. ART 4333, 4334, and 4335 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4360: Senior Sculpture Major I
Cr. 3 per course. (0-6 each). Prerequisites: ART 3365-3366-3367 and review of portfolio by major faculty. ART 4360-ART 4361-ART 4362 must be completed prior to ART 4363- 4364-4365.
Concentrated studio work involving creative expression, investigation
of structure and media, critiques, visiting artists, and
interdisciplinary study. ART 4360, 4361, and 4362 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4361: Senior Sculpture Major I
Cr. 3 per course. (0-6 each). Prerequisites: ART 3365-3366-3367 and review of portfolio by major faculty. ART 4360-ART 4361-ART 4362 must be completed prior to ART 4363- 4364-4365.
Concentrated studio work involving creative expression, investigation
of structure and media, critiques, visiting artists, and
interdisciplinary study. ART 4360, 4361, and 4362 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4362: Senior Sculpture Major I
Cr. 3 per course. (0-6 each). Prerequisites: ART 3365-3366-3367 and review of portfolio by major faculty. ART 4360-ART 4361-ART 4362 must be completed prior to ART 4363- 4364-4365.
Concentrated studio work involving creative expression, investigation
of structure and media, critiques, visiting artists, and
interdisciplinary study. ART 4360, 4361, and 4362 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4370: Senior Photography/Digital Media Major I
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 3375, ART 3376, ART 3377, portfolio review, approval by major faculty and concurrent enrollment in ART 4370, 4371, and 4372 required. Video, multi-media,
and advanced chemical and digital photography. ART 4370, 4371, and 4372
must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4371: Senior Photography/Digital Media Major I
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 3375, ART 3376, ART 3377, portfolio review, approval by major faculty, and concurrent enrollment in ART 4370 and 4372 required. Video, multi-media,
and advanced chemical and digital photography. ART 4370, 4371, and 4372
must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4372: Senior Photography/Digital Media Major I
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 3375, ART 3376, ART 3377, portfolio review, approval by major faculty, and concurrent enrollment in ART 4370 and 4371 required. Video, multi-media,
and advanced chemical and digital photography. ART 4370, 4371, and 4372
must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4373: Senior Photography/Digital Media Major II
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 4370, ART 4371, and ART 4372
in preceding semester, portfolio review/approval by major faculty, and concurrent enrollment in ART 4374 and 4375 required.
Individual work on senior thesis project resulting in a coherent body of
artwork demonstrating creative and technical command of various
photography and digital media. ART 4373, 4374, and 4375 must be
satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4374: Senior Photography/Digital Media Major II
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 4370, ART 4371, and ART 4372
in preceding semester, portfolio review/approval by major faculty, and concurrent enrollment in ART 4373 and 4375 required.
Individual work on senior thesis project resulting in a coherent body of
artwork demonstrating creative and technical command of various
photography and digital media. ART 4373, 4374, and 4375 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4375: Senior Photography/Digital Media Major II
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 4370, ART 4371, and ART 4372
in preceding semester, portfolio review/approval by major faculty, and concurrent enrollment in ART 4373 and 4374 required.
Individual work on senior thesis project resulting in a coherent body of
artwork demonstrating creative and technical command of various
photography and digital media. ART 4373, 4374, and 4375 must be satisfied in order for any to apply to a degree.
ART 4376: Advanced Computer Imaging
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: ART 3374. Advanced techniques of image development, computer multi-media and interactive programming.
ART 4380: Professional Practices
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: completion of, or enrollment in, junior Major courses, or consent of instructor. Business practices, grant applications, and residency and exhibition opportunities for the working artist including strategies for Curriculum Vitae, proposal and portfolio presentation.
ART 4392: Selected Topics in Contemporary Art
3. (3-0). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses or consent of instructor. Will be identified by a
specific title each time it is offered. May be repeated for credit when
topics vary.
ART 4395: Selected Topics in Design
3. (0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses or consent of instructor. Various special topics. May be repeated for credit when
topics vary.
ART 4396: Selected Topics in Studio Practice
Cr. 3. (0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program studio courses or consent of instructor. Will be identified by a specific title each time it is offered. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ART 4397: Selected Topics in Fine Arts
3. (0-6). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours in foundation program
studio courses (1000 level). May be repeated for credit with consent of
ART 4398: Independent Study
3. (0-3). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours of foundation program
studio courses and consent of instructor and director. Independent
study. May be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours.
ART 4498: Independent Study
4. (0-4). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours of foundation program
studio courses and consent of instructor and director. Independent
study. May be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours.
ART 4598: Independent Study
Cr. 5. (0-5). Prerequisites: twelve semester hours of foundation
program studio courses and consent of instructor and director.
Independent study. May be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: April 11, 2013