Courses: Classical Studies (CLAS)College: Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Any TCCN equivalents are indicated in square brackets [ ].
CLAS 2366: Who Owns Antiquity? The Battle Over Our Cultural Heritage
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Current controversies surrounding the ethics of cultural property together with an exploration of why history matters to us, what purposes historical narratives and artifacts serve, who gets to interpret them, and why.
CLAS 2398: Independent Study in Classical Studies
Cr. 3. Prerequisite: approval of department chair. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
CLAS 3306: Greek and Roman Myths
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Myths in their cultural context. Taught in English.
CLAS 3307: Greek and Roman Myths of Heroes
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Students may not receive credit for both CLAS 3306 and CLAS 3307. The varieties of heroic mythology in the ancient Greek and Roman cultures, with comparative consideration of other cultures. Student research on the World Wide Web is encouraged. Taught in English.
CLAS 3308: Myths and the Cult of Ancient Gods
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Students may not receive credit for both CLAS 3306 and CLAS 3308. Narratives, beliefs, and rituals in the religions of Western antiquity, with comparative consideration of other cultures. Student research on the World Wide Web is encouraged. Taught in English.
CLAS 3341: The Roman Republic
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Social, political, and cultural history of Rome, from its foundation to the Fall of the Republic, 753-27BCE. Taught in English.
CLAS 3345: Myth and Performance in Greek Tragedy
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. The reshaping of myths in the tragedies performed in the fifth century BCE and in the plots of available modern productions of those plays. Critical appraisal of text and performance in the respective cultural contexts. Taught in English.
CLAS 3366: Greek Art and Archaeology: In Search of the Trojan War
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Survey of ancient Greek art and archaeology connected to the Trojan War from the Bronze Age to the early Hellenistic Period with emphasis on its relationship to traditional myths and Classical literature.
CLAS 3371: Ancient Comedy and Its Influence
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Comic drama from its origins in ancient Greece, to its Roman transformation, ending with its Renaissance adaptions. Readings from Aristophanes, Menander, Plautus, Terence, Machiavelli, and Shakespeare. Taught in English.
CLAS 3374: Women in the Ancient World
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Women's lives from the Graeco-Roman world to the advent of Christianity. Analysis and comparisons of literary texts and archeological evidence in their cultural and historical context. Taught in English.
CLAS 3375: Roman, Jew, and Christian: The Politics and Sociology of Religion in the First Century A.D.
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Political and social interactions of religions in the Roman Empire ca. 31 BC to 150 A.D. Special focus on emperor worship, Second Temple Judaism and the Jewish War of 66-70, and the early Jesus movement. Taught in English.
CLAS 3380: Epic Masculinity: Ideologies of Manhood in Ancient Epic and Modern Film
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Ideologies of masculinity in ancient Greek and Roman epic as compared to modern cinema (e.g., Spartacus, Gladiator, and Braveheart). Taught in English.
CLAS 3381: From Homer to Hollywood: Ancient Greek Themes in the Modern Cinema
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Examination of the way modern cinema adapts themes from Greek literature and uses them to explore modern conflict. Taught in English.
CLAS 3397: Selected Topics in Greek and Roman Civilization
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: sophomore standing. May not apply toward foreign language requirement. Topics from the literature, art, philosophy, religion, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Taught in English. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
CLAS 3398: Independent Study in Classical Studies
Cr. 3. Prerequisite: approval of department chair. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
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Effective beginning Fall 2013 (see also listing below):
CLAS 3399: Senior Honors Thesis
Cr. 3. Prerequisite:
permission of Director of Classical Studies. Independent research and
writing for the senior honors thesis.
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Effective through end of Summer 2013 (see also listing above):
CLAS 3399: Senior Honors Thesis
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: permission of Director of Classical Studies. Independent research and writing for the senior honors thesis.
CLAS 4305: Fifth-Century Athens: Readings in Intellectual, Literary, and Political History
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGL 1304. Overview of intellectual trends and political history of fifth-century BCE Athens. Development of Democracy, birth of tragedy, Persian Wars, Athenian Empire, court system, Peloponnesian Wars, and death of Socrates.
CLAS 4350: Age of Augustus
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Exploration of the political, literary, architectural, and artistic changes introduced during the reign of Caesar Augustus, first Emperor of Rome (27BC - 14AD). Taught in English.
CLAS 4353: Classics and Modernity: The Uses of Antiquity in Modern and Postmodern Contexts
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Use of ancient Greek and Roman concepts by modern and postmodern thinkers, artists, and authors.
CLAS 4370: Comparative Epic (formerly CLAS 3370)
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304 and junior standing. Epic poetry from ancient Greece and Rome with a comparative approach drawing on other cultures, including the ancient Near East, the Hevrew Bible, medieval Europe, and /or modern oral epic traditions. Taught in English.
CLAS 4374: Sex and Gender in Antiquity
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGL 1304 and junior standing. Issues of sex and gender in ancient Greece and Rome through the study of literature, art, and science.
CLAS 4375: Gender and Race in Greek Myths
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Credit for CLAS 4375 may not be applied toward a degree by students who have credit for CLAS 3306. May not apply toward foreign language requirement. Greek myths and rituals, focusing on dynamics of exclusion that parallel modern definitions of ethnicity and gender. Taught in English.
CLAS 4381: Latin Classics in Translation (also ENGL 4381)
Cr. 3. (3-0).Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Latin classics.
CLAS 4397: Selected Topics in Greek and Roman Civilization
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: junior standing. Topics from the literature, art, philosophy, religion, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Taught in English. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
CLAS 4398: Independent Study in Classical Studies
Cr. 3. Prerequisite: approval of department chair. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
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Effective beginning Fall 2013 (see also listing below):
CLAS 4399: Senior Honors Thesis
Cr. 3. Prerequisite: permission of Director of Classical Studies. Independent research and writing for the senior honors thesis.
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Effective through end of Summer 2013 (see also listing above):
CLAS 4399: Senior Honors Thesis
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: permission of Director of Classical Studies Independent research and writing for the senior honors thesis.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: May 2, 2013