Selective Course Information
Disclaimer: This page does not include an official list of undergraduate courses offered within the Department of Mathematics. It is only a resource for selective information available for some courses. Be advised that some information may be very out of date or effective for a specific semester/year, and not apply to current student. Students should not use this site as a means to guide themselves throughout their academic career without seeing an Academic Advisor first. Students should refer to the Undergraduate Catalog with regards to all course descriptions and prerequisite information for all courses listed on this page. Please be sure to select your specific Undergraduate Catalog year when viewing course information and be sure to ask your Academic Advisor about any questions or concerns you may have regarding course requirements. If a syllabus for a specific class is not listed on this page, please contact the instructor of record for it.
- Reference Syllabi for Selected Courses: The following are selective course guidelines or information. Students should contact instructors for the updated information on current course syllabi, textbooks, and course content.
- University of Houston Textbook Adoption login: Faculty should log into their Faculty Center to gain access to the Adoption Portal or via the UH Campus Store icon in AccessUH
- Departmental Book Order Request (This form should only be used for Math Faculty who are not able to use and/or access the University of Houston's Textbook adoption website)
- NEW! Canvas/CCS: For more information about Canvas and CCS, please visit this link. Use the *Canvas Course Finder link * to see if your course requires a text offered through CCS. Once logged in, you will be able to access your textbook. Click this link to see a screenshot of the Menu options and where the textbook link is located. Look below to see if the textbook to your course is offered through CCS. Be advised that not all sections for a course may be offered through CCS; additionally, some courses/sections that aren't designated as having a text via CCS (below) may actually have one. Use the Canvas Course Finder (posted above) to be sure that your section requires text access through CCS.