IMAGE Toolkit - University of Houston
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IMAGE Toolkit


The IMAGE (Intent & Motivation: Alcohol Group Exercise) program was created by UH Wellness staff in 2006 in an effort to begin tracking outcome data for alcohol abuse prevention efforts. External funding was secured from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission through the federal EUDL (Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws) funds in 2007 which assisted in strengthening the program. After documenting program effectiveness by analyzing IMAGE data, UH Wellness applied for and was granted Model Program status (Promising) by the US Department of Education in 2008 through the Models of Exemplary, Effective, and Promising Alcohol or Other Drug Abuse Prevention Programs on College Campuses grant program.  The following year, IMAGE was recognized as being an Exemplary Program by the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) and the National Prevention Network (NPN).  Most recently (2010), the US Department of Education awarded IMAGE Model Program status a second time, elevating its status to an Effective program.


One condition of earning Effective or Exemplary status is that a dissemination plan must be created in which other institutions of higher education can learn about the program and re-create it on their campuses if they so choose.  As a result, UH Wellness is pleased to provide detailed information about IMAGE here on our website. 

An in-depth, 2-hour training for facilitators is available in a webinar format, as well; contact program staff for more information.

Additionally, campuses can request the Administrator Guide (a summary of how to administer the IMAGE program) and the Facilitator Handbook (a detailed description of how to implement IMAGE sessions), which are both free.  Further, UH Wellness is willing to facilitate IMAGE trainings and has hosted several webinars to campuses who are interested in learning more about the program.

By engaging with IMAGE, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify self-protected behaviors that can be implemented during the school year to reduce alcohol related incidence.
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning
  • Comprehend the difference between high risk drinking and binge drinking.