Industrial Engineering Major

Industrial Engineering Program

Engineering majors must earn a grade of C– or better in all engineering, mathematics, and science courses. No grade lower than C– will be accepted on any courses transferred to the University of Houston.

Students must earn a 2.25 grade point average in all courses and in INDE major courses in order to enroll in 3000-level and above INDE courses. The major grade point average of 2.25 must be maintained at all times until the last semester before graduation.

If a student does not meet this major grade point average criterion he/she is placed on engineering major probation. If in a succeeding semester, while on probation, the student does not meet the 2.25 grade point average criterion, he/she is placed on engineering course suspension. Students on major suspension are not allowed to take engineering courses during the semester of suspension. The major grade point average is calculated using all INDE courses.

The number of attempts of an INDE course is limited to two. Attempt is defined as formal enrollment (registration) that results in a student receiving a letter grade, including grades of U, W, and I.

First Year

Fall Semester Hours
CHEM 1372. Fundamentals of Chemistry for Engineers 3
CHEM 1117. Fundamentals of Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory 1
ENGL 1303. First Year Writing I 3
HIST 1376 or 1377. The United States to 1877 1 3
MATH 1431. Calculus I 2 4
Humanities Core Course 3
Total 17
Spring Semester Hours
INDE 1331. Computing for Engineers 3
ENGL 1304. First Year Writing II 3
HIST 1378 or 1379. The United States since 18771 3
MATH 1432. Calculus II 4
PHYS 1321. University Physics I 3
Total 16

Second Year

Fall Semester Hours
INDE 2333. Engineering Statistics I 3
INDE 3330. Finance and Cost Management 3
MATH 2433. Calculus III 4
PHYS 1322. University Physics II 3
INDE 2331. Computer Applications for Industrial Engineers
Total 16
Spring Semester Hours
MECE 3400. Introduction to Mechanics 4
ENGI 2304. Technical Communications 3
INDE 3333. Engineering Economy I 3
POLS 1336. U.S. and Texas Constitutions and Politics 1 3
MATH 3321. Engineering Math 3
Total 15

Third Year

Fall Semester Hours
INDE 3382. Stochastic Models 3
INDE 3364. Engineering Statistics II 3
INDE 3432. Manufacturing Processes 4
INDE 3310. Statistical Process Quality Control and Improvement 3
POLS 1337. U.S. and Texas Constitutions and Politics 1 3
Total 16
Spring Semester Hours
INDE 3362. Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing 3
INDE 4331. Analysis of Industrial Activities 3
INDE 4369. Facilities Planning and Design 3
INDE 3381. Linear Optimization 3
Visual and Performing Arts Course 3
Total 15

Fourth Year

Fall Semester Hours
INDE 4370. Discrete Event Simulation 3
INDE 4111. Industrial Engineering Seminar 1
INDE 4320. Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 3
ECE 3336. Introduction to Circuits and Electronics 3
ENGI 2334. Thermodynamics 3
Social Sciences Core Course 3
Total 16
Spring Semester Hours
INDE 4315. Supply Chain Design and Management 3
INDE 4334. Engineering Systems Design 3
INDE 4337. Human Factors and Ergonomics 3
INDE 4372. Operations Control 3
Technical Elective 11 3
Total 15
Degree Total: 126

Industrial Engineering Degree Program for Other UH Engineering Graduates

Students who have completed a Bachelor of Science at the University of Houston in another field of engineering may obtain a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering degree by completing, at the University of Houston, the additional year of course work shown below. Required prerequisites for this program are INDE 2333 and 3333, in addition to those courses required for the first degree.

Courses Hours
INDE 2333. Engineering Statistics I 3
INDE 3333. Engineering Economy I 3
INDE 3364. Engineering Statistics II 3
INDE 3382. Stochastic Models 3
INDE 3381. Linear Optimization 3
INDE 3432. Manufacturing Processes 4
INDE 4331. Analysis of Industrial Activities 3
INDE 4369. Facilities Planning and Design 3
INDE 4372. Operations Control 3
Technical Elective 11 3
Total for Additional Degree 31

Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: September 26, 2012