Computer Engineering MajorBachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

First Year

Fall Semester Hours
CHEM 1117. Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory 1
CHEM 1372. Chemistry for Engineers 3
ECE 1100. Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering 1
ENGL 1303. First Year Writing I
HIST 1377. The United States to 1877 1 3
MATH 1431. Calculus I 2 4
POLS 1336. U.S. and Texas Constitutions and Politics 1 3
Total 18
Spring Semester Hours
ECE 1331. Computers and Problem Solving 3
ENGL 1304. First Year Writing II
HIST 1378. The United States since 1877 1 3
MATH 1432. Calculus II 4
PHYS 1321. University Physics I 3
Total 16

Second Year

Fall Semester Hours
ECE 2100. Circuit Lab 1
ECE 2300. Circuit Analysis 3
MATH 2433. Calculus III 4
MATH 3321. Engineering Mathematics I 3
PHYS 1322. University Physics II 3
POLS 1337. U.S. Government: Congress, President and Courts 1 3
Total 17
Spring Semester Hours
ECE 2317. Applied Electricity and Magnetism 3
ECE 3331. Programming Applications in Electrical and Computer Engineering 3
ECE 3337. Electrical Engineering Analysis I 3
ENGI 2304: Technical Communications 3
Humanities Core Course 3
Total 16

Third Year

Fall Semester Hours
COSC 1320. Introduction to Computer Science II 3
ECE 3155. Electronics Lab 1
ECE 3355. Electronics 3
ECE 3441. Digital Logic Design 4
INDE 2333. Engineering Statistics I 3
Visual and Performing Arts Core Course 3
Total 17
Spring Semester Hours
COSC 2320. Data Structures 3
ECE 4436. Microprocessor Systems 4
Approved ECE or COSC Elective 9 3
ECON 4436. Microeconomic Principles 3
MATH 3336. Discrete Mathematics 3
Total 16

Fourth Year

Fall Semester Hours
COSC 4351. Fundamentals of Software Engineering 3
ECE 3457. Digital Electronics 4
ECE 4335. Electrical & Computer Engineering Systems Design I 3
ECE 5367. Introduction to Computer Architecture and Design 3
Approved Computer Engineering elective 14 4
Total 17
Spring Semester Hours
COSC 4330. Fundamentals of Operating Systems 3
ECE 4336. Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems Design II 3
Approved Computer Engineering elective 14
ECE Elective/Lab 10 4
Total 14

Degree Total: 130

Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: June 28, 2011