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Courses: Chemistry (CHEM)College: Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Any TCCN equivalents are indicated in square brackets [ ].
CHEM 1101: Foundations of Chemistry Laboratory (formerly CHEM 2115)
[TCCN—CHEM 1413 with UH CHEM 1301]
Cr. 1. (0-3). Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1301. Credit may not be applied toward a degree for both CHEM 1101 and CHEM 1111 or CHEM 1117. Introductory laboratory illustrating principles of chemistry.
CHEM 1102: General Organic Chemistry Laboratory (formerly CHEM 2116)
[TCCN—CHEM 1414 with UH CHEM 1302]
Cr. 1. (0-3). Prerequisites: CHEM 1101 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1302. Characterization and synthesis of typical organic compounds.
CHEM 1111: Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory
[TCCN—CHEM 1111]
Cr. 1 per semester. (0-3). Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1331. Credit may not be applied toward a degree for both CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1101 or CHEM 1117. Illustrates and reinforces principles and concepts by use of qualitative and quantitative experiments, emphasizing interpretation and reporting of data and facility in handling scientific instruments.
CHEM 1112: Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory
[TCCN—CHEM 1112]
Cr. 1 per semester. (0-3). Prerequisites: CHEM 1111 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1332. Credit may not be applied toward a degree for both CHEM 1112 and CHEM 1101. Illustrates and reinforces principles and concepts by use of qualitative and quantitative experiments, emphasizing interpretation and reporting of data and facility in handling scientific instruments.
CHEM 1117: Fundamentals of Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory
Cr. 1. (0-3).Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1372. For BSCE, BSCpE, BSEE, BSIE, BSME, and ENGR majors. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 1372 is successfully completed. Credit may not be applied toward a degree for both CHEM 1117 and CHEM 1111 or CHEM 1101. Qualitative and quantitative experiments: interpreting and reporting data and handling scientific instruments.
CHEM 1131: Problem Solving in Chemistry I
Cr. 1. (0-3). May not be applied toward a major in chemistry. Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1331. Development of problem-solving skills for CHEM 1331 in small groups.
CHEM 1132: Problem Solving in Chemistry II
Cr. 1. (0-3). May not be applied toward a major in chemistry. Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1332. Development of problem-solving skills for CHEM 1332 in small groups.
CHEM 1301: Foundations of Chemistry (formerly CHEM 2335)
[TCCN—CHEM 1413 with UH CHEM 1101]
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1310 or MATH 1311. Credit may not be applied toward a degree for both CHEM 1301 and CHEM 1331or CHEM 1372. Concepts and principles of chemistry.
CHEM 1302: General Organic Chemistry
[TCCN—CHEM 1414 with UH CHEM 1102]
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEM 1301 or equivalent. Chemistry of the main classes of organic compounds with emphasis placed on their importance in health, environment, and society.
CHEM 1331: Fundamentals of Chemistry
[TCCN—CHEM 1311] [TCCN—CHEM 1411with UH CHEM 1111]
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MATH 1330 or equivalent and successful completion of either the chemistry placement test or CHEM 1301. For science and engineering majors. May not be applied toward a degree until CHEM 1111 is successfully completed. Credit may not be applied to a degree for both CHEM 1331 and CHEM 1301 or CHEM 1372. General principles, fundamental laws, atomic & molecular structure, states of matter, & elementary inorganic, nuclear, & organic chemistry.
CHEM 1332: Fundamentals of Chemistry
[TCCN—CHEM 1312] [TCCN—1412 with UH CHEM 1112]
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: MATH 1330 or equivalent and CHEM 1331. For science and engineering majors. May not be applied toward a degree until CHEM 1112 is successfully completed. Credit may not be applied to a degree for both CHEM 1332 and CHEM 1301. General principles, fundamental laws, equilibrium, kinetics, electrochemistry, and elementary inorganic, nuclear, and organic chemistry.
· alert ·
Effective beginning Fall 2013 (see also listing below):
CHEM 1372: Fundamentals of Chemistry for Engineers
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MATH 1330
or equivalent and successful completion of either the chemistry
placement test or CHEM 1301. For BSCE, BSCpE, BSEE, BSIE, BSME, and ENGR
majors. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 1117 is successfully completed. Credit may not be applied toward a degree for both CHEM 1372 and either CHEM 1331 or CHEM 1301.
Atomic and molecular structure, stoichiometry, thermodynamics,
kinetics, equilibrium, materials chemistry, and electrochemistry.
· alert ·
Effective through end of Summer 2013 (see also listing above):
CHEM 1372: Fundamentals of Chemistry for Engineers
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: MATH 1330 or equivalent. For BSCE, BSCpE, BSEE, BSIE, BSME, and ENGR majors. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 1117 is successfully completed. Credit may not be applied toward a degree for both CHEM 1372 and either CHEM 1331 or CHEM 1301. Atomic and molecular structure, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, materials chemistry, and electrochemistry.
CHEM 2133: Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory I
Cr. 1. (0-3) Prerequisites: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 2233. Illustrates and reinforces principal concepts and reactions of inorganic chemistry. May not be applied toward degree until CHEM 2233 is successfully completed.
CHEM 2198: Independent Study
Cr. 1 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 and 1332, consent of instructor, and approval of department chair. May not be used to satisfy science core requirement for majors in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
CHEM 2233: Inorganic Chemistry I
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 and 1332 with grades of at least C-. Chemical properties of atoms and elements. Categories of compounds of Main Group and d-block elements including hydrides, oxides, hydroxides, halides, and others. Syntheses, reactions, and aspects of systematic chemistry. Introduction to the biochemistry of inorganic compounds. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 2133 is successfully completed.
CHEM 2298: Independent Study
Cr. 2 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 and 1332, consent of instructor, and approval of department chair. May not be used to satisfy science core requirement for majors in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
CHEM 2398: Independent Study
Cr. 3 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 and 1332, consent of instructor, and approval of department chair. May not be used to satisfy science core requirement for majors in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
CHEM 3111: Computers in Chemistry
Cr. 1. (1-2). Prerequisites: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 2233, 3331, and/or 3369. Use of computers to find chemical information on the Internet and on various databases; to perform elementary quantum chemical calculations; to prepare scientific documents. Basic scientific programs.
CHEM 3119: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
Cr. 1. (0-4). Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 3369. For science majors only. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 3369 is successfully completed. Laboratory methods in analytical chemistry, including quantitative separation techniques, electrochemistry, and absorption spectroscopy.
CHEM 3131: Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry I
Cr. 1. (0-3). May not be applied toward a major in chemistry. Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in CHEM 3331. Development of problem-solving skills for CHEM 3331 in small groups.
CHEM 3132: Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry II
Cr. 1. (0-3). May not be applied toward a major in chemistry. Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in CHEM 3332. Development of problem-solving skills for CHEM 3332 in small groups.
CHEM 3221: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Cr. 2 per semester. (0-6). Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 3331. Syntheses, reaction mechanisms, and qualitative organic analysis.
CHEM 3222: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Cr. 2 per semester. (0-6). Prerequisites: CHEM 3221 and CHEM 1112 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 3332. Syntheses, reaction mechanisms, and qualitative organic analysis.
CHEM 3331: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEM 1332. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 3221 is successfully completed. Chemistry of the compounds of carbon with emphasis on energies and mechanism of reactions, synthesis, and the structure of organic molecules.
CHEM 3332: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 3331 and CHEM 1332. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 3222 is successfully completed. Chemistry of the compounds of carbon with emphasis on energies and mechanism of reactions, synthesis, and the structure of organic molecules.
CHEM 3336: Organic Chemistry of Biological Molecules
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEM 3332. A study of the fundamental organic chemistry of biologically important molecules. The structural analysis and synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, peptides, nucleotides, and related molecules; structure-function relationships and bio-organic reaction mechanisms.
CHEM 3369: Analytical Chemistry
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 3221 and CHEM 3331. MATH 1432 and PHYS 1312 also strongly recommended. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 3119 is successfully completed. Modern analytical chemistry, including separation methods and quantitative chemistry; introduction to methods of analysis in electrochemistry, absorption, and emission spectroscopy.
CHEM 3396: Senior Research Project
Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisite: approval of the chair. Directed research project culminating in a departmentally approved report.
CHEM 3399: Senior Honors Thesis
Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
CHEM 4111: Literature of Chemistry
Cr. 1. (1-0). Prerequisites: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 3222, CHEM 3332, and two semesters of elementary German.
CHEM 4115: Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory II
Cr. 1. (0-4). Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 4365. Synthesis and characterization of inorganic compounds.
CHEM 4173: Problem Solving in Physical Chemistry
Cr. 1. (1-0). Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in CHEM 4373. May not be applied towards a major or minor in chemistry. Development of problem solving skills for CHEM 4373 in small groups.
CHEM 4198: Independent Study
Cr. 1 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: CHEM 4370 or CHEM 4373, consent of instructor, and approval of department chair.
CHEM 4229: Instrumental Methods of Analysis Laboratory
Cr. 2. (0-6). Prerequisites: CHEM 3119 and 3369; or equivalent. Credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 4369. Advanced laboratory exercises in optical, electroanalytical, and chromatographic methods of analysis.
CHEM 4270: Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
Cr. 2 (0-4). Prerequisites: CHEM 3119 or CHEM 3222 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 4370. Experimental determination of thermodynamic and colligative properties of matter. Uses of digital computers and computer graphics in the laboratory. Written reports in standard professional formats.
CHEM 4272: Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
Cr. 2. (0-4). Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 4372. Experimental determination of molecular structures via kinetic properties, spectroscopic properties and other instrumental methods. Uses of computers and computer graphics in the laboratory. Written reports in standard professional formats.
CHEM 4298: Independent Study
Cr. 2 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: CHEM 4370 or CHEM 4373, consent of instructor, and approval of department chair.
CHEM 4330: Polymer Chemistry
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 3222 and CHEM 3332. Principles of polymerization and degradation, characterization, morphology, rheology, and properties of organic macromolecules.
CHEM 4336: Fundamental Biochemistry
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 3222, 3332, and 4372. Credit may not be received for both CHEM 4336 and BCHS 3304 or BCHS 3305. Organic and physical chemistry of biological molecules, metabolic pathways, and control mechanisms; organization of living cells.
CHEM 4340: Research Methods
Cr. 3. (2-2). Prerequisites: CUIN 3351 and one of CHEM 1111, 1117; BIOL 1161, 1162; PHYS 1101, 1121 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. Students perform four independent inquiries, combining skills from mathematics and science to solve research problems. Credit may not be received for CHEM 4340 and PHYS 4340 or BIOL 4340.
CHEM 4364: Advanced Organic Chemistry
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 3222, 3332, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 4372. Applications of physical principles of organic chemistry, including study of reaction mechanisms, structure determination, and design in syntheses.
CHEM 4365: Inorganic Chemistry II
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: completion of CHEM 2233, 2133 and 4372 with a grade of at least C-. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 4115 is successfully completed. Quantum mechanical description of atoms. Group theory. Molecular orbital and valence bond theories of chemical bonding. Predicting molecular shapes and polarities. Solid state bonding of ionic compounds, metals, and semiconductors. Acid-base interactions. Crystal field and ligand field models of bonding in d-block metal complexes and organometallics. Reactions of metal complexes and catalysis. The role of inorganic compounds in biochemistry.
CHEM 4369: Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 3119 and CHEM 3369, or equivalent. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 4229 is successfully completed. Theory of optical, electroanalytical, and chromatographic methods of analysis, including electronic aspects of modern instrumentation.
CHEM 4370: Physical Chemistry I
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 3321, PHYS 1322, and CHEM 3332, or consent of instructor. The gaseous state, thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, change of state, solutions, electrochemistry, and atomic and molecular structure. Credit may not be received for both CHEM 4370 and 4373.
CHEM 4371: Structural Physical Chemistry
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEM 4370. Quantum mechanics, bonding theory, and statistical mechanics.
CHEM 4372: Physical Chemistry II
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 3321, PHYS 1322, and CHEM 3332, or consent of instructor. Spectroscopy, kinetic theory, chemical kinetics, photochemistry, introductory quantum chemistry, crystalline and liquid states. May not apply toward degree until CHEM 4272, or equivalent has been successfully completed.
CHEM 4373: Survey of Physical Chemistry
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 3221 and CHEM 3331, and MATH 1432, or consent of instructor. Credit may not be received for both CHEM 4370 and CHEM 4373. States of matter, thermodynamics, equilibria, kinetics, solutions, and molecular structure including biological applications.
CHEM 4396: Senior Research Project
Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisites: CHEM 3396 and approval of the chair. Directed research project culminating in a departmentally approved report.
CHEM 4397: Selected Topics in Chemistry
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0). Prerequisite: approval of department chair. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
CHEM 4398: Independent Study
Cr. 3 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: CHEM 4370 or CHEM 4373, consent of instructor, and approval of department chair.
CHEM 4399: Senior Honors Thesis
Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisites: CHEM 3399 and approval of department chair.
CHEM 4498: Independent Study
Cr. 4 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: CHEM 4370 or CHEM 4373, consent of instructor, and approval of department chair.
CHEM 4598: Independent Study
Cr. 5 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: CHEM 4370 or CHEM 4373, consent of instructor, and approval of department chair.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: April 16, 2013