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Barbara Ann Radnofsky (BA ‘76)


Position: Lawyer, Professional Mediator

Employer: Self-employed

Current City: Houston, TX

What is your current job?

I'm self-employed as an Attorney/Mediator.  A mediator acts as a third party neutral helping resolve disputes. Since retiring from Vinson & Elkins in 2006, I've chosen cases, non-profits, and other pursuits consistent with my personal goal to help the people and causes I love.

What were the links between your political science studies and your career path?

Specific political science studies at UH were not as formative an experience as were my extraordinary UH professors and fellow students. The Policy Debate program at UH was the transformative experience of my life. Competitive debate developed my research, writing, analytical thinking and communication skills; fostered life-long friendships and business contacts; and gave me tools I needed to practice law, run for political office, start a business, engage in continuing charitable and political works, and enjoy my life choices.

Do you have any advice for students who are seeking a job that’s similar to yours?

Identify a purpose in life you feel is valid and good. Then, go about fulfilling the purpose.