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Michael Dimock (BS' 90)


Position: Associate Director of Research

Employer: Pew Research Center

Current City: Washington, DC

How did your political science degree influence your career path?

My experience in the political science program at the University of Houston both kickstarted my career in public opinion research and political analysis and provided the foundational resources to be successful. The supportive faculty provided me with the kind of personal feedback and guidance that allowed me to develop my own interests and skills. The program gave me not only an academic training in the field, but provided opportunities for hands-on experience and, most importantly of all, taught me to write and communicate effectively, which has been the most valuable resource for my overall career development.

What stands out about your experience at the University of Houston?

Looking back, one of the features now most appreciate was the relatively small class sizes, and the accessibility and engagement of the faculty with a doors-open policy. This was something I took for granted at the time, but in the years since, as I have talked with people who went to school at other large public institutions, I have realized is one of the exceptional features of the UH program.