Theses & Dissertations: 2010 - 2020 - University of Houston
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Theses & Dissertations: 2010 - 2020

The following is a record of graduates of the department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, organized by year, name, degree and major.



Donald Barker PhD Geology Spring 2018 Snow
Early Mars Sequence Stratigraphy and Lunar Picritic Glass Petrogenesis. 
Po-Hsu Chen MS Geophysics Fall 2018 Zhou
Forescating petrophysical trends based on well logs and seismic attributes using supervised machine learning algorithms in the Teapot Dome field, Wyoming. 
Emily England MS Geophysics Fall 2018 Bob Wang
Assesing rapid coastal erosion in Freeport, Texas using Terrestrial Laser Scan Data collected before and after Hurricane Harvey. 
Yuandi Gan PhD Geophysics Fall 2018 Chesnokov
Fluid identification and estimation of fracture connectivity in fluid saturated media.
Anthony Torlucci MS Geophysics Fall 2018 Castagna
A computational library determining the mechanical properties of Crystals and Polycrystalline Aggregates.
Jennifer Welch MS Geophysics Fall 2018 Bob Wang
Current ground motions in Montgomery, West Liberty, and Northern Harris counties derived from controls GPS observations. 
Keyao Xia PhD Geophysics Fall 2018 Li
Analyses and Applications of Seismic Surface waves using machine Learning algorithm.
Hanlin Liu PhD Geology Fall 2018 Bob Wang
GPS geodetic infrastructure and current tectonic movements within the caribbean region.
Jieying Ding MS Geology Fall 2018 Bob Wang
Rapid topographic mapping using terrestrial laser scanning and UAV photogrammetry case study at Bryan Beach in Freeport, Texas. 
Andrew Gilfillan MS Geology Fall 2018 Snow
Petrogenesis of fast spreading crust at Hess Deep.
Crystal Saadeh MS Geology Fall 2018 Saylor
Orbital forcing of late Miocene-Pleistocene environmental change in the Zhada Basin, SW Tibetan Plateau. 
John Ralls MS Geology Fall 2018 Saylor
Sediment analysis of Earthquake-induced liquefaction features in Western Tennessee.
Tithi Ghosh PhD Geology Fall 2018 Snow
Mantle wedge evolutio beneath the Northern Mariana Forearc
Vivian Torrado PhD Geology Fall 2018 Mann
Tectono-Stratigraphic controls on petroleum systems elements in passive margin settings; studies of the Western Nicaraguan rise and the deep-water, Foz do Amazonas basin, Brazil 


Olufemi Akanbi PhD Geophysics  Spring 2017 Li, Aibing
Mapping Discontinioties in the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath the Southwestern United States from S and P Receiver Functions
Thomas Amentini MS Geophysics Spring 2017 Wang, Guoquan
Land Rebound and Preconsdidation Head in the Houston Ship Channel Area
Ross Andrea MS Geology Spring 2017 Murphy
Characterization of Fracture Damage Zones in the Abiquiu Formation, Plaza Blanca, New Mexico
Sameer Baral MS Geology Spring 2017 Copeland
40 AR/36 AR Dating of Detrital Muscovites from Sun-Koshi-Arun River Basins and Effect on Climate and Tectonics in Eastern Himalayas
Nicolas Bartschi MS Geology Spring 2017 Saylor
Discriminating Sediment Supply versus Accommodation Controls on Late Cretaceous Foreland Basin Stratigraphic Architecture in the Book Cliffs, Utah using Detrital Zircon U-Pb Dating
Kivanc Biber MS Geology Spring 2017 Khan
Geologically-Based Characterization of Reservoir Analogs Using LiDAR-Derived Quantitave
Christian Bradshaw MS Geology Spring 2017 Capuano
Biomarker Study of the Depositional Environment and Thermal Maturity of the Midway Group, Southeast Texas
John Browning MS Geology Spring 2017 Saylor
High Resolution Facies and Architectual Analysis of a Tributive Basal Terrace of A Ferron Compound Incised Valley
Vanessa Caicedo PhD Atmo. Sci. Spring 2017 Rappenglueck
Investigating the Temporal, Seasonal and Spatial Evolution of the Atsmospheric Boundary Layer Using Aerosol Backscatter Retrieval Methods
Zuralmy Camacho MS Geophysics Spring 2017 Castagna
Use of Fractional Matching Pursuit Decompoisition for Log Properties Prediction
Luis Carvajal PhD Geology Spring 2017 Mann
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Nicaraguan Rise and Colombian Basin, Western Caribbean Sea
Sharon Cornelius PhD Geophysics Spring 2017 Castagna
Velocity Studies in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: Keathley Canyon and Walker Ridges Areas
Riddhi Dave PhD Geophysics Spring 2017 Li, Aibing
Seismic Velocity and Radial Anisotropy in the Crust and Upper Mantle of the Wymoming Craton from Surface Wave Tomoraphy
Yucel Erdal MS Geology Spring 2017 Silva-Tamayo
Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy of Eocene-Miocene Carbonate Successions in the Western Caribbean: The White Limestone, Jamaica
Cansu Guner MS Geology Spring 2017 Murphy
Investigation of the Deformation along an Oblique Convergent Margin, Aleutian Trench
Veronica Guzman MS Geophysics Spring 2017 Wang, Guoquan
Deriving Morphological Changes in the Eastern Flank of the Brazos River Delta using Terrestrical Laser Scanning and GPS
Angela Kao PhD Atmo. Sci. Spring 2017 Jiang
Investigation of Cloud Variability, Hydrological and Carbon Cycles in the Atmosphere in Response to Global Warming
Anna Krylova PhD Geophysics Spring 2017 Chesnokov
Frequency-Dependent Seismic Reflectivity of Randomly Fractured Fluid-Saturated Media
Yang Mu MS Geophysics Spring 2017 Castagna
Spectral Decomposition and Harmonic Bandwidth Extrapolation, A Case Study of Channel Systems on a 3D Multicomponent Dataset in Southern Alberta Canada
Kyle Reuber PhD Geology Spring 2017 Mann
Crustal Structure and Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Conjugate Volcanic Passive Margins of the South-Central and South Atlantic Oceans
Daniel Sullivan MS Geology Spring 2017 Brandon
Applications of the Osmium Isotopic System and Rhenium-Platinum Group Element (Re-PGE) Concentrations in Organic-Rich Mudrocks: A Geochemistry and Redox Study
Linqiang Yang PhD Geophysics Spring 2017 Guoquan, Wang
The GPS Geodetic Infrastructure in the Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands and Its Applications for Faulting, Landslide and Sea-Level Change Study 
Jian Zhou PhD Geophysics Spring 2017 Castagna
Spectral Decomposition and Attributes for Educating Seismically Thin Layers
Xinxiang Zhu MS Geophysics Spring 2017 Guoquan, Wang
Detection of Earthflow Using a GPS and LiDAR Integrated Survey: A Case Study from the Slumgullion Lanslide, Lake City, Colorado
Juhi Aggarwal MS Geology Summer 2017 Khan
Application of Ground Penetrating Radar to Study the Internal Architecture of Coastal Dunes, North Padre Island, Texas 
Jordan Dickinson MS Geology Summer 2017 Murphy
Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic Kinematic Reconstruction: Assessment of Late Cretaceous Magmatism and Source-to-Sink Configuration in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Elena Ermolaeva MS Geophysics Summer 2017 Sager
Elastic-Wave using P-P, SH-SH, and SV-P Events: Modeling and Data Processing
Jingqiu Huang PhD Geophysics Summer 2017 Khan
Remote Sensing and Seismic Imaging to Detect and Investigate Surface Deformation in Houston and West Pakistan
Patrick Loureiro PhD Geology Summer 2017 Mann
Early Cretaceous Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of Rift and Sag Basins, Southeastern Brazil, using Potential Firelds, Seismic Reflection, and Well Data
Ramses Meza PhD Geophysics Summer 2017 Castagna
Characterization of Depositional Layering Based on Spectral Seismic Interpretation
Unal Okyay PhD Geology Summer 2017 Khan
Grond-Based Hyperspectral Imaging and Data Analysis for Near-Vertical Outcrop Surfaces
Shuai Pan PhD Atmos Sci Summer 2017 Choi
Sensitivity of Surfact Ozone Simulation in Houston, Texas: Ozone Exceedance Formation, Fine Grid Resolution, and Future Mobile Emissions Projection
Andrea Paris Castellano MS Geophysics Summer 2017 Stewart
Rock Properties, Seismic Modeling, and 3C Seismic Analysis in the Bakken Shale, North Dakota
Seckin Polat MS Geophysics Summer 2017 Zheng
Seismic Modeling and Imaging for Detection of Clandestine Tunnels
Ayodeji Babalola PhD Geophysics Fall 2017 Castagna
Resolution of Sub-Seismic Reservoirs by the Application of Spectral Decompostion and Spectral Inversion Methods in Boonsville Field, North Central Texas
Joan Blanco PhD Geophysics Fall 2017 Mann
Integrated, Basin-to-Reservoir Scale, Geologic and Geophysical Studies of a Carbonate-Hosted, Hydrocarbon Reservoir of the Lo Vela Basin, Northwestern Venezuela
Daniel De Lilla MS Geophysics Fall 2017 Castagna
Reservoir Characterization Using Frequency-Enhanced Data: Case Study Of The Eagle Ford Shale Formation for a Field in South Texas
Daniel Engfer MS Geophysics Fall 2017 Sager
Tectonic Fabric and Its Implications for the Formation of Rio Grande Rise and Walvis Ridge
Dylan Hampshire MS Geology Fall 2017 Robinson
Constraining Peak Metamorphism in the Shala-Tala Thrust Hanging Wall of the Northeastern Pamir via Zircon U-Pb Depth Profile Geochronology and REE Analysis
Jing Hua MS Geophysics Fall 2017 Castagna
High-Resolution Inversion and Spectral Decomposition: Case Study from the Bohaiwan Basin, China
Ismot Jahan PhD Geophysics Fall 2017 Castagna
Seismic Characterization of Faults from 3D Seismic Data: Fault Detection, and Characterization of the Bakken Formation
Hongli Jing PhD Geophysics Fall 2017 Zhou
An Analysis of Focal Parameters with Application to West Texas Micro-Earthquakes
Alexander Kotsakis PhD Atm. Sci Fall 2017 Choi
Investigating the Impacts of Meterology and Long-Range Transport on Near Surface and Free Tropospheric Ozone over Texas
Lingfei Mao MS Geophysics Fall 2017 Stewart
Near-Surface Seismic Imaging of the Shallow Sediments of Galveston Bay, Texas and the Tullos Oilfield, Louisiana
Soty Odoh MS Geology Fall 2017 Saylor
Discriminating Mechanisms for Coarse Clastic Progradation in the Colombian Foreland Basin Using Detrital Zircon Double-Dating
Xuan Qin PhD Geophysics Fall 2017 Zhou
Elastic Characteristics of Overpressure in Shale Based on Micro-Mechanism Analysis
Ramya Ravindranathan PhD Geophysics Fall 2017 Chesnokov
Scaling and Correlation Functions to Map and Understand the Heterogeneity of the Productive Layer
Vaughn Robla MS Geophysics Fall 2017 Sager
Structure of the Salt and Comparison to Bathymetry from 2D Multichannel Seismic Data: Texas and Louisiana Continental Slope, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico 
Abigail Ross MS Geophysics Fall 2017 Stewart
Groundwater Exploration Using High-Resolution Seismic and Resistivity Methods: Gulf Coast, Texas
Lillian Schaffer PhD Geology Fall 2017 Brandon
Water Contents of the Mantle Lithosphere Beneath the Southwestern United States: FTIR Analysis of Peridotite Xenoliths from the Rio Grande Rift, NM and Dish Hill, CA
Kurt Sundell PhD Geology Fall 2017 Saylor
Cenozoic Surface Uplift and Basin Formation in the Peruvian Central Andes
Marcus Terry MS Geophysics Fall 2017 Chesnokov
The Influence of Seismic Anistropy on the Location of Microseismic Events
Lin Wu PhD Geophysics Fall 2017 Castagna
Quantitative Resolution Analysis for Seismic Spectral Decomposition Methods
Huizhong Yan PhD Geophysics Fall 2017 Zhou
Seismic Anisotropy of Overpressured Shale in the Gulf of Mexico Basin
Yao Yao PhD Geophysics Fall 2017 Li, Aibing 
Rayleigh Wave Topography of Texas from Ambient Seismic Noise


Ismail Ahmad Abir PhD Geophysics Spring 2016 Khan
Intergration of Seismic Interpretation with Remote Sensing Techniques to Study the Neo-Tectonics of the Fold-and-Thrust Belts of Northwestern Pakistan
Gokhan Alkir MS Geophysics Spring 2016 Zhou, Hua-Wei
Seismic Imaging and Velocity Model Building of Thrace Region, Northwestern Turkey: A Case Study
Azie Aziz PhD Geophysics Spring 2016 Stewart
3D Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Investigations: Buried Culverts, Historical Graves, A Sandstone Reservoir Analog, and an Impact Crater
Rachel Funk MS Geology Spring 2016 Brandon
Petrology and Geochemistry of New Paired Martican Meteorites LAR 12240 and LAR 12095
Nikole Haney MS Geology Spring 2016 Fu, Qi
Carbon Isotopes of Co2 from Mineral Catalyzed Organic Oxidation Processes Under Martian Conditions
Long Huang PhD Geophysics Spring 2016 Stewart
Estimating Seismic Anisotropy: Fluid Subsitution Theory, 3D-Printed Inclusion Models, and Multi-Component 3D VSP in the Bakken Shale
Laura Judd PhD Atmo Sci Spring 2016 Jiang
Investigating the Spatiotemporal Variability of NO2 and Photochemistry in Urban Areas
Chen Qi PhD Geophysics Spring 2016 Castagna
Signal Enhancement and Impedance Inversion for Highly Cyclically Stratified Sedimentation
Fabiola Ruiz Pelayo MS Geophysics Spring 2016 Stewart
Rock Physics and 3C-3D Seismic Analysis for Reservoir Characterization: Marcellus Shale, Pennsylvania
Jose Sierra MS Geophysics Spring 2016 Castagna
Applications of Composite Frequency-Based Seismic Discontinuity Attributes for Robust Fault and Fracture Detection in a Bandwidth-Extend 30 Seismic Dataset in the Paradox Basin, Colorado
Jiannan Wang PhD Geophysics Spring 2016 Stewart
Estimating Sub-Water Bottom Properties Using Marine Guided Waves and Sonar: Physical Modeling, Haitian Lakes, and Atlantis Field, Gulf of Mexico
Hemin Yuan PhD Geophysics Spring 2016 Zhou, Hua-Wei
Heavy Oil-Sand Modeling During Thermal Production and Its Seismic Response
Duo Yuan PhD Geophysics Spring 2016 Li, Aibing
Imaging Microseismic Events and Seismic Anisotropy from Shear-Wave Splitting Analysis
Syed Zaman MS Geophysics Spring 2016 Li, Aibing
Reducing Risk in Lithology and Fluid Discrimination with Attributes Derived from Seismic Inversion 
Lei Liu PhD Atmo. Sci. Summer 2016 Talbot
Atmospheric Ozone, Mercury, and Biomass Burning in South-Central Texas
Rodriguez Milano Lourdes MS Geophysics Summer 2016 Mann
Crustal Structure and Geological History of the Espino Rift, Venezuela, Based on Potential Fields, Seismic Reflection Data and Well Data 
Luis Ackermann MS Atmos Sci Fall 2016 Rappengluck
Characterization of Photochemical Processes in Doha, Qatar
Virginia Alonso de MS Geology Fall 2016 Khan
Multi-Scale Mapping of Diagenetic Processes in Sandstones using Imaging Spectroscopy: A Case Study of the Frontier Formation (Wyoming, USA) and the Utrillas Formation (Burgos, Spain)
Nicholas Brooks MS Geophysics Fall 2016 Stewart
Elastic Reverse Time Migration Imaging using Perforation Shots and Vertical Receiver Arrays
John Cannon PhD Geology Fall 2016 Murphy
Continental Deformation: Collisional Orogenesis to Passive Margin Processes
Lijun Diao PhD Atmos Scien Fall 2016 Choi
CMAQ Modeling of Trace Gases and Biomass Burning
Jorge Donoso MS Geophysics Fall 2016 Castagna
Sparse-Layer Inversion as a Tool to Delinente Thing Sandstones, Lower Magdalena Valley Region, Colombia: A Case Study
Austin Jumper MS Geophysics Fall 2016 Castagna
Seismic Processing Enhancement and Attribute Analysis of the Early Jurassic Navajo Sandstone - Uinta Basin, Utah
Dong je Lee MS Geophysics Fall 2016 Wang, G
Compaction of Aquifer at Different Depths: Observations from a Vertical GPS Array in the Coastal Center of the University of Houston, Texas
Zhao Li PhD Geophysics Fall 2016 Chesnokov
Time-Domain Solution of Poroelastic Wave Equation
Yiduo Liu PhD Geology Fall 2016 Murphy
Cretaceous to Cenozoic Tectonics of North America: From Intraplate Magmatism to Intracontinental Rifting
Kefei Lu PhD Geophysics Fall 2016 Chesnokov
Gas Shale Anisotropy and Mechanical Property: Laboratory Measurements and Mathematical Modeling
Grant Whittle MS Geophysics Fall 2016 Castagna
Uncertainty Estimation in the Quantitative Interpretation of Inverted Reservoir Property Volumes


Ezzedeen Alfataierge MS Geophysics Spring 2015 Chesnokov
Mathematical Analysis of Upscaling Well Log Data from Sonic to SeismicResolution
Raul Benavidez MS Geology Spring 2015 Casey
The Lithium Isotopic Composition of Altered Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks Associated with Mid-Atlantic Ridge Oceanic Core Complex from 10DP Leg 209
Alberto Bernaez Pulgar MS Geophysics Spring 2015 Aibing Li
Reservoir monitoring using 4-D Seismic data and Rock Physics templates at Norne oil field
Tucker Conklin MS Geology Spring 2015 Wellner
Quaternary Depositional History ofa Shelf-Margin Minibasin, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Yanet Cuddus MSGeophysics Spring 2015 Wang
Current Ground Deformation Derived from GPS Observations near PBO Station ac 55 along the Yentna River, South of Denali National Park Reserve, Alaska
Yue Du PhD Geophysics Spring 2015 Stewart
Borehole Seismic Analysis: Up and Downward Continuation, Migration Velocity Updating and a Bakken Shale Case History
Christopher Gantela PhD Geophysics Spring 2015 Zhou
Analysis of Geophysical Evidence of /cretaceous-Paleocene Forearc Strata in the Santa Catalina Basin, California Inner Continental Borderland
Hongru Huang MS Geophysics Spring 2015 Aibing Li
Identification and analysis of long duration low frequency events from microseismic data
Craig Hyslop PhD Geophysics Spring 2015 Stewart
Imaging and Inversion of Reflected surface Waves
Jiajun Jiang MS Geology Spring 2015 Wang
Rapid Land Subsidence Associated with Severe Drought: A Case Study in the Houston area, Texas
Jason Kegel MS Geology Spring 2015 Murphy
Eocene Paleogeography of the abiquiu Embayment in North-Central New Mexico
Eray Kocel PhD G eophysics Spring 2015 Stewart
3D Seismic Survey Desgin: Coil Shooting, Multi-Component (3C) Receivers with gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Case Histories
David Koenig MS Geology Spring 2015 Copeland
Low-Temperatire Thermochronology of the Beartooth Plateau
Shawn Larkin MS Geology Spring 2015 Lapen
Geochemical Characterization and Sourcing of the Beezley Chalcedony Roza Member Columbia River Basalt Group, Washington
Duan Li PhD Geophysics Spring 2015 Castagna
Modified S-Transform in time-Frequency analysis of the Seismic Data and its Seismic Application
Jason Morgan MS Geology Spring 2015 Murphy
Stratigraphy and Tectonic Implicationsof the Tensleep Sandstone NE Bighorn Basin WY
John Neese MS Geophysics Spring 2015 Castagna
Sesismic Processing of Numerical EM Data
Luanxiao Nguyen MS Geophysics Spring 2015 Hall
Rigid and non-rigid plate reconstruction of the East Africa and Antarctica continental margins
Olabode Omoboya PhD Geophysics Spring 2015 Stewart
Seismic Anisotropy Dependence on Fluids, Fratures and Stress: Physical Modeling with Bakken and Barnett Shale Field Cases
Brian Pack MS Geophysics Spring 2015 Castagna
Thin-Bed Interval Velocity Inversion
Irina Privalova MS Geophysics Spring 2015 Castagna
Frequency-dependent amplitude analysis for oil detection within the Middle Jurassic sediments in the southern part of Western Siberia
Pavel Rusakov MS Geophysics Spring 2015 Castagna
An application of flui mobility attribute for permeability prognosis within the Middle Jurassic sediments in the Southern part of Western Siberia
Mehmet Sahin MS Geology Spring 2015 Casey
Tectonic evolution of the southern portion of the Indio Mountains, West Texas: From Loranide shortening and ARC volcanism to Basin and range extension
John Serna MS Geophysics Spring 2015 Wang
Current Ground Motions Along the Long-Point Fault Derived from Continous GPS Observations 2012-2104
James Trammell PhD Atmospheric Sci Spring 2015 Jiang
Investigating the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Precipitation
Fang Yuan PhD Geophysics Spring 2015 Zhou
Multi-scale deformable layer reflection tomography and application to estimate base-salt geometry
Allegra Giblin MS Geology Summer 2015 Snow
Paleocene turbidite deposition in the Central American seaway (NW Costa Rica): geochemical analysis and provenance of detrital spinel and clinopyroxene
Shawn Wright PhD Geology Summer 2015 Brandon
Application of Radioisotopes in Organic-Non Mud Rocks: Geochronology, Chemistry and Redox Studies


Selin Akhun MS Geophysics Spring 2014 Murphy
Evolution of Late Cenozic Minibasin and Growth Faulting Green Canyon Area, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Musa Atekpa MS Geophysics Spring 2014 Castagna
Comparison and Integration of Frequency multiattributes in thisn layer visualization: A Stratton field case study
Rocio Bernal-Olaya PhD Geology Spring 2014 Mann
Tectonstratigraphic evolution of the Sinu accretionary prism and Lower Magdalena forearc basin formed above a shallow-dipping subduction zone, Caribbean margin of Colombia
Patrick Blood MS Atmospheric Sciences Spring 2014 Rappenglueck
The Optimization of Southeast Texas Extreme Rainfall prediction Utilizing the Weather Research and Forecast Environmental Modeling System
Suleyman Coskun MS Geophysics Spring 2014 Stewart
3-D Seismic Survey Design via Modeling and Reverse Time Migration Pierce Junction Salt Dome, Texas
Melissa Davidson MS Geology Spring 2014 Casey
Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry of V olcanic Rocks from the Trans-pecos Orogenic Belts, Western Texas: Timing the Cessation of Laramide Folding, Uplift and Post Flat-Slab Ignimbrite Flare-Ups
Jonathan Epps PhD Geophysics Spring 2014 Khan
Subsidence and Sea-level Rise for the Northern Gulf of Mexico; An Integrated Multi-sensor approach
Oyebode Famubode PhD Geology Spring 2014 Chafetz
Paleosol Evolution in a Sequence-Stratigraphic Gramework, Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta South Central Utah U.S.A
Chen Liang MS Geophysics Spring 2014 Castagna
Spectral Bandwidth Extension Invention versus Harmonic Extrapolation
Chen Liang MS Geophysics Spring 2014 Castagna
Spectral Bandwidth Extension: Invention versus Harmonic Extrapolation
Un Young Lim MS Geophysics Spring 2014 Castagna
Investigation of and correction for waveform changes arising from NMO stretch
Keyao Xia MS Geophysics Spring 2014 Aibing Li
Azimuthal P-Wave AVA Inversion for Fracture Orientation and Density
Malleswae Yenugu PhD Geophysics Spring 2014 Han
Elastic Microstructural and Geochemical Characterization of Kerogen Maturity for Shales
Luanxiao Zhao PhD Geophysics Spring 2014 Han
Poroelastic and Seismic Characterization of Heterogeneous Reservoir Rocks
Arianna Lisi PhD Geophysics Spring 2014 Li
Shear-wave velocity structure in the crust and upper mantle beneath the central Tien Shan from surface wave tomography
Patrick Loureio MS Geology Fall 2014 Mann
Tectonic basin evolution of the Virgin Islands basin and Anegada Passage, /northeastern Caribbean
Nicole Villarreal MS Geology Fall 2014 Chafetz
The diagenesis of Shell middens along the Gulf coast of Texas and Florida


Minyu Zhang MS Geophysics Fall 2013 Stewart
S-Wave Velocity Estimation using converted Waves in VSP data
Ayodeji Babalola MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Castagna
Resolution of sub-seismic reservoirs by the application of spectral decomposition and spectral inversion methods in Boonsville field, North Central TeXAS
Daniel Buechmann MS Geology Spring 2013 Lapen
Provenance, Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronlogy and Tectonic Significance of Middle Cretaceous Sandstone from the alberta Foreland Basin
Chris Campbell MS Geology Spring 2013 Bhattacharya
Valley Widening and the Composite Nature of Valley Margin Sequence Boundaries: Evidence from the Neilson Wash Compound Valley Fill, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
Petter Dischington MS Geology Spring 2013 Bhattacharya
Likely Counter Point Bars in Course-grained Meandering F luvial Deposits in the Brushy Basin Member of the furassic Morrison Formation
Danfix D'Souza MS Geology Spring 2013 Bhattacharya
Facies architecture and control on channel-belt geometry: Cretaceous-Ferron Notom Delta Utah
James Flynn III PhD Atmospheric Sci Spring 2013 Lefer
Measurements of ozone and ozone precursors in Houston and Los Angeles
Cameron Griffin MS Geology Spring 2013 Bhattacharya
Facies architecture Paleo-hydraulics and Fluvial Style of a Falling Stage Terrace Deposit within a Compound Incised Valley System, Ferron Notom Delta, Utah
Xu Han MS Geology Spring 2013 Khan
Integrated Remote Sensing and Geophysical Study of the Hockley Fault in Harris County, Texas
Benjamin Hilton MS Geology Spring 2013 Bhattacharya
3D Allostratigraphic Mapping and Facies Heterogeneity of a Compound Tributory Incised Valley System Turonian Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-Central Utah
Tao Jiang PhD Geophysics Spring 2013 Chesnokov
Connection of Elastic and Transport Properties: Effective Medium study in Anisotropic Porous Media
Alejandro Juranovic MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Castagna
Diffraction Imaging: A Stratton Field, TX Case Study
Ayca Karacay MS Geology Spring 2013 Khan
Subsudence Study in Northwest Harris County using GPS, LiDAR and InSAR remote sensing techniques
Jeremy Kent MS Geology Spring 2013 Brandon
Geochemistry of Lunar Granulites and Implications for the C omposition and History of the Lunar Crust
Sebnem Kocoglu MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Castagna
Description of the Bakken formation's rock properties of the Williston Basin, North Dakota
Rongrong Lin MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Stewart
Extracting polar anisotropy parameters from seismic data and well logs
Matthew Loocke MS Geology Spring 2013 Snow
Arc foundations and subduction initiation in the Izu-Bonin forearc
Maria Mason MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Stewart
Multicomponent Seismic Imaging of Sand Reservoir Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia
Heather McGarity MS Geology Spring 2013 Bhattacharya
Facies and Stratigraphic Framework of the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas
Omar Montes MS Geology Spring 2013 Bhattacharya
Quantitative Comparison of Channel-belt Dimension Internal Architecture and Characteristivs of Two Fluvial Systems in Sequence 1 Ferron Notom Delta South Central Utah
Tania Mukherjee PHD Geophysics Spring 2013 Stewart
Time-lapse VSP analysis and scenario modeling for an EOR resrvoir in Oman
Jesse Ortega MS Geology Spring 2013 Wang
Groundwater Withdrawal and Aquifer Compaction: A Caste Study in Addicks, Texas
Emmanuel Osakwe MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Chesnokov
Estimation of the Source Mechanism from a Barnett Shale Play
Gisela Porifi MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Castagna
Conventional vs High-Resolution seismic simultaneous inversion and rock property characterization of th Olmos and Eagle Ford unconventional plays, McMullen County South
Jie Qi MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Castagna
Faults and Discontinuities Analysis: Application to Barnett Shale Data
Jessica Quintanar MS Geology Spring 2013 Khan
Remote Sensing planform and sedimentological analysis of the Plain of Tineh, Egypt for the remains of the Pelusiac River a defunct branch of the Nile River
Robert Raschilla MS Geology Spring 2013 Van Wijk
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Upper Green River Petroleum System in the Uinta Basin, Utah A Basin Modeling Approach
Jordan Sayers MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Castagna
Enhancement of the geological features of the Scotian Basin by the application of Spectral inversion offshore Nova Scotia
Kevin Schmidt MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Khan
A Geophysical Study of Active Faulting in Fort Bend County, Texas
Erin Seda MS Atmospheric Sciences Spring 2013 Lefer
Springtime Surface Measurement of Be, Pb and Speciated Hg and Their Relationships with DynamicalIndicators od Stratospheric Ainr in Houston TX
Barry Shaulis PHD Geology Spring 2013 Lapen
Terrestrial and Cosmochemical Applications of U-Pb Zircon Baddeleyite and Phosphate Chronology
Arkadiusz Turolski MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Stewart
An Integrated Geophysical study of Meteor Crater, AZ and Jemez Pueblo, NM
Xu Wang MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Aibing Li
Love wave tomography of the central Tien Shan from ambient seismic noise
Xiayu Xu MS Geophysics Spring 2013 Aibing Li
Qiuliang Yao PhD Geophysics Spring 2013 Han
Velocity Dispersion and Wave Attenuation in Reservoir Rocks
Hua Yu PhD Geophysics Spring 2013 Castagna
Calibration of effective pressure coefficient for Gulf of Mexico
Olawale Adejuyigbe MS Geophysics Summer 2013 Chesnokov
Correlation Between the Volume of S lurry and the V o lume of Fracture in Barrnet Shale
Nicole Arres MS Geology Summer 2013 Van Wijk
Flexural modeling of the Himalayan Foreland Basin: Implications for the presence fo a forebulge and formation of basement ridges
Alex Dale MS Geology Summer 2013 Mann
Crustal Type tectonic origin and Petroleum Potential of the Bahamas Carbonate Platform
Simon Echegu PHD Geology Summer 2013 Bissada
Geological and Geochemical Investigation of the Petroleum Systems of the Permian Basin of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico
Henry Herrera MS Geology Summer 2013 Van Wijk
A Petroleum System Study of the Cratonic Williston Basin in North Dakota USA: The R ole of the Laramide Orgeny
Long Huang MS Geophysics Summer 2013 Stewart
Fluid substitution and AVAZ analysis of fractured domains: An ultrasonic experimental study
Uchenna Ikediobi MS Geology Summer 2013 Van Wijk
Crustal Structure of Salton Trough: Constraints from gravity modeling
Hana Kabazi MS Geology Summer 2013 Robinson
Microstructural and Metamorphic Analysis of the Mahon Gneiss Dome, Southern Canadian Covdilleva
An Li MS Geology Summer 2013 Murphy
Structural Evolution of the Himalayan Thrust Belt
Xinglu Lin MS Geophysics Summer 2013 Weglein
Optimal Backgroung Model Extraction and Improvement of RTM Illumination on Basic of Born Modeling
Alli Oyepeju MS Geology Summer 2013 Van Wijk
Origin of Cratonic Basins: Testing the rifting model for their formation
Luis Pachon Parr MS Geology Summer 2013 Mann
Subsurface mapping and 3D flexural modeling of the Putumayo foreland basin, Colombia
Xuan Qin MS Geophysics Summer 2013 Han
VP-Vs Relations of Organic-rich Shales
Colby Record MS Geology Summer 2013 Van Wijk
A Petroleum System Analysis of the Espanda Basin of the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
Soumya Roy PhD Geophysics Summer 2013 Stewart
Near-surface Characterization via Seismic Surface-wave Inversion
Gabriel Sanchez MS Geology Summer 2013 Wang
Determing the Trace and Kinematics of the Long Point Fault in Houston, Texas using LiDAR data and Continuous GPS Monitoring
Erik Slotsve BS Geology Summer 2013 Murphy
Geologic Map of the Snowbird Flourite Deposit Mineral County Montana Imlications for its Genesis
Yao Yao MS Geophysics Summer 2013 Li
Rayleigh wave tomography of Texas from seismic ambient noise
Ozbil Yapar MS Geophysics Summer 2013 Murphy
Investigation of the interaction salt movement, faulting and deposition using high-resolution 3-D seismic data: Eugene Island South Addition, Gulf of Mexico
Due Yuan MS Geophysics Summer 2013 Li
Building 3-D Crustal Model with Radial Anisotrophy in Iceland from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
Omer Akbas MS Geophysics Fall 2013 Stewart
Microseismic Monitoring: Physical Modeling and Source Characterization
Berdar Bektas MS Geophysics Fall 2013 Robinson
Detrital Zircon Investigation in the Late Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic Tectonic History of the Qing Shan Region of the Nan Shan, Northeast Tibet
Toby Burrough MS Geology Fall 2013 Wang
Spartial and Temporal Variability in Vertical Deformation in Willowhead, Tx Derived from long-term OPS and Extensometer Observations
Marcus Chroback MS Geology Fall 2013 Van Nieuwenhuise
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Antrim Shale along the Southern Margin of the Michigan Basin
Megan Cook MS Geology Fall 2013 Chafetz
Lateral and Temporal Facies Variations in a Quaternary Travertine Deposit, Belen New Mexico
Therica Grosshans MS Geology Fall 2013 Lapen
Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Ages and source compositions of depleted Shergottite Tissint
Feifei Huang MS Geophysics Fall 2013 Chesnokov
Using Pair Correlation Function as a tool to Identify the Location for Shale Gas/Oil Reservoir Based on the Experimental Well log data
Daniel Imrecke PhD Geology Fall 2013 Robinson
Tectonic Evolution of the Southeast Pamir
Michele Kocen MS Atmospheric Sciences Fall 2013 Rappenglueck
Observation of Sea-Breeze Fronts along the Houston Gulf Coast
Sukru Gokhan Kose MS Geology Fall 2013 Snow
Crustal Architecture Cretaceous Rise and Igneous Activity of Sabine Monroe and Jackson Uplifts Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin
Lun Li PhD Geophysics Fall 2013 Li
Seismic Velocity radial anisotropy in the crust and upper mantle of northeastern Tibetan Plateau from surface wave tomography
Allison McConnell MS Geology Fall 2013 Capuano
Geochemical investigation of the origin of hydrocarbon occurrences in up-dip Wilcox Group reservoirs at Raccoon Bend field, southeast Texas Gulf Coast basin
Nam Hien Nguyen MS Geology Fall 2013 Snow
Tracing Enriched Mantle Components along the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Teresa Spohn MS Atmospheric Sciences Fall 2013 Rappenglueck
Tracking Potenial Sources of Peak Ozone Concentrations in the Arabian Gulf Region
Melahat Asli Surek MS Geology Fall 2013 Capuano
Cluster Analysis of the Balakhany VIII Reservoir Unit with spectral gamma ray logs Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli Field, Offshore Azerbaijan
Xixi Wang MS Geophysics Fall 2013 Li
Imaging crustal structure beneath Texas Gulf Coast from P-receiver function
Cari-Sue Wilmot MS Atmospheric Sciences Fall 2013 Rappenglueck
A model comparison of basic and turbulent energy surface variables in the development of thePBL in a southwast Texas coastal region


Doyle Adams MS Geology Summer 2011 Van Wijk
An Investigation Of Pull-Apart Basins Using Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling: Temporal Evolution And Maturation Of Dilational Pull-Apart Bas
Sumiyyah Ahmed MS Geology Summer 2011 Bhattacharya
Construction Of An Inertia-Tofriction Influenced Delta Front Turovianferrow Sandstone, Utah
Ching-Wen Chen PhD Geophysics Summer 2011 Li
Continental Lithosphere Beneath The Northern Grenville Province And The Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Carmen Dragoi MS Geology Summer 2011 Casey
A Comparison Of Laser Ablation La-Icp-Ms Versus Solution Trace Element Analyses On Morb Glasses From 12-16N Along Mid-Atlanti Cridge
Veronica Sanchez PhD Geology Summer 2011 Murphy
Structural Evolution Of The Lupukangri Rift, South Central Tibet
Shawn Wright MS Geology Summer 2011 Snow
Major And Trace Element Geochemistry Of Pendohtes And Their Tectonic Implications:Santa Elena Ophiolite Complex Northwest Costa Rica
Nathanael Babcock  MS Geophysics Summer 2012 Stewart
Microphone Suppression Of Air-Noise On Geophones
Jennifer Barth MS Geology Summer 2012 Chafetz
Crystal Geyser Utah Characterization Of Active Trevertine Deposits Of A Coldwater Carbon Dioxide Driver
Timothy Brown MS Geophysics Summer 2012 Liner
Fracture Characterization At The Dukman Field, Ks:Integrating Well Log And Prestock Seismic Analysis
Laura Carvalho Britto MS Geophysics Summer 2012 Li
Mapping Iceland'S Crusial Structure Using Ambient Seismic Noise
Chris Ennen MS Geophysics Summer 2012 Hall
Mapping Gas-Charged Fault Blocks Aroun The Vinton Salt Dome Louisiana Using Gravity Gradiometry Data
Hui Fan MS Geophysics Summer 2012 Liner
Comparison Of Near-Surface Seismic Velocity Estimation Methods Wth Application To On-Shore Peru And Offshore Malaysia
Rose Feinstein MS Geology Summer 2012 Dupre
Effects Of Catastrophic Blowdown On Headwater Streams Of The Routt National Forest Colorado
Luke Francis MS Geology Summer 2012 Capuano
Tracing The Source Of Shallow Water Contamination Near A Leaky Fault System Green River Utah
Mouna Gargouri MS Geophysics Summer 2012 Stewart
Multicompenet 3D Seismic Interpretation Of The Marcellus Shale Bradford County Pennsylvania
Adrian Gittens MS Geology Summer 2012 Casey
Detrital Zircon Geochronology Of Cambro-Ordovivian Siliciclastic Units Of The Humber Arm Allochthon Newfoundland,Canada
John Lebas MS Geology Summer 2012 Chafetz
Turtle Rocks; Diagenssis Of The Hartshorne Sandstone
Denet Pernia MS Geology Summer 2012 Bissada
Application And Assesment Of Open-System Vs Closed-System Kerogen Isolation Methods For Characterization Of Gas Shale Kerogens
Tommy Ringo MS Geophysics Summer 2012 Chesnokov
Evaluation Of Shear-Wave Velocity Prediction Models At Norne Field Norwegian Sea
Darsel Seepersad MS Geology Summer 2012 Bhattacharya
Thin-Bedded Facies Analysis Of A Ferron Storm-Dominated Delta Front And Prodelta Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone Utah
Halil Celep MS Geophysics Spring 2012 Liner
Prediction Of Deep Bright Spots Via Gossmann Fluid Subtitution And Seismic Amp Interpretation In The Vermilion Area Northern Gulf Of Mexico
Tzu-Chien Chang MS Geology Spring 2012 Casey
Mid-Atlanticridge 12-16N Bathymetric Analysis By Empiral Mode Decomposition
Di Chen MS Geophysics Spring 2012 Chesnokov
Microstructure Study On Barnett Shale
Mingyong Chen MS Geophysics Spring 2012 Castagna
Resolusion Study On Wavelets Both In Temporal And Spectral Domain
Padmakar Deo MS Geophysics Spring 2012 Castagna
Logging Data Errors And Their Propagation In Fluid Substitution
Henrique Fraquelli MS Geophysics Spring 2012 Stewart
A Seismic Framework For Estimating Hydrocarbon Reservoir Volumes And Their Likelihood
Zheng Huang MS Geology Spring 2012 Khan
Multidiscipinary Investigation Of Surface Deformation Above Salt Domes In Houston, Texas
Eray Kocel MS Geophysics Spring 2012 Hall
Antntegrated Geophysical Study Of The Northern Gulf Of Mexico
Jeremy Krimmel MS Geology Spring 2012 Chafetz
The Role Of Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria And Unconsolidated Organic Matter In The Formation Of Primary Dolomite
Kimberly Mead MS Geology Spring 2012 Wellner
Age Estimates Of Holocene Glacial Retreat In Lapeyrere Bay An Anvers Island Fjord
Emin Emrah Pacal MS Geophysics Spring 2012 Stewart
Seismic Imaging With Ocean-Bottom Nodes(Obn) :New Acquisihon Design And The Atlantis 4C Obn Survey
Charles Puryear PhD Geophysics Spring 2012 Castagna
Constrained Least Squares Spectral Analysis:Application To Seismic Data
Calvin Silver MS Geology Spring 2012 Murphy
The Dhaulagiri Transtensoral Zone An Active Fault Zone In The Western Nepal Himalaya
James Stutz MS Geology Spring 2012 Murphy
Geometry Of The Dolo-Mugu Fields:Implications For The Deep Crustal Structure Of Central Nepal
Shams Ul-Hadi PhD Geology Spring 2012 Khan
Multidiscipinary Investigations Of The Chaman Strike Slip Fault Alon The Western Indo-Asian Cellision Boundary, Pakistan
Laura Unerzagt MS Geology Spring 2012 Murphy
Structural Style Variations In The Himalayan Front:Implications For Wedge-Top Deposition
Jingqian Wang PhD Atmospheric Sci Spring 2012 Jiang
Investigation Of Tracer Gas Variability From Observations And Models
Zachary Wolfe MS Geology Spring 2012 Murphy
Stratigraphic Controls On The Structural Evolution Of The Sierra Madie Oriental Fold Thrust Belt Eastern Mexico
Patrick Wright MS Atmospheric Sci Spring 2012 Lefer
Field Validation, Central Greenland
Heng Yao MS Geophysics Spring 2012 Liner
Seismic First Break Picking Algorithm With Case Studies For Full Wave Elastic Physical Modeling
Jiangbo Yu MS Geophysics Spring 2012 Castagna
Histogram Matching Seismic Wavelet Phase Estimation


Eric A. Blankenship MS Geology Fall 2011 Bhattacharya
Sedimentology And Structure Of Gravitationlly Collapses Flood-Dominated Mouth Bars In The Cretaceous Noton Delta
Mehdi Eftekharifar PhD Geophysics Fall 2011 Castagna
Seismic Characterization Of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Andre Ferreira MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Weglein
Internal Multiple Removalin Offshore Brazil Seismic Data Using The Inverse Scattering Series
Nicole Grossberg MS Atmospheric Sci Fall 2011 Lefer
Wavelenght Dependent Impacts Of Aerosols On Actinic Flux In Pasadena Ca During Calnex 2010
Jingqiu Huang MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Stewart 
Vsp-Assisted Seismic Interpretation Glacial Terraces, Red Lodge Montana And Avo Effects Garden Banks Gulf Of Mexico
Lorenzo Izarra Dial MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Castagna
Enhancement Of Geological Features In The For Worth Basin By The Application Of Spectral Decompostion&Spectral Inver, Shakelford County
Chunbi Jiang MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Chesnokov
Analyzing Seismic Attributes Sensitivity From Well-Log Inversion Offshore Gulf Of Mexico
Vanessa Lobo MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Castagna
Application And Comparison Of Seismic Inversion Methods For Reservoir Characterzation In The Memrimda Cooper Field Basin Australia
Olabode Omoboya MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Stewart
Seismic Imaging Of Anisotrope Domain:Physical  Modeling And A Shale Case
Maisam Ali Otoum MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Khan
An Integrated Geophysical Investigation To Map The  Hockley Active Fault In Northwest Harris County, Texas
Duane Pankhurst MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Castagna
Atoka Sandstone Rock Property Avo Examination Fort Worth Basin, North Central Texas
Jonathan Parker MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Liner
Seismic Interpretation Based On Isotropic And Anisotropic Prestack Time Migration In The Big Horn Basin Wy
Donald Tomlinson MS Geology Fall 2011 Copeland
Oligocene Shortening In Th Elittle Burro Mountains Of Sw New Mexico And Its Tectonic Implications
Ken Obiora Uduanochie MS Geology Fall 2011 Stewart
Building Subsurface Velocity Models Using Ocean-Bottom Seismic Data:Green Canyon Gulf Of Mexico
Xin Zhang MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Han
Electrical Potenial Method For Reservoir Monitoring
Zijian Zhang PhD Geophysics Fall 2011 Han
Seismic Characterization Of Gas Hydrate In The Gulf Of Mexico Based On Rock Physics
Rui Zhou MS Geophysics Fall 2011 Chesnokov
Accuracy Of Microseismic Location In Isotropic Vti And Multilayered Vti Media
Yekaterina Akhmetzhanova Zgheib MS Geophysics Spring 2011 Murphy
Strain Distribution Fault Growth and Temporal Patterns in The Stratton Field South Texas Gulf of Mexico
Elmira Chabyshova MS Geophysics Spring 2011 Castagna
Seismic Attenuation in Porous Layered Fluid Saturated Medium
Christine Haman PhD Atmospheric Sci Spring 2011 Lefer
Impact of Synoptic Controls and Boundary Later Processes on Ground-Level Ozone Evolution at an Urban Site
Laurin Hardin MS Geology Spring 2011 Wellner
High Resolution Holocene Glacial Marine Sediment Facies Analysis of Beascochea Bay, Antarctic Peninsula
Shannon LeBlanc MS Geophysics Spring 2011 Liner
Mapping Deep Structure in Mess County Kansas for CO2 Storage Characterization
Michael Loparco MS Geology Spring 2011 Bhattacharya
Application of the Asymmetric Wave-Influenced Delta Model to the Cretaceous Gallup Sandstone in Shiprock, New Mexico
Joaquin Owens MS Geology Spring 2011 Chafetz
Paleoenvironments and Petrology Virgelle Member, Eagle Formation Elk Basin, Wyoming and Montana
Leigh Owens MS Geology Spring 2011 Bhattacharya
Eustatic Controls of Deformed vs Underformed Shelf Edge Deltas Within Salt-Withdrawal Minibasin, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Pongthep Thongsang MS Geophysics Spring 2011 Goloshubin
Ponpointing Hydrocarbon Saturated Thin Bed Reservoir by Using Seismic Attenuation Analysis South Marsh Island Gom
Yingqian Xiong PhD Geology Spring 2011 Khan
Emplacement of Bela and Musluin Bagh Ophidites and Significance for the India-Asia Collision in Western Pakistan


Ayato Kato PhD Geophysics Fall 2010 Stewart/Han
Reservoir Characterization and Steam Monitoring in Heavy Oil Reservoirs
Alex Barnard MS Geology Fall 2010 Wellner
Onset of a Small but Significant Regional Climate Change in a High Resolution Late Holocene Sediment Core from the Maritime Antarctic Peninsula
John Chakalis MS Geology Fall 2010 Castagna
Avo Analysis oOf Thin Gas Sands in the Jennings Ranch Field, South Texas
Oluwaseyi Fatoke PhD Geology Fall 2010 Bhattacharya
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Pliocene-Pleisto Strat Niger Delta, Nigeria
Carley Freer MS Geology Fall 2010 Murphy
Investigation of the Deformation History in Reactivated Laramide Asymmetric Anticlines in North-Central New Mexico
Xuan Guo PhD Geology Fall 2010 Chafetz
Origins of Tufa Mounds in Searler Lake, California
Ana Sanz Fernandez MS Geophysics Fall 2010 Liner
Subsalt Seismic Illumination Study
Rui Zhang PhD Geophysics Fall 2010 Castagna
Seismic Reflection Inversion by Basis Pursuit
Yijie Zhu PhD Geology Fall 2010 Bhattacharya
Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta Complex, South Central Utah
Jiannina Bastidas MS Geophysics Spring 2010 Castagna
Acoustic Log Estimation of Formation Effective Pore Aspect Ratio
Maria Brito Sardinha MS Geophysics Spring 2010 Castagna
Principal Component Analysis for Stratigraphic Imaging Improvement & Facies Prediction in tThe Gulf of Mexico
Paul Davis MS Geology Spring 2010 Robinson
Kinematics of the Nacimiento and Gallina Uplifts in North-Central New Mexico in Relation to the Laramide Tectonic Evolution
Gabriel Gil MS Geophysics Spring 2010 Castagna
High Resoultion 3D Net-To-Gross Estimation from Post-Stack Inversion & Petrophysical Controls
Ryan Krueger MS Geology Spring 2010 Bhattacharya
Strike Variability Within a Wave-Influenced Delta the Gallup Sandstone, Shiprack, New Mexico
Kenny Lew MS Geophysics Spring 2010 Li
The Lithosperic Structure Beneath the Tanzanian Craton From S Receiver Functions
Krista Mondelli MS Geophysics Spring 2010 Liner
Salt Reconstruction and Study of Depositional History, Upper Jurassic East Texas Basin
Damayanti Mukherjee PhD Geology Spring 2010 Khan
Late Albian Rudist Buildup of the Edward Formation in Central Texas a Shallow Reservoir Analog Study
Maria Rojas PhD Geophysics Spring 2010 Castagna
Viscoelastic Properties of Heavy Oils
Sergio Sarmiento PhD Geology Spring 2010 Khan
Response of the Mackenzie River Basin Lakes to Climate Variability
Barry Shaulis MS Geology Spring 2010 Lapen
The Provenence of Detrital Zircons from the Quchita Mountains of Oklahoma
Kellen Springer MS Geology Spring 2010 Lapen
SM-ND Geochronology of the Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite, St. Mavcel, Italy
Marc Taylor MS Atmospheric Sci Spring 2010 Rappenglueck
Vertical Concentrations of Ozone in a Pre and Post Frontal Environment Over Houston Texas 7/2004 - 5/2009
Daniel Imrecke MS Geology Summer 2010 Robinson
The Chalk Draw Fault of Trans-Pecos Texas: An Investigation into the Structure and Style of Deformation as a Result of Extension
Shuqin Ma MS Geophysics Summer 2010 Li
Mapping the Lithosphere Structure in Southern Africa from S Receiver Functions
John McKay MS Geology Summer 2010 Van Nieuwenhuise
Sedimentological Indicators of Hurricane Deposition and the Evolution of Wind Tidal Flats in the Laguna Madre
Dip Nanda MS Geophysics Summer 2010 Castagna
Spectral Decomposition of Seismic Data Using Conventional M-Wavelets and M-Pseudo Wavelets
Aziz Ozyavas PhD Geology Summer 2010 Khan
Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to Understand the Mechanisms Behind the Caspian Sea Level Fluctuation
Ana Petrovic PhD Geology Summer 2010 Khan
Remote Detection and Geochemical Studies for Finding Hydrocarbon-Induced Alterations in Lisbon Valley, Utah