Core Courses
Atmospheric Science
Students seeking M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Atmospheric Sciences are required to take at least one course from the three Atmospheric Sciences Graduate Core Categories - 1) Atmospheric Dynamics and Physics, 2) Atmospheric Chemistry, and 3) Atmospheric Measurement and Modeling. Most Core courses are offered every other year, either in the Fall or Spring Semester.
Category 1 (Atmospheric Dynamics and Physics)
- GEOL 6337 - Atmospheric Physics
- GEOL 6336 - Boundary Layer & Turbulence
- GEOL 6330 - Dynamic Meteorology
- GEOL 6327 - Atmospheric Radiation
- GEOL 6364 - Mesoscale Meteorology
- GEOL 6319 - Atmosphere & Ocean Dynamics
- GEOL 6397 – Cloud Physics
Category 2 (Atmospheric Chemistry)
- GEOL 6321 - Aerosols and Climate
- GEOL 6332 - Air Pollution Meteorology
- GEOL 6334 - Atmospheric Chemistry
- GEOL 6370 - Atmospheric Biogeochemistry
Category 3 (Atmospheric Measurement and Modeling)
- GEOL 6325 - Remote Sensing
- GEOL 6326 - Remote Sensing for Atmospheric Sciences
- GEOL 6335 - Atmospheric Numerical Modeling
- GEOL 6328 - Atmospheric Data Analysis & Statistics
- GEOL 7311 - Deep Learning Big Data Analytics
- GEOL 6397 - Synoptic Meteorology
Students seeking M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in geophysics are required to take the following four core classes.
- GEOL 7324 - Rock Physics
- GEOL 7330 - Potential Field Methods
- GEOL 7333 - Seismic Wave and Ray Theory
- GEOL 7341 - Geophysical Data Processing
Courses listed in categories 1 through 4 will satisfy core requirements for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Geology. Students seeking these degrees must satisfactorily complete a minimum of one course from three of the four categories below. These three courses must be included within the minimum of 30 approved degree hours for a Masters degree and the 60 approved degree hours for a Ph.D. Most of these courses are offered in Fall or Spring semesters in alternate years.
Category 1 (Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology/Geochemistry)
- GEOL 6339 - Igneous Petrology
- GEOL 6340 - Metamorphic Petrology
- GEOL 6341 - Geochemistry I
- GEOL 6374 - Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry
- GEOL 6386 - Igneous Petrogenesis and Plate Tectonics
Category 2 (Sedimentary Geology/Stratigraphy)
- GEOL 6358 - Terrigeneous Depositional Systems
- GEOL 6363 - Carbonate Sedimentology
- GEOL 6366 - Hydrogeology
- GEOL 6376 - Adv Tect and Sedimentation
- GEOL 6380 - Sequence Stratigraphy
Category 3 (Structure/Tectonics)
- GEOL 6349 - Geodynamics
- GEOL 6350 - Advanced Structural Geology
- GEOL 6378 - Basin Analysis for Petroleum Exploration
- GEOL 6352 - Microtectonics
- GEOL 6382 - Plate Tectonics
Category 4 (Applied/Analytical)
- GEOL 6325 - Remote Sensing
- GEOL 6347 - Sandstone Petrography
- GEOL 6372 - Intro to Petroleum Geochemistry
- GEOL 6381 - Petroleum Geology
- GEOL 6388 - Geospatial Analysis and Applications