Graduate Student Resources - University of Houston
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Graduate Student Resources

All forms should be completed and submitted to via the COSC Forms Submission page. Once submitted, your academic advisor will begin the review workflow and obtain the required signatures. It can take up to 15 business days to process forms through the department and College/NSM Dean's Office.


COSC Forms

  • MS Option and Track Declaration
  • Research Advisor Assignment (for MS-Thesis and PhD students)
    PhD students:
    do not need to complete this form if a faculty/research advisor was assigned in your original admissions letter. If you are switching faculty advisors, you must submit this form UNELSS you have already submitted your "Committee Composition" form. If you have already submitted your "Committee Composition" form and are now switching faculty advisors, you will need to complete the "Change in Committee Composition" form instead of the "Research Advisor Assignment" form.
    MS Thesis students: should submit this form once they have secured a faculty advisor.
  • PhD Student Annual Review - Part 1 (self-evaluation)
  • PhD Student Annual Review - Part 2 (committee evaluation)
    Each student will be reviewed annually by the dissertation committee during a review meeting; the review is mandatory starting the 3rd year. The review meeting should be integrated to the proposal defense in the year in which the proposal defense takes place, and it is not necessary in the year of the dissertation defense.
  • PhD Research Competency Exam Guidelines
  • PhD Research Proposal Defense Evaluation Form
    The proposal defense evaluation form should be submitted by the dissertation committee chair to the Director of Graduate Studies and PhD Graduate Academic Advisor.

NSM Forms

  • Leave of Absence
    This document serves as a means of officially requesting a semester of leave of absence (LOA) from your graduate program. NSM requires all graduate students (Ph.D. and Master’s) who are not enrolled in a long semester (fall or spring) to have an approved LOA on file before the start of a term. This form must accompany a Graduate and Professional Student Petition for a request to be considered. For more information, please see the NSM Leave of Absence (LOA) Procedures.
  • Committee Composition
    Students who complete a dissertation or thesis as part of their degree requirements must specify a committee and have the names on file with the NSM Office of Academic Affairs at least one semester prior to their graduation. Specific details on how to compose your committee can be found in the NSM section of the UH Graduate Catalog.
  • Change in Committee Composition
    Students who already have an approved dissertation or thesis committee on file with the NSM Office of Academic Affairs will need to submit this form when there is a change in the committee membership or a member’s affiliation (department/institution/company). The new membership must still meet the NSM committee composition requirements once it is reformed.
  • Graduate Tuition Fellowship Extension Request
    Use this form to request a Graduate Tuition Fellowship (GTF) after your 10th long semester of GTF funding. Please visit NSM GTF for a list of the fellowship eligibility requirements and details. Students should attach this form and all other supporting documentation to a Graduate & Professional Student Petition.

Graduate School Forms

  • Graduate & Professional Student Petition
    This form is used for a variety of special requests regarding a student’s academic records. For assistance, see the instructions page. Below are common examples of petition requests and requirements.
    • Out-of-Department Course
      • Select #12 Other
      • Explanation of Request section should include:
        • Course Prefix, Course Number, Section Number, Course Title, Semester
        • Statement requesting to use the course as an out-of-department course towards your [MS or PhD] in Computer Science
      • Sign the petition
      • Advisor Signature
        • PhD students and MS thesis should send the petition to their assigned faculty dissertation/thesis advisor for signature.
        • MS non-thesis students should leave the advisor signature blank
      • Students should submit the form through the COSC Forms Submissions page.
      • Disclaimer: if the enrollment system allows you to enroll in the course, you may enroll in the course prior to receiving approval from COSC. However, if your petition is denied, you must drop the course. COSC is not responsible for enrolling you in the course. You must enroll yourself or contact the out-of-department advisor about enrolling.
    • COSC 6398 Special Problems
      • Select #12 Other
      • Explanation of Request section should include:
        • Statement requesting to enroll in COSC 6398, the faculty's name, semester of enrollment, and to use the course towards your [MS or PhD] in Computer Science
      • Students should send the petition to the supervising faculty where they will sign the "Graduate Advisor/Committee Chair" section
      • A syllabus should be prepared by the supervising faculty using the syllabus template. The document should describe the project, student expectations, deliverables, and how the student will be assessed/graded.
      • Students should submit the form AND syllabus through the COSC Forms Submissions page.
  • Medical/Administrative Term Withdrawal Request
    This form is used when a student is withdrawing from a term for documented medical or administrative reasons (including military deployment and death of an immediate family member). Appropriate documentation should be attached to the request. Students should also attach a Graduate & Professional Student Petition (NSM uses version UHGS 0520) requesting a leave of absence and the NSM Leave of Absence Form, and international students should attach a completed and approved Reduced Course Load Form.
  • Written Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form
    This form, signed by the entire student’s committee, should accompany the submission of a thesis or dissertation to the College for review by the College reader. Once approved by the College, it will be signed by the Dean or Associate Dean, and submitted to the Graduate School by the Office of Academic Affairs of the College

International Student and Scholar Services

For additional forms: