Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages - University of Houston
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Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages

Recognizing an educational responsibility, the University has developed these and other regulations to promote students’ responsible decision-making and behavior relative to the use of alcoholic beverages. Distribution procedures must be followed for on-campus events by student organizations and others sponsoring the events for students. The Student Centers is responsible for interpreting these procedures and for developing guidelines for its implementation. Registering to distribute alcoholic beverages on the campus of the University of Houston is a privilege granted to registered student groups and departments. Failure to adhere to university procedures may result in the denial of future registration and disciplinary action.

Procedures for Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages at Student Events

  1. Departments or registered campus organizations desiring to serve or consume any type of alcoholic beverage on campus must register their event in advance by means of the Registration of Alcoholic Beverage Distribution Form. Forms may be obtained from the Student Centers Office and must be completed and filed in the Student Centers Office at least 15 business days in advance of the event in order to permit time to clarify issues and to distribute copies of the registration to other university officials. Registration forms must be reviewed by the Student Centers or designate. A signature from the Student Centers or designate must be received prior to advertising the event. Individuals within the department or organization must identify themselves as responsible for compliance with the University of Houston's policies on the distribution of alcoholic beverages as well as federal, state and local laws. A copy of the signed registration form for alcoholic beverage distribution must be available at the event as proof that registration was made.

  2. Alcoholic beverages may be distributed in areas approved for programming within designated hours. Space and facilities for the event must be reserved through the appropriate university channels. Alcoholic beverages may be dispensed at campus events between 5:00pm and 12:00am on Monday through Friday and between noon and 12:00am on Saturday and Sunday. For special campus-wide events, the Dean of Students or designate may permit earlier distribution.

  3. Any event at which alcoholic beverages are to be consumed pursuant to this policy may not have that consumption be the main focus of the event. Any publicity for the event may refer to such beverages only as incidental to the event. Advertising will not portray drinking as a solution to personal or academic problems. Also, it may not promote gimmicks or games (i.e., "one charge for all you can drink," "chugging contests," "drink and drown contests," “ beer pong,”etc.), which enhance irresponsible drinking.

Persons responsible for distributing alcoholic beverages must:

  • Be 21 years of age or older.
  • Check a valid driver's license or Texas ID for proof of age and identify legal age drinkers by the use of a hand stamp or a wristband.
  • Post a sign at the point of distribution indicating "No alcoholic beverages may be consumed by anyone under age 21."
  • Have nonalcoholic beverages available and displayed throughout the event as prominently as the alcoholic beverages. If the alcoholic beverages are being distributed free, a nonalcoholic beverage other than water must be available at no charge.
  • Stop serving alcoholic beverages one hour before the event's scheduled conclusion or at 12:00am, whichever is the earlier time.
  • Cease serving alcoholic beverages to any person who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substance, to the degree that he or she may endanger themself or another.
  • Take other appropriate steps they may identify to encourage the responsible use of alcoholic beverages at their event.
  • Post a sign announcing their willingness to call a cab for those under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substance.
  • Provide food items in sufficient amounts for the number of persons attending the function.

Students shall not:

  • Use false identification cards in order to receive alcoholic beverages;
  • Provide alcoholic beverages to a minor;
  • Consume alcoholic beverages on campus except in approved food establishments, at events where such beverages are being distributed legally and in approved areas in the residence halls;
  • Bring alcoholic beverages into or out of an event where such beverages are being distributed legally.

Students will be held responsible for their guests' compliance with university regulations.

The Executive Director of Student Housing & Residential Life and the Director of the Student Centers may impose additional regulations in the residence halls and in the Student Center and Student Center Satellite respectively.

For additional information, including a summary of state law, resources for assistance, and educational guidelines or programming, contact the Center for Student Involvement , the Student Centers Conference & Reservation Services Office, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), or UH Wellness.

The Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages Policy does not apply to football game tailgating activities. Football tailgates are governed by the General Rules for Tailgating administered by the Athletics Department. Tailgate sponsors should register with and secure the General Rules for Tailgating from the Athletics Department.

Students participating in University-related travel are responsible for following local laws, rules, and regulations regarding the consumption of alcohol. Students traveling for such purposes may also be subject to any conditions placed on their travel by the group they are representing or participating with. Alcohol abuse and misuse, and related disruption, is not tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action by the university.