Research Projects
Project Write
Funding: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01AA023495)
Project Write is a 5-year NIH-funded study designed to examine the effect of expressive writing on alcohol use and alcohol-related problems among college students. This project investigates the potential utility of writing about drinking experiences and emotions as a means of reducing future unwanted negative drinking experiences.
PI: Clayton Neighbors, Ph.D.
Co-I: Lindsey Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Co-I: Qian Lu, Ph.D.
Affiliated Researcher: Chelsie Young, Ph.D.
Grad RAs: Joanne Angosta, B.A.
Staff: Alyssa Rice, B.S.
Project RAVEN
Funding: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01 AA025043-01A1)
Project RAVEN is a R01 grant-funded study conducted by the University of Houston and Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. It is testing the efficacy of counter-attitudinal advocacy in a new setting. The target intervention induces cognitive dissonance in college students with hazardous drinking habits to motivate behavior change.
PI: Kate Carey, Ph.D.Co-PI: Angelo DiBello, Ph.D.
Co-PI: Clayton Neighbors, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow: Mary M. Tomkins, Ph.D.
Grad RAs: Mary M. Tomkins, M.S., Andrew Weinstein, B.S.
Staff: Alyssa Rice, B.S.
Posting to Social Media
Funding: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1k99AA025394-01A1)
This project is a social media personalized normative feedback intervention for heavy drinking students.
PI: Mai-Ly Steers, Ph.D.
Project T.R.E.A.D.
Funding: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R21 AA026380-01A1)
Project T.R.E.A.D. is a NIH-funded study designed to examine the physical activity and alcohol use of college students. The study will evaluate associations between physical activity and alcohol consumption at daily and weekly levels using an objective measure of physical activity. Utilizing a discrete fitness tracker, participants’ physical activity will be recorded for 21 days. Participants will also complete daily surveys to monitor self-reports of physical activity and alcohol consumption.
PI: Clayton Neighbors, Ph.D.
Co-I: J. Leigh Leasure, Ph.D.
Co-I: Craig Henderson, Ph.D.
Co-I: Chelsie Young, Ph.D.
Grad RA, UH Team: Joanne Angosta, M.A.
Grad RAs, SHSU Team: Emma Anderson-White, B.S., Beata Krembuszewski, BCJ
Staff: Alyssa Rice, B.S.
Revolutionizing Normative Re-Education
Funding: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01 AA027168-01)
We are currently testing a phone app that explores what life is like for first-year college students. This project is in partnership with the HeadsUp lab at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA.
PI: Joseph LaBrie, Ph.D.
Co-I: Clayton Neighbors, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow: Mary M. Tomkins, Ph.D.
Grad Ras, UH Team: Nicole Hall, B.A.
Staff: Alyssa Rice, B.S.