Physics Major

Physics Major - Bachelor of Science Degree

Students who choose to major in physics must complete the following requirements in addition to the special requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree:

Suggested Program
Mathematics: 24 semester hours: MATH 1431, 1432, 2331, 2433, 3331, 3363, and 3364. 24
Chemistry: CHEM 1111, 1112, 1331, and 1332 8
Physics: 42 semester hours (34 advanced) which must include PHYS 1321, 1121, 1322, 1122, 3309, 3110, 3214, 3313, 3315,3316, 3327, 4321, 4322, 3312 and 3112 or 4421, and six hours advanced electives 42

Physics Major - Bachelor of Arts Degree

Students who choose to major in physics must meet the following requirements in addition to the special requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree:

Suggested Program
Mathematics: 24 semester hours (nine advanced) which must include MATH 1431, 1432, 2331, 2433, and 3331 24
Chemistry: CHEM 1111, 1112, 1331, and 1332 8
Physics: 31 semester hours (23 advanced) which must include PHYS 1321, 1121, 1322, 1122, 3110, and 3315. Advanced courses must include 3313, and either 3312 and 3112 or 4421 31

Suggested Program - Bachelor of Science in Physics

First Year

Suggested Program
Fall SemesterHours
ENGL 1303. First Year Writing I 1 3
CHEM 1331 and 1111. Fundamentals of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory 4
MATH 1431. Calculus I 4
Social Sciences Core Course 3
Total 14
Suggested Program
Spring SemesterHours
ENGL 1304. First Year Writing II 1 3
CHEM 1332 and 1112. Fundamentals of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory 4
MATH 1432. Calculus II 4
PHYS 1321. University Physics I 3
PHYS 1121. University Physics Laboratory I 1
Total 15

Second Year

Fall Semester Suggested Program
MATH 2331. Linear Algebra 3
MATH 2433. Calculus III 4
PHYS 1322. University Physics II 3
PHYS 1122. University Physics Laboratory II 1
HIST 1377. The United States to 1877 or equivalent 3
Total 14
Spring Semester Suggested Program
MATH 3331. Differential Equations 3
PHYS 3315. Modern Physics I 3
Natural Science Approved Course 3
HIST 1378. The United States Since 1877 or equivalent 3
Humanities Core Course 3
Total 15

Third Year

Fall Semester Suggested Program
MATH 3364. Complex Analysis
PHYS 3110. Advanced Laboratory Analysis 1
PHYS 3313. Advanced Laboratory I 3
PHYS 3316. Modern Physics II 3
PHYS 3309. Intermediate Mechanics 3
POLS 1336. U.S. and Texas Constitutions and Politics or equivalent 3
Total 16
Spring Semester Suggested Program
MATH 3363. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 3
PHYS 3214. Advanced Laboratory II 2
PHYS 3327. Thermal Physics 3
POLS 1337. U.S. Government: Congress, President and Courts or equivalent 3
Free Elective, Minor Course 3
Visual/Performing Arts Core Course 3
Total 17

Fourth Year

Fall Semester Suggested Program
PHYS 4321. Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory I 3
PHYS 3312 and PHYS 3112 or PHYS 4421. Modern Optics and Modern Optics Laboratory or Electronics Devices and Their Applications 4
Physics Elective (3000- or 4000-level) 3
NSM Capstone Course, Minor or Free Elective 3
Natural Science Approved Course 3
Total 16
Spring Semester Suggested Program
PHYS 4322. Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory II 3
Physics Elective (3000- or 4000-level) 3
NSM Capstone Course or Minor or Free Elective 7
Total 13

All students are responsible for the completion of 36 advanced semester hours required for a University of Houston degree.

Suggested Program -Bachelor of Arts in Physics

First Year

Fall Semester Suggested Program
ENGL 1303. First Year Writing I1 3
CHEM 1331 and CHEM 1111. Fundamentals of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory 4
MATH 1431. Calculus I 4
Social Sciences Core Courses 3
Total 14
Spring Semester Suggested Program
ENGL 1304. First Year Writing II1 3
CHEM 1332 and CHEM 1112. Fundamentals of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory 4
MATH 1432. Calculus II 4
PHYS 1321. University Physics I 3
PHYS 1121. University Physics Laboratory I 1
Total 15

Second Year

Fall Semester Suggested Program
MATH 2331. Linear Algebra 3
MATH 2433. Calculus III 4
PHYS 1322. University Physics II 3
PHYS 1122. University Physics Laboratory II 1
HIST 1377. The United States to 1877 or equivalent 3
Foreign Language (1000 level) 3
Total 17
Spring Semester Suggested Program
MATH 3331. Differential Equations 3
PHYS 3315. Modern Physics I 3
Foreign Language (1000 level) 3
HIST 1378. The United States Since 1877 or equivalent 3
Natural Science Core Course 3
Total 15

Third Year

Fall Semester Suggested Program
Mathematics Elective (3000- or 4000-level) 3
PHYS 3110. Advanced Laboratory Analysis 1
PHYS 3313. Advanced Laboratory I 3
POLS 1336. U.S. and Texas Constitutions and Politics or equivalent 3
Physics Electives (3000- or 4000 -level)
Foreign Language (2000 level) 3
Total 16
Spring Semester Suggested Program
Mathematics Elective (3000- or 4000-level) 3
Physics Electives (3000- or 4000-level) 3
POLS 1337. U.S. Government: Congress, President, and Courts 3
Visual/Performing Arts Core Course 3
Foreign Language (2000 level)
Total 15

Fourth Year

Fall Semester Suggested Program
Physics Elective (3000- or 4000-level) 3
NSM Capstone or Free elective 6
PHYS 3312 and PHYS 3112 or PHYS 4421. Modern Optics and Modern Optics Laboratory or Electronics Devices and Their Applications 4
Humanities 3
Total 16
Spring Semester Suggested Program
Physics Elective (3000- or 4000-level) 3
NSM Capstone or Minor 3
Free Electives17 3
Natural Science Core Course 3
Total 12

All students are responsible for the completion of 36 advanced semester hours required for a University of Houston degree.

Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: September 20, 2012