Undergraduate Catalog F12-S13 with Spring 2013 Course Updates

Psychology Minor

Minimum requirements are 18 hours of course work, nine of which must be advanced; nine semester hours in residence, six of which must be advanced. Psychology minors must earn a minimum grade of C in each course they apply to the minor. An undergraduate advisor in the Department of Psychology must approve the proposed minor program. Students must declare their minor for Psychology in the Department of Psychology, Academic Affairs Office, 124 Heyne Building.

Course Number TITLE
PSYC 1300 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 2301 Introduction to Methods in Psychology

Choose 3 courses from 1 through 5
1) PSYC 3310 Industrial-Organizational Psychology
2) PSYC 3325 Psychology of Personality
(formerly PSYC 4325)
3) PSYC 3339 Introduction to Clinical Psychology
4) PSYC 3350 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
5) PSYC 4321 Abnormal Psychology

Choose 1 course from A through D
A) PSYC 2344 Cultural Psychology
(formerly PSYC 4344)
B) PSYC 2350 Child Development
(formerly PSYC 3360)
C) PSYC 2351 Psychology of Adolescence
(formerly PSYC 3361)
D) PSYC 2380 Introduction to Social Psychology


*** Minor Concentrations NOT approved
unless signed by the Dean ***

For additional information, write, call or visit our Web site:

University of Houston
Department of Psychology
Attn: Academic Affairs Office
124 Heyne Building
Houston, Texas 77204-5022



Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: August 17, 2009