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Internal Awards

The Division of Research is proud to offer $1.84 million of internal funding to support faculty research and scholarship at UH for FY25.

Internal Awards Timeline

Video: Watch Internal Awards — How to be Successful (UH login required)

  • stethoscope

    Awards for Excellence

    Awards for Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity will be made to six UH faculty, two each at the Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor levels.

    September 9, 2024

  • Bridge

    Bridge Funds

    Supports the continuation of research projects that have the highest likelihood of restoring external funding.

    Rolling Deadline

  • Equipment

    Equipment Grants

    An allocation of $200,000 is available in the current fiscal year for one round of competition. The total allocation is intended to fund up to 4 small equipment awards at up to $50,000 each.

  • gear

    The Grants to Enhance and Advance Research (GEAR)

    Funds bold new ideas, with evidence of high likelihood of securing extramural funding.

    Pre-Proposal: Full Proposal:

  • High Priority

    High Priority Area
    Research Seed Grants

    Supports research labs and groups with funds that would permit submission of competitive research proposals in UH Research Thrust areas.


  • National Centers

    National Center and Team
    Science Planning Award

    Provides up to 18 months of support for research teams led by a UH faculty member to prepare a proposal submission to a targeted funding opportunity.

    Rolling Deadline

  • New Faculty

    New Faculty Research

    The New Faculty Research Program aids faculty who recently received their terminal degree and who have not had previous support, exclusive of that as a student or a postdoctoral fellow.


  • small grants

    Small Grants

    Funds unique or unusual research and scholarly projects not routinely supported or not currently funded from external sources.

    November 1, 2024