Faculty Profile
Robert Wiley
Research Associate Professor, Reflection Seismology
Office: Science & Research 1, 510H
Contact: rwiley@uh.edu - 713-743-9151
Education: Ph.D., 1980, Geophysical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
B.S., 1971, Mineral Engineering Mathematics, Colorado School of Mines
Geophysical Modeling and Imaging, Vertical Seismic Profiling, Seismic Signal Analysis, Seismic Data Processing, Seismic Wave Propagation, Groundwater Exploration
- No. 60/095,277 Apparatus and Method for Generating Seismic Energy in Subterranean Formations, CA Meeder, RW Wiley, P Snider, J Haney, J Schatz
- 2001, 3-D imaging of seismic data from a physical model of a salt structure, S.E.G. Annual Meeting Abstracts, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- 1999, Subsalt Depth Imaging Using 3-D VSP Technique in the Ras El Ush Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, GeoArabia, v.4, n.3
- 1999, Imaging and Modeling Seismic Data from a Physical Model of the SEG/EAGE Salt Structure, S.E.G. Annual Meeting Abstracts, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- 1998, Unraveling Sub-Salt Seismic, a Model Study, S.E.G. Gulf Coast Technical Meeting
- 1997, Numerical and Measured Data from The 3-D Salt Canopy Physical Modeling Project, S.E.G. Annual Meeting Abstracts, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, p.p. 1476-1479.
- 1996, Salt Canopy 3-D Physical Modeling Project, S.E.G. Annual Meeting Abstracts, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, p.p. 57-59.
- 1991, Ray-trace Modeling for Salt Proximity, in Fagin, S. W., Ed., Seismic Modeling of Geologic Structures
- Ray-trace Modeling for Salt Proximity, in Fagin, S. W., Ed., Seismic Modeling of Geologic Structures