HR Calendar - University of Houston
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HR Calendar

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6:00 am11:00 pm
New! ERS Walk and Talk Podcast (available through all major podcast platforms)

Join us on a 20-30 minute walk while we talk about health, wellness, and life in general. From the Employees Retirement System of Texas, podcast host Lacy Wolff walks and talks with her mentors, friends, experts and leaders about health and wellness. Learn more through the link below, or search ERS Walk and Talk through your favorite podcast platform! Learn more and participate whenever convenient for you!

1:00 pm1:45 pm
ERS - Medicare Preparation

Whether you’re an employee or retiree, attend a Medicare Preparation seminar and learn about Medicare and how it works with your ERS benefits. ERS gets many questions from members who near Medicare eligibility, and we want to answer your questions early to assist you with the Medicare process.

Hosted by Human Resources Benefits department, this session is part of the two day University of Houston Annual HR Retirement Seminar.

To attend this seminar session, CLICK HERE.