First Generation Coogs - University of Houston
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What is a First Gen Student?

Being First-Gen Means that you are a trailblazer and have taken the leap to venture out and obtain your degree. This is something to be incredibly proud of, as you are paving the way for future generations. First Gen Coogs is someone whose parent(s) did not complete a four-year college or university degree.

Our First-Gen initiatives are:

  • Increase retention and graduation rates
  • Normalize experiences with first gen peers
  • Connect students with positive adult role models and mentors
  • Partner students with academic, social, and financial supports
  • Create networking opportunities with community organizations.

First-Gen One-On-One CSE Advising

First-Gen One-On-One provides University of Houston students with the opportunity to meet with an advisor to create a personal plan to reach their academic, career, and personal goals. Once a personal plan has been created, First-Gen students can set up regular appointments with their First-Gen advisor to track their goal progress.

First-Gen One-On-One Advising is completely FREE and accessible to all University of Houston CSE First-Gen students.

To make an appointment click the link below to go to your UH Navigate Account.

Care Unit: Support Services.
Location: CSE-Center for Student Empowerment – Student Service Center 1.
Services: First-Gen One-On-One
Staff: First appointment with First-Gen advisor Kathleen Guzman
Meeting Type: In person (Unless accommodations have been approved in advance.)

Calendar Events

Event Date Time Event Description Location Registration
January 28 12:00-1:00pm First-Gen Tabling Providing First-gen Students with campus resources Student Center South table 1 Sign-up not required
February 6 10:30 – 1 pm First-Gen and Global Leaning Abroad Coffee and Convo with CSE Bringing First-Generation students together to learn more about Learning Abroad opportunities. Hosted by Global Learning and CSE. Multipurpose RM. REGISTER
February 21 9 – 10:30 am First-Gen Breakfast
Hosted by CSE
First-Gen Breakfast

Hosted by CSE

Free breakfast for first-generations students
February 27 1:30-3:30pm First-Gen Resource Fair Providing First-Gen Students with across campus resources Multipurpose REGISTER
Calendar Events Flyer
  • Community and Support at UH

    Junior Strategic Communications major Omar, a First-generation Hispanic student at UH, talks about the support he found at the university, including scholarships, guidance, and a community. He also talks about the many roles he's undertaken at UH, including now serving as a Student Experience Captain, as well as specific campus resources such as the Center for Student Empowerment and Student Involvement, which promote mental health and well-being through various programs and events.

    Watch our video

Ask a Staff Member

Stacey Gonzalez
Liberal Studies

Kevin Aguirre
Digital Media

Natasha Willis
Major Finance

Tomacina Harris

Dilara Yilmaz

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