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Certificate in Quantitative Economics


A Certificate in Quantitative Economics is available to students who complement their Economics major by completing certain quantitative skill courses.

A departmental certificate will be issued once completed.

It is not a declared item and will not appear on your transcript. But you can (and should!) add it to your resume.

To earn a certificate, the student must earn a B or better in

  • Introduction to Econometrics (Econ 3370)

as well as two of the following courses:

  • Data Management with Economic Applications (Econ 3357)
  • Introduction to Mathematical Economics (Econ 4360)
  • Regression Modeling and Data Mining (Econ 4338)
  • Applied Econometrics (Econ 4395)

Submit the Certificate Application to the undergraduate director, Dr. Ruxandra Boul, by the end of your last semester and your certificate will be mailed to you over summer or over the next semester.