Honors Degree
Core Curriculum Requirements
The Honors College curriculum has been designed to coordinate with university-wide core curriculum requirements. Honors students, therefore, do not take more course work, but they are asked to fulfill some of their university core curriculum requirements through honors courses. Students following the guidelines below will fulfill Honors College and core curriculum requirements; students should consult the college of their chosen major for additional requirements.
- Communication and Humanities Requirements
- Complete the six-hour course, "The Human Situation I: Antiquity," three hours of which count toward the core requirement in Communication, and three of which count toward the Humanities core requirement.
- Complete the four-hour sequel, "The Human Situation II: Modernity." The lecture portion of this course can count toward the university requirement in Communication if necessary.
- American Studies Requirement
- Complete six hours of courses that satisfy
the state mandated requirement in American History, including at least three hours in an honors section (HIST 1377H, HIST 1378H, or an approved 3000- or 4000-level Honors course in American History). - Complete six hours of courses that satisfy the state-mandated
requirement in Political Science by successfully completing POLS
1336H and three hours of advanced Political Science credit from
the subfields of public administration, public law, and American
politics or from POLS
3331, 3349,
4361, and 4366.
Note: Honors College students do not take POLS 1337.
- Complete six hours of courses that satisfy
- Natural Sciences and Mathematics Requirement
- Complete six hours of courses that satisfy the Natural Sciences core requirement, plus at least one hour of laboratory with these courses.
- Complete six hours of courses that satisfy the Mathematics and the Mathematics/Reasoning core requirement. Honors students must demonstrate a proficiency in mathematics at the "elementary functions" level or higher. Elementary functions courses include MATH 1314, 1330 (recommended only for students desiring a foundation course to prepare for additional coursework in mathematics), and 2311. This proficiency may be demonstrated by testing or by course work.
- Social/Behavioral Sciences Requirement
- Complete three hours of courses that satisfy the Social/Behavioral Sciences core requirement.
- Foreign Language Requirement
- Complete six hours of courses at the 2000-level (or above) in one foreign language, either modern or classical, with a 3.00 grade point average, or demonstrate an equivalent proficiency.
- Note: Students are expected to fulfill the foreign language requirement to
the extent possible without adding hours to the degree plan in their
The requirement is designed to complement the course requirement of particular degree plans and to recognize a student's previous experience with languages other than English. Honors students should be aware that competence in a second language is increasingly important in personal and professional life.
- Advanced Honors Course Requirement
- Complete three hours in an approved Honors Colloquium at the 3000- or 4000-level.
- Students wishing to graduate with University Honors With Honors in Major must complete a six-hour senior honors thesis.
- Writing in the Disciplines
- Complete three hours of courses that satisfy the Writing in the Disciplines core requirement.
Senior Honors Thesis
For many outstanding students, the senior honors thesis represents the culmination of a bachelor's degree. It is the final step toward graduation with University Honors With Honors in Major, Collegiate Honors in Major, or Membership in The Honors College with Honors in Major. The honors thesis provides an excellent opportunity for the mature student, working under the direction of a member of the faculty in the chosen field of study, to apply skills and knowledge acquired in the first three years of college toward the completion of an independent scholarly or creative project. During the process, students deepen the work they have done and apply the skills and knowledge they have accumulated. Moreover, they are expected to make full use of the University's resources (especially the guidance and criticism of faculty thesis committee).
Students wishing to undertake a senior honors thesis need not be members of the Honors College, but they should have a 3.25 cumulative grade point average as well as a 3.50 grade point average in the field of the thesis or project. Interested students should review the "Guidelines for the Senior Thesis" on the Office of Undergraduate Research Web site.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: May 20, 2013