Courses: Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVE)College: Cullen College of Engineering

Any TCCN equivalents are indicated in square brackets [ ].

CIVE 1100: Introduction to Civil Engineering
Cr. 1. (1-0). Prerequisite: course required for freshmen and transfer students during their first fall semester enrollment in civil engineering. Overview of the various fields of civil engineering and career opportunities in civil engineering. Path to professional licensure and introduction to ethics.

CIVE 1331: Computing for Engineers (also CHEE 1331 and INDE 1331)
Cr. 3. (2-2). Prerequisite: MATH 1431. Credit may not be received for more than one of CHEE 1331, CIVE 1331, and INDE 1331. Introduction to the computing environment; matrix arithmetic; programming essentials; spreadsheets; symbolic algebra tools; solution of typical engineering problems using computer tools.

CIVE 2330: Mechanics I (Statics)
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: PHYS 1321 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CIVE 1331 and MATH 2433. Composition and resolution of forces, free-body diagrams, analysis of forces acting on structures and machines, friction, centroids, and moments of inertia.

CIVE 2331: Mechanics II (Dynamics)
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 2330 and MATH 2433. Dynamics of rigid bodies; force-mass-acceleration, work-energy, impulse-momentum, and introduction to mechanical vibrations.

CIVE 2332: Mechanics of Solids
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 2330, MATH 2433, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in MECT 3341. Stress and strain in elastic bodies; statically determinate and indeterminate members; axial force, shear, moment and torsion; beam deflections; columns; combined stresses.

CIVE 3331: Environmental Engineering
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 1332 and 1112, or CHEM 1372 and 1117, CIVE 2330, ENGI 2304, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ENGI 2334. Introduction to air, water, and environmental pollutants, and concepts of design for treatment.

CIVE 3332: Engineering Materials
Cr. 3. (2-3). Prerequisites: CIVE 2332 and ENGI 2304. Analysis of properties of solid materials related to engineering design, introduction to metallurgical processes, and materials testing.

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Effective through end of Summer 2013:

CIVE 3334: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: MECE 3400 or CIVE 2331 and MATH 3321. Fluid properties, hydrostatics, basic equations of fluid mechanics, inviscid and viscous flows, flow through pipes, open channel flow, groundwater seepage, and hydraulic structures.

CIVE 3337: Structural Analysis
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: CIVE 2332. Structural analysis of determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams and frames; influence lines; deflections.

CIVE 3339: Geotechnical Engineering
Cr. 3. (2-3). Prerequisites: CIVE 2332, ENGI 2304, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 3321. Principles of solid and fluid mechanics applied to soils. Physical-chemical and mechanical properties of soils and introduction to geotechnical engineering concepts.

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Effective beginning Fall 2013 (see also listing below):

CIVE 3434: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering
Cr. 4. (3-3). Prerequisites: CIVE 2331, ENGI 2304, MATH 3321 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CIVE 2332 and ENGI 2334. Fluid properties, hydrostatics, basic equations of fluid mechanics, inviscid and viscous flows, flow through pipes, pipeline systems, and open channel flow.

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Effective through end of Summer 2013 (see also listing above):

CIVE 3434: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering
Cr. 4. (3-3). Prerequisites: CIVE 2331, ENGI 2304, ENGI 2334, MATH 3321 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CIVE 2332. Fluid properties, hydrostatics, basic equations of fluid mechanics, inviscid and viscous flows, flow through pipes, open channel flow, groundwater seepage, and hydraulic structures.

CIVE 4198: Independent Study
Cr. 1 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.

CIVE 4298: Independent Study
Cr. 2 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.

CIVE 4311: Professional Practice in Civil Engineering
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 3332, 3337, and 3339, or CIVE 3331 and 3434. Professional practice in civil engineering including ethics, professional responsibility and licensure; legal issues; business and management principles; leadership; public policy concerns.

CIVE 4312: Civil Engineering Design Project
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 4311, ECE 3336 and INDE 3333 and either CIVE 4331, 4332, and 4333 for the water/environmental project or CIVE 4363, 4364, and 4369 for the structural/geotechnical project. Civil engineering design, including constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, constructability, and sustainability.

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Effective through end of Summer 2013 (see also CIVE 5362):

CIVE 4331: Water Quality Engineering
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 3331 and 3434. Environmental chemistry and biology applications and implications to engineered and natural waters. Emphasis on physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water and analytical methods for water quality management.

CIVE 4332: Hydrology
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: CIVE 3434. Hydrologic cycle, rainfall and runoff, water losses, snowmelt, ground water, unit hydrograph, floods and flood routing, stream flow records, reservoir design, and sedimentation.

CIVE 4333: Water and Wastewater Treatment
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 3331 and 3434. Principles of municipal water and wastewater treatment processes.

CIVE 4337: Transportation Engineering
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: INDE 2333 and CIVE 3332, 3337, and 3339, or CIVE 3331 and 3434. Introduction to transportation engineering, emphasizing highway engineering, including geometric design, traffic engineering, transportation planning, and safety.

CIVE 4363: Concrete Design
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 3332 and 3337. Analysis and design of concrete structures and their components.

CIVE 4364: Structural Steel Design
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 3332 and 3337. Analysis and design of steel structures and their components.

CIVE 4369: Foundation Engineering
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 3339 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CIVE 4363. Applications of soil mechanics principles to foundation engineering. Exploration techniques, foundation selection criteria, design principles, and construction methods.

CIVE 4398: Independent Study
Cr. 3 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.

CIVE 4399: Senior Honors Thesis
Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.

CIVE 4498: Independent Study
Cr. 4 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.

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Effective through end of Summer 2013:

CIVE 5360: Urban and Regional Planning
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 3331, CIVE 3434, and INDE 3333. Collection and analysis of data for urban planning. Development of master plan emphasizing engineering aspects of utilities, transportation, and other city facilities.

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Effective beginning Fall 2013 (see also CIVE 4331):

CIVE 5362: Water Quality Engineering
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: CIVE 3331 and 3434. Environmental chemistry and biology applications and implications to engineered and natural waters. Emphasis on physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water and analytical methods for water quality management.

CIVE 5380: Introduction to Geomatics and Geosensing
Cr. 3. (2-3). Prerequisites:  CIVE 3332, 3337, and 3339, or CIVE 3331 and 3434, or consent of instructor. Introduction to plane surveying and differential leveling; horizontal and vertical curves computation; fundamentals of geodesy and map projection; Global Positioning System (GPS); principles of LiDAR and remote sensing.

CIVE 5397: Selected Topics
Cr. 3 per semester (3-0). May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

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Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: April 17, 2013