Education Minor - Certification Track
Required courses: EDUC 3301, CUIN 3313, EPSY 3300, education methods courses (6 semester hours), CUIN 3347 and 4375.
Students must earn a 2.5 minimum cumulative grade point average and no lower than a C on all courses attempted in the minor.
Note: This minor is intended for teacher education students who wish to be prepared to teach high school grades. However, the minor alone does not include all coursework and experiences required to be recommended for Texas State Certification. Students who wish to be certified must also:
- meet all benchmarks outlined on the Education - Certification Track Minor Degree Plan;
- meet benchmarks for Student Teaching;
- successfully complete Student Teaching requirements; and
- major in the area of certification.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: July 23, 2012