Want to be a Tutor?

Tutor Application Requirements
The online application process requires you to submit the following documents:
- the online application form;
- copy of your current transcript/grade report;
- two (2) current faculty recommendations forms; and
- an up-to-date resume.
Eligible applicants will be contacted for an interview.
**PLEASE NOTE: Due to volume of applications, we can't reply to every applicant individually. Thank you for your understanding!
Tutor Qualifications
To be eligible for employment as a tutor in LAUNCH, you must meet the minimum requirements below:
- Have completed at least 9 credit hours (one semester) at the University of Houston;
- Be a currently enrolled student at the University of Houston;
- Have an overall grade point average of at least 3.0, and an average of 3.25 in your academic major. (You will upload an unofficial University of Houston transcript at the end of the application form online);
- Have earned at least a "B" in the courses you would like to tutor;
- Have positive recommendations from two faculty members, at least one of which must be a UH professor (form available online in the application (MS Word) or PDF);
- Have effective human relations and communication skills that will enable you to communicate successfully with colleagues and tutees.
Individual Tutor Responsibilities:
The work of a LAUNCH Peer Tutor includes:
- Working extensively with students--individually and in small groups--to help them master course material or improve problem-solving, writing, and learning strategies skills;
- Attending training seminars as required each semester;
- Completing all assigned work accurately and on time;
- Performing other duties as required by LAUNCH;
- Approaching work in the Undergraduate Student Success Center with enthusiasm and compassion for the academic success of peer tutoring clients.
- Working at least 10 hours per week. The pay starts at $10.00 per hour.
P.A.S.S Tutor Responsibilities:
P.A.S.S (Peer Assisted Study Session) tutoring is a peer-led academic assistance program meant to improve students’ academic performance and increase retention. P.A.S.S tutors are responsible for facilitating peer learning sessions for their assigned course.
Job duties:
- Conduct 3 hours of group tutoring per week, for one course, for one semester. Depending on the course and the schedule, this tutoring might be broken down into 3- 1 hour sessions or 2-90 minute sessions. The typical size of a group is 15-20 people.
- Provide 2 hours of planning per week, for the P.A.S.S tutoring sessions. This planning might include
- Choosing problems for problem solving courses
- Summarizing key class material based on lecture notes and the textbook, and helping students look for patterns and themes in the material
- Creating engaging activities for students, to do in small groups, to help them understand the course material and build confidence in the material
- Creating reviews for upcoming tests
- Communicating key study methods to the students, regarding strategies to succeed in the course
- The hours total 5 per week, per course. Depending on the course, tutors may facilitate multiple sections, or multiple courses, or additionally serve as a traditional tutor in LAUNCH to total no more than 15 hours per week for the semester hired.
- The ideal candidate will be able to think critically about the course content, feel comfortable speaking in front of a group, and have an A (preferably) or B in the course. A 3.00 GPA will also be required.
Jaelyn Lynch
12.00 per hour
The candidate will need to be hired as an employee of the university and complete necessary paperwork, background check, and tax documents prior to being hired