Actuarial Science Winter Camp- Exam (P) Boot Camp - University of Houston
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Actuarial Science Winter Camp- Exam (P) Boot Camp

Hosted by the University of Houston Department of Mathematics

December 14, 2023—January 11, 2024

Are you interested in Actuarial Science?

Are you interested in the career of Actuarial Science? Have you ever heard about an Actuary? Welcome to a profession that has consistently been a part of any top job ranking list for the past two decades that only a few know about! 😄

Exam P (Probability) covers calculus-based probability. It will test a candidate's knowledge of the fundamental probability tools for quantitatively assessing risk. A thorough command of the supporting calculus is assumed. Additionally, a very basic knowledge of insurance and risk management is assumed. Knowledge of Probability is REQUIRED.

   Who is an Actuary?

An actuary is a risk professional who measures and manages risk and uncertainty. It takes a combination of strong analytical skills (probability theory, statistics,financial mathematics, predictive modeling), business knowledge, understanding human behavior to manage complex risks in our society. It's a dynamic profession built for problem solvers as the risks, factors and availability of resources are ever changing. 

Please see the below snapshot for key metrics which showcases not only job security but continual 6-figure earning potential.


Student Actuaries (candidates sitting for examinations) typically receive sizable pay raises as they make their way through their actuarial exams! Nice incentive right? Extra Bonuses also happen if you're successful on your first exam attempt!🤯

   What's special about our Bootcamp?

Here at University of Houston, we strive to support our students as they embark on their journey to become an Actuary by offering our Winter Exam P (Probability) Bootcamp. Exam P (Probability) is the one of the key foundational actuarial exams that all candidates will sit for. 
What does our Exam P Bootcamp offer?:
  • Most importantly, it is instructed by an Actuary! Sean Gillings, ASA is an Actuary that has been practicing for the past 8 years and will help with how probability theory is applicable in solving real life problems.
  • Our instructor will mentor each student on the actuarial and career journey.
  • Prepare each enrolled student for the January sitting dates of Exam P!
  • Goal: Successfully pass your first actuarial exam!

   Instructor highlights 

Our Camp Instructor, Mr. Sean Gillings (ASA) , is an experienced Actuary and Math Educator! Sean received a Master of Science degree in Actuarial Science from Temple University and is an active member of IABA and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Sean has been involved in tutoring (specializing in test-prep) for 10 years and has had a career in Actuarial Science since 2014. He's worked for AIG for over 6 years and currently is an active Actuary for Citizens Inc. in Austin, Texas.
It is rare to find a unique individual who loves to teach mathematics and who has many years of experience as an Actuary, teach our camp! The Department of Mathematics is elated to have Sean at the helm, helping us move forward towards our camp goals!

   Camp Details


  • Registration Fee Total: $450 (processing/banking fees included)
  • *New* Class Times: 6:00 PM—8:00 PM & 6:00 PM—8:30 PM; Click here to see specific days listed below (Click here for the camp schedule)
  • Class Location:  Online  (the Zoom link to the virtual classroom will be provided to registered participants of the camp)
  • Who can attend?: Anyone that has a good knowledge of Probability!

  • An intensive program with 19 sessions totaling 44 class hours
  • Led by Mr. Sean Gillings, a certified Actuary and Math Educator 
  • $100 discount for Gamma Iota Sigma members 
  • $100 discount for Early Bird Registration deadline - Friday, 12/01/23
  • $50 discount for students with MATH 3338 in Spring 2023—Fall 2023  
Note: applicable discounts can be stacked.
This page updated 11/13/23

See below for the Winter Camp Flyer

For more information contact us at:

   Additional Camp/Event Details 


The course syllabus will be provided to registered participants via email.
  • Click this LINK to register for the Actuary Camp (the registration link is active as of 10/24/23)
  • Click this LINK to see our previous Actuary Camp participants.
  • Click this LINK to see testimonials from our previous camp participants that passed Exam (P) after finishing the camp.
  • Inaugural Actuary Camp Orientation Seminar

   Recommended Prerequisite Preparation 

  • All participants should review their Probability knowledge prior to the camp. Since this is a bootcamp, the instruction is focused on what you will see on the P-Exam and how to understand the test questions and how to answer the questions in the most efficient way. Time will not be allocated to review basic principles of probability. You must already come prepared with that knowledge.


  • In addition to reviewing your probability knowledge, we also recommend that students purchase any P-Exam studying aids or guides in addition to this camp. We recommend you start studying now so that when you take boot camp you will already be familiar with the terms and language expected to be on the exam. Please understand that the minimum time required for studying for the P-Exam is approximately 300 hours. SOA indicates that the typical candidate studies about 100 hours for every hour of the exam. Since the P-Exam is a 3-hr long exam, your total study time should be ~300 hours to fully master the concepts tested on that exam. Since our camp offers 44 hours of instruction, this means that you should study for an additional 256 hours on your own! We recommend ACTEX study guides to assist you with your solo-study time.


  • In preparation for taking the exam, you should sign up for the exam dates closest to the completion of this camp. It is most beneficial and efficient to move straight into the exam after completing the camp because all information will be fresh. We do not recommend that you take the exam more than 3 months after the camp. So, we recommend that you register for the exam prior to registering for our camp. The registration deadline for the P-Exam in January is Tuesday, December 12th. The last day to register for our camp is December 14th. Please see here for examination dates and registration deadlines.

   Camp Contacts


 P-Exam Camp Administrators:

  • Dr. James West (P-Exam Camp Mentor/Camp Director): Dr. West will occasionally send important information to you about the Actuary Career Path, as well as dates in which you can sign up for the P-Exam. He can be contacted at
  • Dr. Bernhard Bodmann (Department Chairman/Camp Director): He can be contacted at:

P-Exam Camp Instructors:
  • Gregory Hemenway (Winter 2020—Summer 2022)
  • Mahmood Ghasemi (Winter 2021)
  • Mohammad Daneshvar (Winter 2020—Summer 2021)


Still not sure if you can attend because of a possible conflict with your schedule, but you want to take advantage of the Early-Bird registration discount? E-mail us before 12/01 (11:59 pm) with your Name, Student ID and the Times/Days in which you are available during the Winter Camp dates. We may be able to accommodate you and still allow you to apply the Early-bird discount after 12/01 Specified class days: [(Th) 12/14, (M) 12/18, (Tu) 12/19, (W) 12/20, (Th) 12/21, (F) 12/22, (Tu) 12/26, (W) 12/27, (Th) 12/28, (F) 12/29, (M) 01/01/24, (Tu) 01/02, (W) 01/03, (Th) 01/04, (Sa) 01/06, (M) 01/08, (Tu) 01/09, (W) 01/10, (Th) 01/11]

*Passing the P-Exam (UH students only): It is imperative to take the P-Exam quickly after completing the camp. If you take the P-Exam no longer than 3 months after you complete one of our camps, and pass, we will reimburse you for the P-Exam fee. Please contact us and provide us with a scanned image of your P-Exam score confirming that you passed, as well as the fee amount (this can be found on your email receipt). Note: All requests for reimbursement, including required documentation, must be submitted to the department business office no later than 60 days after the date of purchase. 

*Re-enrollment into a Camp: If you previously participated in our camp and would like to register for another camp session, for a refresher course, please contact us for a potential discount on the new registration camp fee.

*Refund Policy: Depending on the situation, camp registration refunds may be available. However, we will not refund processing/banking fees to the participant at any time. The potential refund paid will be a full or partial purchase price minus processing/banking fees.

*Note: To register, you will need to create a myNSM Store account. After you select the registration option and click "check out" you will then be prompted to login or create the myNSM Store account. Be sure that the Billing Address associated with your Credit Card must match the address that you registered when creating your NSM Store Account, or you will receive an error. 
*Like your experience with the myNSM Store? Rate us at this link.

   Career Path into Corebridge Financial


Corebridge Financial is diligently looking to hire UH Math Majors as an actuaries. Here's how they want to make that happen:

  • Register for the Actuarial P-Exam Camp (December'23/January '24) participate and complete
  • Take the P-Exam and pass it!
  • Complete the Summer Internship and potentially be offered a position after graduation!

   Helpful Links


As of 02/08/21, the current VEE-approved courses, offered at the University of Houston, are displayed below:

