Bachelor of Science in Geology - University of Houston
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Bachelor of Science in Geology

Students who major in Geology must complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree and also complete the following requirements.

Required Courses (does not include prerequisites) Hours
Geology GEOL 1103, 1303, 3130, 3145, 3150, 3330, 3340, 3345, 3350, 3355, 3360, 3370, 3372, 3373, 3374, 4330 40
Advanced geology or geophysics electives 6
Chemistry CHEM 1111, 1112, 1311, 1312 8
Mathematics MATH 2413, 2414, 2415 12
Physics PHYS 2125, 2126, 2325, 2326 8
Other Core requirements 30
Electives* 16
Total (minimum number of hours) 120

The Bachelor of Science degree requires completion of a minimum of 120 hours, at least 36 of which are to be advanced. Students must earn a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average in all courses attempted at the university. In addition, students must earn a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average in all courses in the major and in the core attempted at the university. Students must have no more than 6 semester hours with grades below C- in all courses attempted in the major. Any student exceeding that limit must retake sufficient courses and obtain acceptable grades so that they do not exceed the six-hour course limit.

*Recommended electives include: Historical Geology lecture and lab (GEOL 1304 and GEOL 1104), Computer Science, Biology, Foreign Language.

Capstone Requirement

All students in NSM must complete the Capstone Requirement. Geology majors satisfy the Capstone Requirement by completion of Field Geology (GEOL3355 and 3360).

Departmental Requirements

No geoscience course with a grade below C- can be used as a prerequisite for a more advanced geoscience course. Students with more than 6 hours in geoscience courses with grades below C- are not allowed to enroll in subsequent geoscience courses without written permission from the undergraduate advisor.

All undergraduate majors should meet with the undergraduate advisor prior to registration each semester.

Advanced Approved Geoscience Electives

  • GEOL 3331 Environmental Geology
  • GEOL 3334 Earthquakes
  • GEOL 3338 Environmental Hydrogeology
  • GEOL 3377 Oceanography
  • GEOL 3383 Remote Sensing
  • GEOL 4331 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • GEOL 4358 Introduction to Depositional Models
  • GEOL 4365 Environmental Geochemistry
  • GEOL 4382 Introduction to Petroleum Geology
  • GEOL 4397 – by consent of advisor

Bachelor of Science in Geology - Suggested Program

First Year

Fall Semester Hours
ENGL 1301 First Year Writing I 3
CHEM 1311 and 1111 Fundamentals of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory 4
GEOL 1303 and 1103. Physical Geology (lecture) and Physical Geology (lab) 4
MATH 2413 Calculus I 4
Total 15
Spring Semester Hours
ENGL 1302 First Year Writing II 3
CHEM 1312 and 1112. Fundamentals of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory 4
MATH 2414 Calculus II 4
Elective (recommended – GEOL 1304 and GEOL 1104. Historical Geology Lecture and Lab) 4
Total 15

Second Year

Fall Semester Hours
GEOL 3370. Mineralogy 3
GEOL 3330 and 3130. Principles of Paleobiology and Paleobiology Laboratory 4
PHYS 2325 and 2125 University Physics I and Laboratory 4
MATH 2415 Calculus III 4
Total 15
Spring Semester Hours
GEOL 3372. Petrography 3
GEOL 3340. Geologic Field Methods 3
PHYS 2326 and 2126 University Physics II and Laboratory 4
Visual and Performing Arts Core 3
Social Sciences Core Writing Intensive 3
Total 16

Third Year

Fall Semester Hours
GEOL 3373. Igneous & Metamorphic Petrogenesis 3
GEOL 3350 and 3150. Principles of Stratigraphy and Principles of Stratigraphy Laboratory 4
Social and Behavioral Science Core 3
GEOL 4330 Introduction to Geophysics 3
HIST 1376 or 1377. The United States to 1877 or equivalent 3
Total 16
Spring Semester Hours
GEOL 3345 and 3145. Structural Geology and Structural Geology Laboratory 4
GEOL 3374. Sedimentary Petrogenesis 3
HIST 1378 or 1379. The United States since 1877 or equivalent 3
Approved elective 3
Total 13
Summer Session Hours
GEOL 3355 and 3360. Field Geology 6
Total 6

Fourth Year

Fall Semester Hours
Approved elective 3
Geosciences elective (3000 or 4000 level) 3
GOVT 2306 U. S. and Texas Constitutions and Politics or equivalent 4
Approved elective 3
Total 13
Spring Semester Hours
Geosciences elective (3000 or 4000 level) 3
GOVT 2305 U.S. Government: Congress, President and Courts or equivalent 3
Approved electives 6
Total 12