Spring 2013 Seminars - University of Houston
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Spring 2013 Seminars

Date Speaker Presentation
01/18/13 Dick Bishop
RSK [UK] Ltd.
World oil supply in transition
01/25/13 Rosalind Armytage
University of Houston
Building the Earth: perspectives from meteorites and Moon rocks
02/01/13 Wendy Nelson
University of Houston
A continent divided: Geochemical insights into the birth of the East African Rift System
02/08/13 James Farquhar
University of Maryland
Pathways for Neoarchean pyrite formation constrained by mass-independent sulfur isotopes
02/15/13 Richard Gordon
Rice University
Global Plate Motions,  Shrinking Plates, and the Azimuths of Transform Faults
02/22/13 Julia Wellner
University of Houston
Antarctica's Glacial History: The Sedimentary Record on the Continental Shelf
03/01/13 Franco Einaudi
The science and impact of climate change
03/4/13 Donald C. Lawton
University of Calgary
Milton B. Dobrin Memorial Lecture
What lies beneath? Post-earthquake seismic imaging and insights: Christchurch, New Zealand
No seminar
Spring Break - No seminar
03/22/13 Jay Quade
University of Arizona
The Growth of the Central Andes
03/29/13 Anne Peslier
Jacobs Technology at NASA-JSC
ANSMET, the Antarctic Search for Meteorites
04/05/13 Mohamed Sultan
Western Michigan University
Integrated Hydrologic Investigations: Case Studies from Africa
04/12/13 Dan Cohan
Rice University
Air quality responses to emissions trends
04/19/13 Rasmus Andreasen
University of Houston
Dating the time of crystallization of iron meteorites. Timescales for core formation, cooling history, and implications for parent body size.
Student Research Day - No Seminar
Semester over – No seminar