Faculty Profile - University of Houston
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Faculty Profile

Kerri CrawfordKerri Crawford

Associate Professor
Department of Biology and Biochemistry
Research Division:
Ecology and Evolution (Primary)

Office: Science & Research 2, 242F
Contact: kmcrawford3@uh.edu - 713-743-8948

Education: Ph.D., Rice University, B.S., University of Tennessee

Google Scholar Profile

Dr. Kerri Crawford studies how diverse ecological communities form and what function diversity plays in ecological processes. She does this by addressing how interactions among plants and between plants and other above- and below-ground organisms shape communities and mediate ecosystem functions. This work takes on a variety of different forms, from manipulative field and greenhouse experiments to long-term observational studies. Current research themes include the effects intra- and inter-specific diversity on population dynamics, community diversity, and ecosystem functions; the effects of plant-microbe interactions on community and ecosystem development; and soil-mediated indirect effects of invasions.

For more details, please visit the Crawford Lab Website

Honors and Awards:

Best Dissertation, Rice University Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Education Award, Association for Women in Science
Phi Beta Kappa, University of Tennessee

Organizations, Outreach, Boards, Memberships:

Member, Ecological Society of America