Frontier Fiesta Royalty
The Frontier Fiesta Royalty competition is a fundraiser benefiting the scholarships awarded by the Frontier Fiesta Association. Each year Frontier Fiesta awards scholarships to incoming freshman based not only on academic and community achievements, but also recognizes outstanding efforts in leadership. The scholarships are also awarded to current students. Frontier Fiesta Royalty helps Frontier Fiesta by raising money from the community, and then the candidates who raise the most money will be crowned with the title of Frontier Fiesta Royalty. Our Frontier Fiesta Royalty cut the ribbon opening Frontier Fiesta City to the UH Community and serve as honorary judges for the Cook-Off competition.
List of 2023 Candidates:
- Megan Le
- Gabriella Assaf
- Ashley Nguyen
- Victoria Mata
- Livia Schooley
- Justin Jorski
- Livia Schooley
- Sophia Croley
- Gisselle Madrigal
- Katie Cao
- Matthew Haverty
- Joshua Vega
- Morgan Wheeler
- Samantha Zumwalt
- Bryce Cowsert
- Santiago DeForest
- Taylor Toftemark
- Nathan Angelo Cerdena