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Committee Charge

UH Radiation Safety Committee is established pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Administrative Code, 25 TAC §289.252(h)(1)(C), governing the issuance of specific licenses of broad scope for byproduct material.

  • The Committee oversees all aspects of radiation protection at the University of Houston, including research centers, clinical, instructional and service units using radiation sources and radiation producing machines or devices at facilities owned or controlled by the University.
  • The Committee ensures that all possession, use and disposition of radiation sources, radiation producing machines and devices comply with pertinent federal, state and local regulations, and with the specific conditions of license and registrations issued to the University.
  • The Committee ensures that radiation exposures are maintained As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) and works with university management and Radiation Safety Officer to establish policies and procedures that support effective implementation of the radiation safety program. 

The UH Radiation Safety Officer serves as the primary liaison for the Radiation Safety Committee.

The Radiation Safety Comittee meets at least four (4) times a year. For information about upcoming meetings and how to submit application for review by the Committee, Contact the Radiation Safety Officer within Environmental Health and Safety. 

Committee Appointments

The Vice Chancellor/Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer, on behalf of the Chancellor/ President for UH/UH System, shall appoint members to the Radiation Safety Committee. Members are initially appointed to a three-year term, subject to renewal.

  • Chair- elected by appointed members. , etc. by Vice President of Research, President, upon recommendation of, or from the membership.
  • Vice Chair- also elected by appointed members to act during the Committee Chair’s absence.

Committee Composition

Membership of from appointed faculty members trained or experienced in the use of radioactive materials and radiation producing machines and devices representing the different University academic Colleges and Departments as appointed by the VC/VP for Research and Technology Transfer.


  • Four (4) faculty representatives from the College of Natural Science & Mathematics 
  • Two faculty representatives from the College of Pharmacy
  • Two faculty representatives from the College of Engineering
  • One faculty representative from the College of Technology 
  • One faculty representative from the College of Optometry
  • One faculty representative from the College of Pharmacy
  • One representative from UH Intercollegiate Athletics

Ex-Officio Membership

  • Director, Environmental Health and Safety 
  • Radiation & Laser Safety Officer, University of Houston
  • VC/VP for Research and Technology Transfer or Representative


The authority to alter the composition or charge of the committee rests with the Vice Chancellor/Vice President for Research & Technology Transfer.

roy cullen fountain

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