Public History M.A. Non-Thesis Track
This track provides students with more coursework as a replacement for writing a thesis. Additionally, a student can opt to write a research paper based on original scholarship in the place of one course.
The recommended timetable for this thirty-six (36) hour degree is as follows:
First Year: Regardless of how students arrange their courses in their first two semesters, all students will be expected to complete HIST 6381 Readings in Public History and six (6) hours of public history research or public history special topics courses, approved in consultation with the Public History Coordinator. The remaining courses will be chosen according to students’ individual program requirements and the available course offerings.
Second Year: We expect all students by the end of their second year to complete all coursework and pass an oral examination on their coursework.
Degree-plan worksheets for all fields can be found here:
Major area:
In consultation with the Public History Coordinator, the student will indicate a major area of study from one of the following: United States, European, Latin American, Modern Arab/Middle East, or Global history, and complete at least two methodology courses. For a detailed list of faculty research interests, please visit that Faculty Page.
For a complete description of all program requirements and policies, please download the Graduate Student Handbook.