Postdoctoral Fellows
Departmental Faculty | Emeritus Faculty | Departmental Staff | Clinical Educators | Postdoctoral Fellows

Grace Lee
Mentor: Monique Mills
Grace Lee, MA, MA, PhD (she/her) is postdoctoral fellow in the Child Language Ability Lab, where she studies eye-gaze pattern profiles in bidialectal speakers as well as teachers’ perceptions of AAE narrative language under the mentorship of Monique Mills. Her research interests lie at the intersection of language, power and race. Prior to joining UH, she was an ESL teacher for many years, teaching abroad and in the U.S. in higher education and K-6 contexts. Her recent mixed methods research examined preservice teachers’perceptions toward translanguaging, their language ideologies and self-efficacy to teach emergent bilinguals. Originally hailing from Washington, D.C., Grace enjoys spending time with family, traveling, baking, and watching K-dramas.

Marianna Rubino
Mentor: Ashwini Joshi
Marianna Rubino, MFA, PhD, CCC-SLP is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Joshi Voice Lab. Current research interests pertaining to voice include actor voice training, identity, and implementation science. Professional memberships include ASHA, SIG 3, Voice Foundation, PAVA, and VASTA, where she chairs HealthCore. Dr. Rubino has acted in professional productions in New York City, Houston, Chicago, and elsewhere.

Sarah Surrain
Mentor: Anny Castilla-Earls
Sarah Surrain is a postdoctoral researcher based at the Children’s Learning Institute at UTHealth Houston and studying language disorders in bilingual children under the mentorship of Anny Castilla-Earls as part of an NIH-funded training grant. She is originally from Chicago, where her early experiences learning Spanish and English and her work as a literacy coach in Spanish-English bilingual classrooms continue to inspire her work. She received her master’s in Language and Literacy and her PhD in Education from Harvard University. Her research focuses on emergent bilinguals’ language development in early childhood with the goal of developing culturally and linguistically sustaining interventions for children with language difficulties. Her non-academic pursuits include dancing flamenco, playing bass guitar, and cooking elaborate vegan meals.