Course Descriptions
SGNL 1301: Elementary American Sign Language I
Cr. 3. (3-0). Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL); understanding and expression of frequently used signs, basic rules of grammar and non-manual aspects of ASL.
SGNL 1302: Elementary American Sign Language II
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ASL I or equivalent. Continuation of Elementary ASL I (SGNL 1301); understanding and expression of a broader lexicon of signs, advanced grammar and non-manual aspects of ASL.
SGNL 2301: Intermediate American Sign Language I
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: SGNL 1302 or equivalent. Expansion on Elementary ASL I and Elementary ASL II (SGNL 1301 and SGNL 1302); understanding and expression of an expanded lexicon including the use of classifiers and rules for categorization.
SGNL 2302: Intermediate American Sign Language II
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: SGNL 2301 or equivalent. Continuation of Intermediate ASL I (SGNL 2301); understanding expression of a wide lexicon for story telling in ASL including the use of classifiers and non-manual expression.
ASLI 2233: History of Interpreting & Translation Profession
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: SGNL 1302 and placement into 2301. Overview of interpreting and translation discipline. Historical roots of interpreting for deaf community analyzed.
ASLI 2335: Multiculturalism and Diversity in ASL Interpreting
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: SGNL 2301. Analysis of cultural diversity and how it impacts the work of interpreters, both linguistically and paralinguistically. Emphasis on subcultures within the Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities.
ASLI 3330: Consecutive Interpreting and Translation
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: ASLI major. be explored. Intralingual ability will be emphasized. Cognitive processing skills will be analyzed and practiced for translation skill development.
ASLI 3433: Simultaneous Interpreting - Foundational
Cr. (3-0). Prerequisites: ASLI majors and ASLI 3330. Theoretical strategies for interpreting simultaneously between spoken English and American Sign Language will be introduced. Intensive practice involving interlingual skills will be incorporated into course content.
ASLI 3434: Simultaneous Interpreting - Intermediate
Cr. (3-0). Prerequisites: ASLI majors and ASLI 3433. Enhanced techniques for interlingual skill development for interpreting simultaneously between spoken English and American Sign Language.
ASLI 3360: Advanced American Sign Language
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: SGNL 2302 and COMD 3301. Linguistic competence is emphasized by modeling, analyzing and dissecting complex language techniques of American Sign Language including classifiers, depiction, mouth morphemes, narration, idiomatic language and description ability.
ASLI 4335: Advanced Interpreting Techniques and Skills in ASL/English
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: ASLI 3433 and 3434. Builds on the ASL interpreting skills acquired in ASLI 3333 and 3334. Increasing task demands and complex communication contexts are emphasized.
ASLI 4346: American Sign Language Transliteration and Educational Interpreting
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: ASLI major and ASLI 3434 or permission of the instructor. Interpreting in classroom settings. The interpreter's role with educators, interpreting issues related to school-age students, and federal regulations related to interpreting.
ASLI 4368: Linguistics of American Sign Language
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: ASLI 3330 and 3360 or permission of the instructor. Linguistic theories as they apply to American Sign Language. Syntax, grammar, and other linguistic elements unique to spatially/visually based languages.
ASLI 4210: Literature in American Sign Language
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: ASLI 3433 and 3434. Overview of literary works in American Sign Language. Emphasis on poetry, narratives, and dramatic productions. This course may be repeated for credit.
ASLI 4489: Service Learning - Fieldwork
Cr. 4. (4-0). Prerequisites: ASLI 4335 and 3434. Practical experience in a variety of settings that provide interpreting and/or language processing skill development. Professionalism, ethical behavior and client protocol will be considered. May be repeated multiple times.