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Suicide Prevention Training: QPR

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QPR, which stands for "Question, Persuade, Refer", is a nationally recognized suicide prevention program designed to educate persons to recognize and respond to the signs of suicidal thinking or behavior. Research has shown that persons who ultimately attempt suicide often provide numerous direct or indirect clues as to their intentions, and the goal of this training is to recognize these verbal, behavioral, or situational clues and take steps to get the person professional help. The presentation helps persons learn how to ask the suicide question, how to persuade the person to contact appropriate assistance, and how to identify referral options. Once trained, these persons act as gatekeepers for the campus community, informed and ready to intervene on behalf of individuals considering suicide.

QPR Registration

QPR Suicide Prevention Training Request Form

In accordance with recommendations regarding safe practices for COVID-19 prevention, CAPS offers virtual QPR training. Advance registration is required as there is a limit of 20 participants per training. Please sign up for one of the training dates below by completing the QPR Suicide Prevention Training Request Form. We will respond to confirm your participation with the training zoom link.

QPR Training Schedule

Day Date Location
Monday 8/26/2024 12pm Astrodome Room
Monday 9/9/2024 12pm Astrodome Room
Monday 9/16/2024 12pm Astrodome Room
Monday 9/23/2024 12pm Astrodome Room
Monday 9/30/2024 12pm Astrodome Room
Monday 10/7/2024 12pm Virtual via Zoom
Monday 10/14/2024, 12pm Virtual via Zoom
Monday 10/21/2024 12pm Virtual via Zoom
Monday 10/28/2024 12pm Virtual via Zoom
Monday 11/11/2024 12pm Virtual via Zoom
Monday 11/18/2024 11am Virtual via Zoom