Undergraduate Catalog F12-S13 with Spring 2013 Course Updates

Electrical Power Engineering Technology Minor

The GPA for minors in the College of Technology will be calculated based upon all the grades earned in all courses attempted or completed for the minor as defined by the minor requirements listed in the undergraduate catalog.

Electrical Power Engineering Technology Minor

(17-18 semester hours)


MATH 1330, 1431

Required Courses:

ELET 2307 (2), 2301/ 2101, 3307/ 3107


Select two of the following courses or sets of courses, one of which must be from Group I. Courses from Group I or Group II require approval of faculty advisor:
Group I: ELET 3312/ 3112, 4303, or 4319
Group II: ELET 3301, 3403, 4310, 4317 or 4326

Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: August 16, 2012