Political Science Department

Who's Who in the Department of Political Science

Susan E. Scarrow

Robert A. Carp, James Granato, Robert L. Lineberry, Donald S. Lutz, Richard Murray, Harrell R. Rodgers, Jr., Susan E. Scarrow, Kent Tedin, Gregory Weiher

Associate Professors:
Eduardo Aleman, George Antunes, Jeremy Bailey, Susan Collins, Brandon Rottinghaus, Jonathan Slapin

Assistant Professors:
Tanya Bagashka, Scott Basinger, Jeff Church, Jennifer Clark, Jeronimo Cortina, Ryan Kennedy, Justin Kirkland, Elizabeth Simas, Lydia Tiede, Ling Zhu

Jeffrey Cole, Cyrus Contractor, Jerry Jackson

Emeritus Faculty:
Victor L. Mote, Joseph L. Nogee, Gholam Razi, John Sloan, Alan Stone, Robert D. Thomas


The political science program focuses on the study of theories of government, government processes, and political forces that contribute to the formation, evolution, and operation of government. Students are offered a wide range of courses in several areas including political theory, comparative politics, international politics, American government, public law, public administration, and methodology. These areas draw on the related disciplines of economics, history, and sociology.

The study of political science assists students in developing reasoning and analytical skills and in building competence in oral and written expression. Students are also given the opportunity to learn research and methodology procedures, and are encouraged to become familiar with statistical analysis and use of the computer. All of this training will be useful to students, regardless of their career choices.

The Department of Political Science has designed its program not only to develop informed and active citizens, but also to be useful for those who plan careers in higher education, the legal profession, state and local government, urban planning, the federal bureaucracy, journalism, or any other field that requires critical thinking and analysis. Political science also provides an excellent background for those who wish to pursue advanced studies in business, law, or public administration.

State-Mandated Courses in American Government

Senate Bill 254, passed by the 54th Legislature and amended by House Bill 935 of the 60th Legislature, provides that no person may receive an undergraduate degree without having credit for six semester hours, or its equivalent, in the constitutions of the United States and Texas.

Students may satisfy the state requirements in the constitutions of the U.S. and Texas in any of the following ways:

  1. By successfully completing POLS 1336 AND 1337.
  2. By successfully completing POLS 1336H and three additional hours of advanced political science credit from the subfields of public administration, public law, and American politics, or from POLS 3331, 3349, 4361, and 4366. Please note that Selected Topics and Independent Study courses - those courses numbered xx94-xx98 - may not be used to meet any Core requirements.
  3. By receiving American Government AP score of 4 or better or CLEP score of 50 or better (POLS 1337 - 3 hours) and
  • Successfully completing POLS 1336 - OR -
  • Passing a 3 hour departmental credit exam for Texas Government, Politics and Constitution (POLS 1336) - OR -
  • Completion of 3 credit hours of an advanced Political Science course from the subfields of Public Administration, Public Law and American Politics or from POLS 3331, 3349, 4361, and 4366. Please note that Selected Topics and Independent Study courses - those courses numbered xx94-xx98 - may not be used to meet any Core requirements.


Completion of a 1 credit hour course for Federal and Texas Constitutions (POLS 1107 - 1 hour) or by passing a departmental credit exam.

  1. By receiving transfer credit in one of the following combinations. Please consult with your academic advisor.


I. a) GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2302

II. a) GOVT 2305 and GOVT2306

III. a) GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2305

IV. a) GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2306

V. a) GOVT 2302 and GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2107 or

b) GOVT 2302 and GOVT 2306 and GOVT 2107

NOTE: GOVT 2107 = UH POLS 1107

Pre-Law Training in Political Science

The Political Science Department recommends that students interested in a pre-law curriculum consult Departmental advisors to find courses stressing analytic reading, writing, and critical thinking.

Students in their junior and senior years who are seeking advice specifically about applying to law schools may want to consult with the Pre-Law advisor:

Professor Robert Carp
Department of Political Science
402 Philip G. Hoffman Hall

Please make appointments in advance.

Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: May 23, 2013