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Information Meetings

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The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work holds several meetings during each admissions cycle for prospective M.S.W. and Ph.D. applicants. Prospective students are highly encouraged to attend. Benefits of attending an Information Meeting include receiving information about:

  1. The social work profession 
  2. The university and the GCSW 
  3. The courses of study
  4. The application and admissions process 

General meetings are informal, last about an hour, and provide an opportunity for questions and answers. MSW Information Meetings are held from August – February and PhD meetings are held from July – October. We also hold a few specialized meetings on funding graduate school and preparing a strong application for the MSW program, lasting about an hour and a half. Most meetings take place online, with a few limited offerings in-person. Please click here to view all meeting dates and the button below to register for a session. If you have any questions, please email