J-1/J-2 Employment Overview
J-1 Exchange Visitor: Student
- J-1 students may be employed on the campus of the school in which they are enrolled to a maximum of 20 hours per week with prior written authorization from the Responsible Officer (RO) of their Designated Program.
- They may only work off-campus under limited circumstances provided they have obtained prior written authorization from the RO. Employment does not require additional permission from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or an EAD.
- J-1 students are eligible for 18 months of academic training following completion of their program (36 months for postdoctoral training).
J-1 Exchange Visitor: Short-term Scholar/Professor/Researcher/Specialist
This category refers to individuals who are in the U.S. as visiting researchers or professors under the auspices of the US Department of State and a Designated Program Sponsor. Professors or researchers are permitted to work as described on the DS-2019 for the period of validity as stated on the DS-2019. Under limited circumstances, may receive compensation from other institutions provided prior written authorization from the RO of their Designated Program has been secured. The DS-2019 authorizes the above-stated employment. An Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card is not required.
NOTE: For more information, please make an appointment to see an International Student Counselor. When making your appointment please identify yourself as a J-1 visa holder.
J-2 Dependent of J-1 Visa Holder
Eligible to apply to DHS for work authorization. Once the EAD is issued by DHS, the J-2 may work for any employer. The employer must re-verify employment authorization after the expiration date on EAD. Employment to be approved cannot be needed for the financial support of the J-1 visa holder. It must be for purposes unrelated to basic support.
For more information, please click this J-2 Work Authorization and make an appointment to see an International Student Counselor. When making your appointment please identify yourself as a J-2 visa holder.