Faculty Profile
Joseph McCauley
Department of Physics
Office: Science & Research 1, 619D
Contact: jmccauley@uh.edu - 713-743-3528
Hydrodynamics of high speed boats and propellers
Hydrodynamics of high speed planning hulls and surfacing propellers. Surface piercing propeller design. In particular, mathematically and on CNC machines.
- Stochastic Calculus and Differential Equations for Physics and Finance, Cambridge Univ. Press (2013)
- Dynamics of Markets: the new financial economics, Cambridge Univ. Press (2009)
- Dynamics of Markets, Cambridge Univ. Press (2004)
- Classical Mechanics, Cambridge Univ. Press (1997)
- Chaos, Dynamics and Fractals Cambridge Univ. Press (1993)
- Hydrodynamics of Speed on the Water, Surface Piercing Propellers and Fast Boats (to be published)
- Hydrodynamic Lift on Boats, http://arxiv.org/abs/1808.03313, 2018.
- Scaling for Speed on the Water, http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.00900, 2015.
- Ito processes with Finitely Many States of Memory Memory. Physics Procedia, 2010.
- Time vs. Ensemble Averages for Nonstationary Time Series, Physica A387, 5188,2008.
- Nonstationarity of Efficient Finance Markets: FX Market Evolution from Stability to Instability, Joseph L. McCauley, Int. Rev. Fin. An. 17, 820, 2008.
- Martingales, Detrending Data, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis, with Bassler and Gunaratne, Physica A387 (2008) 202.
- Nonstationary Increments, Scaling Distributions, and Variable Diffusion Processes in Financial Markets, K.E. Bassler, J.L. McCauley, & G.H. Gunaratne, PNAS 104, 17297, 23 Oct. 2007.
- Hurst Exponents, Markov Processes, and Nonlinear Diffusion Eqns., with K. Bassler and G. Gunaratne, Physica A369, 343 2006.
- Are galaxy distributions scale invariant? Physica A, 2002.
- Newtonian Cosmology and Mach's Principle, Physica Scripta 63, 15, 2001.
- Discrete and Integral Hydrodynamic Models of Percolation Networks, Physica A197, 528 (1993).
- Universal Deterministic Statistical Independence, Zeitschrift für Physik B 81, 115 (1990).
- Computable Chaotic Orbits (with J. Palmore), Phys. Lett. A115, 433 (1986).
- Interactions of Vortices with Boundaries in Superfluid Films, with C.W.Allen, Phys. Rev. B 25, 5680 (1982).
- Vortices and Superfluid Decay in 4He Films, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 467, (1980).
- Phase Space Quantization of Interacting Vortices in Two Dimensions, J. Phys. A12, 1999 (1979).
- Dissociation of a Two Dimensional Coulomb Gas at Low Temperatures, J. Phys. C10, 689 (1977). (First published paper on Kosterlitz-Thouless dynamics)
- Newton's Laws in Rotating Frames, Am. J. Phys. 45, 94 (1977).
- Vortex Fluctuation Contribution to the Negative Ion Trapping Lifetime, J. McCauley, Jr., in Low Temperature Physics LT 13, Vol. 1, 421-5, (PlenumPress, 1974).