Travel - University of Houston
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Student Travel Awards

The EAS Student Travel Awards are designed to help graduate students in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences enhance their professional development and increase the visibility of EAS at international meetings. The maximum amount awarded to a student is set at $1000.00 per fiscal year.

EAS Student Travel Award Committee


1.  Students must be currently enrolled in MS or PhD degree programs in Geology, Geophysics, or Atmospheric Science. Students enrolled in BS or BA degree programs are not eligible
2.  Students can apply for more than one travel per year, provided that overall expenses will not surpass $1000.00 per fiscal year.
3.  The award is not intended to replace support for student travel from existing sources (e.g., contracts and grants)
4.  Students must apply for a specific conference and if they do not attend that specific conference, then they must reapply
5.  Qualifying conferences are those with substantial attendance of international audience to ensure international visibility of EAS research. Conferences include regular or annual meetings of a national professional society or international congresses. Note: in case such a conference will be held in the Houston area only registration fees would be chargeable.
6.  Conference presentations should be competitive entry
7.  To qualify for travel funds, students must be the presenting author and indicate on their abstract that their primary affiliation is the UH Dept of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. The research reported in the abstract must have been done substantially at the UH Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - and not at a previous institution. 

When travel funds are limited, the committee will favor support for those applicants who have chosen oral presentations over those who have chosen poster presentations.

Application Process and Deadlines:

The application should be submitted as one single pdf file and contain the following information:

  1. Pertinent information about the travel according to the following form   Student Travel Award Application 
  2. Abstract 
  3. Confirmation of abstract acceptance
  4. Justification how attending the meeting would be beneficial
  5. If awarded, submitted an EAS ticket for a travel request.  Tickets are submitted at and you can contact Marsha with any questions: (office phone: 713-743-7469).

All applications will be reviewed by the EAS Student Travel Award Committee and the EAS Department Chair. The internal review and the subsequent travel request processing for approved travel awards requires that full applications need to submitted at least 5 weeks for domestic travel and at least 8 weeks for international travel prior the first day of travel.