EAS Office Support Ticket System
The EAS ticketing system can be accessed via http://support.geosc.uh.edu/rts/ (Guide to Ticketing System). Please be sure to review and respond to any emails received from the ticketing system for messages. The following are special instructions and/or exceptions:
- Purchasing and travel reimbursements should be submitted under the correct category, “Purchasing” or “Travel Reimbursement”.
- For website maintenance or hallway monitors updates, please select the "Website Related Work" from the category drop down menu.
- For purchasing orders submit them in MyNSM Finance via mynsm.uh.edu.
- Click on the green link, “Click here to login.”
- Login with your CougarNet credentials
- Click on the “Finance” icon
- Click on “New Purchase”
- For card swipe access, go to mynsm.uh.edu.
- Click on “Access/Service Request”
- Check off “Swipe card door access”
- Fill in your information using your UH email address, and select the user type.
- For the supervisor, this is who will approve your key request.
- Faculty should list the DBA
- Staff should list their supervisor
- Students should list their faculty mentor except in the following situations:
- If you’re a TA, list Dr. Dan Hauptvogel, dwhauptv@central.uh.edu
- For labs, list the lab manager (may or may not be your faculty mentor).