Contributed in Area of Membership Recruitment
Marcus Zinecker, a second-year Ph.D. student in the University of Houston’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, was honored as a recipient of the Houston Geological Society Rising Star Service Award. The award honors individuals who are relatively new to the HGS and have made significant and promising contributions to the enhancement and success of the society.

Zinecker has been an active volunteer with the HGS Exhibits group since he became an HGS member in early 2018. He has attended numerous conferences and events on behalf of HGS, including AAPG ACE, URTeC, NAPE, Summer NAPE, UH Student Research Day, GCAGS, and GSA, where he has been responsible for registering new members, many of whom are young professionals and graduate students seeking to enter the oil and gas industry. He maintains an active interest in the recruitment and retention of young professionals into HGS and looks forward to his growing role within the organization.
Marcus received B.Sc. degrees in both Geology and Geophysics, with Honors, in 2014. His graduate work in UH’s Conjugate Basins, Tectonics, and Hydrocarbons consortium group, focuses on the rift structure of the southeastern Gulf of Mexico and the petroleum implications for crustal asymmetry between the northwest Africa and East coast U.S. conjugate margins.
He was on the UH Imperial Barrel Award team in 2018, and he won first place in the student poster session at the 2018 HGS Africa Conference. Marcus has experience in basin analysis, seismic interpretation, sequence stratigraphy, and well correlation. He is currently interning with BP in their Anchorage, Alaska office.
- Text excerpted from the June 2019 HGS Bulletin of the Houston Geological Society, Citation by Stephen Adeniran