Annual Conference Held at Rice University
Emily Stibbe, a junior geology major in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, received an honorable mention poster presentation award with a cash prize of $50 at the Industry-Rice Earth Science Symposium (IRESS) held at Rice University February 23-24.
The theme of the annual IRESS meeting was “Continental Margins II: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Building of a Passive Margin.” It included 12 keynote lectures and 31 poster presentations mainly from Rice graduate students in geology and geophysics. The event is jointly sponsored by Rice’s Department of Earth Science and the Baker Institute’s Center for Energy Studies.
Stibbe’s poster covered “Distinguishing upper plate vs. lower plate and volcanic vs. non-volcanic conjugate margins of the Central, Equatorial, and South Atlantic Oceans.” Several EAS students presented posters, including Beatriz Serrano-Suarez (Ph.D. student), Nawaz Bugti (Ph.D. student), Omar Zavala (undergraduate student), and Presly Carr (undergraduate student).
Titles and abstracts of all keynote talks and posters at the meeting are listed at this site: