F.E.E.T. Scholarship

The Faber-Economon European Travel Scholarship (F.E.E.T.) is an award specifically designed to introduce Honors students to Europe. Made available through the generosity of two Honors alumni, Hanneke Faber and Aris Economon, the goal of the F.E.E.T. scholarship is to provide Honors students who've never been "across the pond" the chance to visit Europe without having to enroll in classes or take time off from school.
Scholarship recipients will receive airfare to/from Europe, a 3-week Eurail pass and a €1,000.00 stipend.
To be considered for the F.E.E.T. Scholarship, students must demonstrate:
- Student is in good standing in the Honors College and with the University of Houston (3.50 cumulative GPA, completion of the Human Situation sequence, and a minimum of one Honors course per semester of participation in Honors; can be cumulative)
- Student must have completed at least three semesters at the University of Houston with at least two semesters remaining
- Student already possesses or able to obtain a passport by the February prior to departure
- Student must be available to travel between May 15 – June 15
- Student must have never previously traveled to Europe
Two recipients are awarded the scholarship annually. Incomplete applications are not considered. For more information about the scholarship, contact us at hontrav@central.uh.edu