Podiatric Medicine
Podiatrists diagnose and treat conditions of the foot, ankle, and related structures of the leg. A DPM makes independent judgments and performs or orders all necessary diagnostic tests. They perform surgery, administer medications and prescribe physical therapy regimens.
Podiatrists can specialize in many fields, including surgery, sports medicine, wound care, pediatrics, and diabetic care. Podiatric physicians are educated in state-of-the-art techniques involving surgery, orthopedics, dermatology, physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Quick Facts:
- 4 year program
- MCAT required (Average: 494)
- GPA: 3.2-3.5 preferred
- Need significant observation/shadowing hours (>100 hours) in medical field
- Nine DPM Programs in US (none in Texas)
Pre-requisite Courses:
- Biology: BIOL 1361/1161 & BIOL 1362/1162 (*BIOL 1306/1106 & BIOL 1307/1107)
- General Chemistry: CHEM 1331/1111 & CHEM 1332/1112 (*CHEM 1311/1111 & CHEM 1312/1112)
- Organic Chemistry: CHEM 3331/3221 & CHEM 3332/3222 (*CHEM 2323/2123 & CHEM 2325/2125)
- Biochemistry: BCHS 3304
- Physics: PHYS 1301/1101 & PHYS 1302/1102 or PHYS 1321/1121 & PHYS 1322/1122
- English: ENGL 1303 & ENGL 1304 (*ENGL 1301 & ENGL 1302)
- Statistics: MATH 2311 (*MATH 1342), MATH 3339, PSYC 3301 (*PSYC 2317)
- Additional Advanced Biology Courses (at least 2): BIOL 3301 (Genetics), BIOL 3324 (Human Physiology), BIOL 2321 (Microbiology), BIOL 4323 (Immunology), BIOL 4374 (Cell Biology), etc.
*Course names/numbers effective Fall 2021
This list does not include all courses that may be required by podiatry schools. Additionally, schools have differing policies for accepting AP/IB credits to fulfill prerequisites. Students are responsible for verifying the prerequisite coursework and AP/IB policies of the schools to which they plan to apply.
Helpful resources include: AACPM College Information Book and individual school websites.
Application Process
Centralized Application Service: AACPMAS -American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine Application Service
Number of Participating Schools: All 9 podiatry schools in the U.S. participate in AACPMAS.
Cost: $180 which includes one DPM program designation. Each additional school is $45 during the initital submission. Additional schools after the initial submission are $60 each.
Personal Statement Prompt: “State why you are interested in becoming a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine. Provide information about your development for a career in Podiatric Medicine." 4,500 character limit
Application Timing: Students will apply in the summer of the year preceding their planned matriculation. The application opens the first Wednesday in August each year.
Secondary Applications: There are no secondary application forms or fees for the schools and colleges of podiatric medicine.