Teaching Online at UH
The University of Houston is a leader in online education in Texas. If you plan to teach an online course at UH, we provide excellent support in the following ways.
Instructional Design Support
When the instructors are new to online learning environment, they might feel overwhelmed or ill-prepared for doing this task. An experienced Instructional Designer can help the instructors to design and develop robust online courses that utilize current online pedagogy and best practices. Click this Instructional Designer team to schedule an appointment with your college Instructional Designer.
Instruction Website
The Instruction@UH website has many resources including tutorials to help instructors use the various educational technologies, including the Learning management system, Canvas.
Guidelines for UH Online and Hybrid Courses
We have prepared recommended guidelines for courses that will use the hybrid or online formats.
Since July 2021, UH asynchronous online courses must meet federal Regular and Substantive Interaction regulations. Please review and contact your Instructional Designer if you have any questions.